Like rats, the Antifags and their puppetmasters at Shareblue are oozing into other boards such as Sup Forums and /r9k/. Now it's our turn to infect their boards with our own strain of weaponized autism. Delve into their subreddits and infect their boards with slide threads and Kek shitposts. If they wish to infect our board with their cancer, we will give their domain a permenant case of Autism. Get out there, infect their subreddits and irl hideouts with your weaponized autism and we will be home just in time for christmas. Good luck, and may Kek watch over all of you Autists, for our days are not numbered...

>Praise Kek!

fucking leaf. Try harder


Why should we even bother, Antifa has little to no influence in the real world and even less in internet.
They will shill this board for a few weeks and that's about it.
Remember those losers Clinton sent here before the US elections ?
They failed aswell eventough they were far better organized than this spoilt bunch of commies ever will be.




>even if this is b8 there are people who are actually like this

Its a great idea OP, but lets change the name, lets call it 'dropping redpills' instead, ok?

Agreed. I'll make a new edition if this gets full or pruned.

>he didn't post the evidence of antifa raids
God I fucking hate r/the_donald

Look their places are like ghost towns AND boring. Ignore them, or if you have the means DDos them, but don't give them content, let alone OC

reporting in and bump

Our first objective is codenamed: Dropping Redpills. A thread for this objective will be established in a couple of minutes

So what's the operation? Any links or anything?

I don't trust leddit since the forced password reset.

Bailed on my fun accounts there, will have to re-establish karma farm to properly subvert.

here is another one of those faggots

Our objective has been set up. Get to wiping out these invaders:

Oн пpизpaк,
Дeнни-пpизpaк, Дeнни-пpизpaк, Дeнни-пpизpaк....
Дeнни Фeнтoнy шёл пятнaдцaтый гoд,
Кoгдa пpeдки coбpaли cтpaнный пpибop,
B пoтycтopoнний миp oткpыв пpoхoд,
Oн вceх пoбeдит, вeдь oн Дeнни-пpизpaк.

Пpибop нe зapaбoтaл и взpocлыe yшли,
И Дeнни внyтpь зaглянyть peшил,
Яpкaя вcпышкa вcё измeнилa,
Пepecтpoйкa мoлeкyл зaвepшилacь.

Пpизpaк, Пpизpaк....

Oчнyвшиcь, oн пocмoтpeл нa ceбя,
Ha вoлocы кaк cнeг, зeлёныe глaзa,
Hayчилcя пpoхoдить cквoзь cтeны и лeтaть,
Bтopoгo тaкoгo нa зeмлe нe cыcкaть,
Oн cpaзy пoнял, чeм дoлжeн зaнимaтьcя,
He дaвaть вcяким твapям в нaш миp пpoбpaтьcя,
Зa нac c тoбoй oн бyдeт дpaтьcя!

Bceх пoбeдит, вeдь oн жe Дeнни Фeнтoн,
Bceх пoбeдит, вeдь oн жe Дeнни Фeнтoн,
Bceх пoбeдит, вeдь oн жe Дeнни Фeнтoн..


Take my flag off you fucking faggot.


Our secondary objective is now up:

>Go outside and Muslims and blacks are screaming at each other


Start spreading the word of this operation to other boards and then we can officially get started!

All you need to do is enter threads being shilled, reply normally and include redpills. Mods don't open images (hence the dumb bans for NSFW when you post SFW) so they won't think anything of it if you do this.

Be sure to post things so retarded even a normalfag would laugh at it.

Don't forget this one!

We will continue this operation if this thread is archived...

Post caps of your operation?

We will use this to identify this counter raid: /osa/

* /oas/

This whole website is like this. atleast we aint like you, pic related

dae le weaponized autism? xD nothing is beyond our reach

braise geg :DDDD

anomalus didnt forgives

Not your personal army


Where do these faggots hangout? I'm down to shitpost/redpill some commies.