Africans have done more for American culture than any other race has. This isn't even debatable

Africans have done more for American culture than any other race has. This isn't even debatable.

i was sailing down the wando when i got mugged by a nigger

We could live without the culture of "twerkin it for dat child support money".

Greetings my fellow charlestonfag

is it any different than white europeans forging a new white American identity?

But could you live without saying "cooter" or "booger"?

Yes because no one gives a fuck about the white race. They have built empires off the work of my ancestors and we get no credit. Your time is over

>Yes because no one gives a fuck about the white race.
speak for yourself

>ITT; Parasitic Antiquated Farm Equipment spouts bullshit about blacks building ANY civilization or nation past the point of huts and sticks to enslave eachother to sell to neighboring tribes.

Go be a nigger somewhere else.

>the civil war was about slavery meme-image


the man in this photo should have a giant fucking statue to remind you ungrateful small minded lesser bipedal hominid sub-species of what we have done for you, and the burden we still carry by not fucking shipping you back to your black slaver ancestors that pawned you off on us.

WE built this world and you were livestock, pets at best.

i say goober all the time, is that actually true?

also what does goober mean

I'm not actually black guys that was a paragraph in my American History book. I just found it funny that those words mean anything to our culture at all. What has this world come to


My next reply was (((who))) do you think wrote your public education history books?
the civil war came down to jews jewing jews, and blacks being used as a political tool. sound familiar?

Sounds like black people are still the white race's plaything. Whether that be via slavery or political exploitation.

>yfw you realize African history would be absolutely forgotten by actual Africans if it weren't for white historical linguists, historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists studying it
>yfw any account Africans would have of their history would be from griots whose only purpose was to praise the political leaders they served, leading to a biased and watered down version of their past
>yfw Africans would have to rely on oral traditions, songs, and drumming to remember their past

Non-Africans are responsible for the preservation of African """culture""", as well as the development of their way of life technologically. Without non-Africans, it isn't far-fetched to assume they would still be using bone and stone tools in order to live a totally nomadic life. You're welcome.


What about the whites who drug the niggers there in boats that the niggers never dreamed of building?

Fucking spooks are all the same. Nothing to be proud of but music sports and gang culture.

Slavery too I guess.

Africans have done more to destroy American culture than any other race has. This isn't even debatable.