Feminism is Cancer Thread

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I wouldnt tap that with a borrowed cock.












I do have a weird fetish for fat feminists. They're easy to pick up and fuck like crazy.


She should be more afraid being pushed back into the ocean.


unsurprisingly uncultured


>So pumped full of xenoestrogens he actually has tits





White feminism was a mistake :^)





Who possesses which gender?

Damn, that girl in the right she could be a 10/10

Or being harpooned by japs

Regardless of what his appearance would have you believe





Why do they act as if men give a fuck about armpit hair? I guarantee you most of the shit and dirty looks women receive about their armpit jungles are from other women.

If they all collectively decided to stop shaving tomorrow men wouldn't even notice.

Oh she mad


It's totally true. He hasn't been living under a fucking rock.

He's been living under a virginity rock.

he said make me a sandwich, not you are one

>"A woman who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10"
Do these things not realize that the number ratings system is based on appearance?

Dude, how am I supposed to fuck her armpit if she don't shave them

Pretty much. I prefer women with hair. The funny thing is that the women who don't shave to refute masculine desire are already doing more than enough with their personality to keep anyone from touching them.


And this is why he turned to feminism


its like they know but rather than looking inwards and improving themselves they simply wish to smash their reflection in the mirror



No matter how many different photos I see of this butterchud I still have no clue as to it's gender






split the difference

My thoughts exactly

Just enough tissue to create a saggy crease


I don't get it.



It's right. It was born with a gender, and it has to keep it.



These modern bitches are fucking disgusting.

She would have been better off being completely flat chested given how the tiny amount she does have to work with is hellbent on drooping down to the floor. If they were any bigger they'd be boob socks

I see..........."women" like this and then I just want to turkey baste them with BBC jizz when they are passed out

Feminism a shit, A SHIT



The problem isn't that there are too many people in the world, the problem is that there are too many genetic mistakes in the world.

My sides



At least most of them are self-correcting problems.

the horrible truth about this shit is that companies now actually employ these monstrosities to destroy corporate life as we know it.

Instead of nuking California we should nuke Portland and Seattle.

Probably the biggest workout this fat slag has evert had

>taking your kids out for a nice walk in the park
>this falls out of the sky and blocks your path
What course of action would you take

the entitlement of this cunts surpass my limits

Lesbian niggers - Nuke them all


Oh yeah Portland has gotta go

cash looks like Hitler upside down.

I'd totally fuck her and never tell a soul about it. Only problem is that all these thirsty betas shower her with praise so she legit thinks she's a 9/10 and acts like it. Like, bitch, you are my plan C, I'm not trying to put effort into this.

You were living on a cushioned hugbox

This is every reason why western women can't be taken seriously in a nut shell. They want to pick and choose when they can use their sexuality based on the context, and then scold men for seeing them as sexual beings even when baited into it.


>Girl spends her time creating and expressing herself through various mediums
>all other women see is a girl trapped by the patriarchy

The absolute state of modern women


What does this even mean??

Why do you have a picture of me?!

*all the single ladies*

Thats a chick who cant even get out of a ticket, shes in no danger

>sex work
Wait, so does someone actually pay to fuck those chicks?

N-no reason

Did you just assume what I can't rape?

If they were threatening to fuck me, I'd pay them not to.

Just your everyday bugman