Other urls found in this thread: Tokyo Ghoul general crossposter/ memed, my friend. / off narutards/

fuck off narutards





who the fuck is this?

>.t Tokyo Ghoul general crossposter

ore wa kaguya da

but wouldn't a TG fag enjoy shitposting generals?

That's why he's shitposting and hating on Naruto because Naruto was actually good at one point.


He's from before either clan existed, he is both clan's ancestor



neither, im a sex offender.

Well memed, my friend.

Why is there no initial d porn on boorus

He is an Ootsutsuki, and is the ancestor of the Senju, Uzumaki and Uchiha clans

Ah thanks



it still bothers me that obito would pretend to be madara

Fuck off you samefagging piece of shit Narutard.

Everyone on Sup Forums knows you are a cancerous mobile poster spammer. Tokyo Ghoul general crossposter/ memed, my friend. /

Now get the fuck out of Sup Forums.


Hyuuga and mayhbe the Kaguya clan descended from his brother

Not as bad as when he pretended to be retarded

>Unironically roleplaying

As expected of underaged Narutards.

Only two of those are me

>being a girl

What's with the influx of newfags lately? Where is the guy that ask you to lurk for two years when it's needed?

That guy is just as bad as any other shitposter.
Besides nothing would change if he was here.

No wonder he was such a colossal fuckup, dirty dumb Uchiha scum.

Well memed, newfag.

>Trying to hard to fit in off narutards/
Fuck off you samefagging little newfag

Everyone on Sup Forums knows you're a butthurt little faggot and no one loves you, you cancerous little shitstain.

>mfw the guy that shitposted the tg threads into oblivion is the only one who ever talks about tg threads in other ones
>mfw he's on almost of the time and is still going at it even now

At this point, it has to be a bot or something. There is no way one person lacks this much of anything else to do. Not having a life this much has to be impossible.


Keep telling yourself that Narutard.

Back to and tumblr where you belong newfag.

Aww, don't cry newfag.

>He thinks I'm new
Awww. How adorable!

Uchiha's must go

Says the underaged Narutard who is hated on every board.

You were proven new in many threads, tumblrtard.

Stop embarrassing yourself any further, newfag.

Here's the thread for your pathetic memory.

Here's all your autosaged garbage Narutard threads.

Still burthurt that your shit threads got canned?

Aww, I made the newfag angwy? d'aww. Sorry, not sorry.
Funny thing is that pic was originally saved in 2005. You would know that if you weren't new, or the archives didn't die so much. Oh well. No. Fuck you newfags. I'll stay and keep posting in multiple threads, some not even Naruto where I won't actually talk about Naruto, because it's off topic! Imagine that! And you will stay mad.

No? Why would I be? You mad that something you don't like gets talked about? Yes you are! Yeeees you are! Who's a gay little faggot? Who's a gay little newfag? You!

>20+ pages of this shit

Holy fucking christ do you have autism or something?

>Funny thing is that pic was originally saved in 2005. You would know that if you weren't new, or the archives didn't die so much.
>No? Why would I be? You mad that something you don't like gets talked about? Yes you are! Yeeees you are! Who's a gay little faggot? Who's a gay little newfag? You!

Man, you keep doing cheap shit then I'm not gonna find you this funny forever bruhski. Try a bit harder? I mean, if you want and all. Can't force you to do anything after all.

He is a cancer who wants attention

I like those kind of threads where some faggots go crazy against some memers who don't give a shit and keep baiting the fuck out of them
They are even giving links from archive to prove points that nobody care about

I know right? I mean, I know Naruto isn't the best, but the people who spam "Fuck off Narutards" in every Naruto thread are so easily trolled, and aren't aware they're just as bad as the spammers that start these threads.

Eh. I'm amused. That's what matters to me. "For the lulz" and all that. Here's another Naruto thread btw.

Stop posting Narutard. You are the reason why mobile posters should be permabanned from Sup Forums.

Underaged Narutards like yourself really do type like their age.

Sorry. I was actually typing down to you.

But that's how you unfortunately type all the time.

It is a wonder how you still manage to communicate with your fellow Narutards, though, since you never made it past elementary school education.

Well, I have to lower it down to your temperament. Woldn't want you to outrun your tard wrangler and start breaking shit in rage, would we?

Keep making excuses, underaged Narutard. It isn't too late to go back to school. Maybe you would make it past Nursery Rhymes this time around.

Wow. This really is all you have, isn't it? That's just sad.

You seem bitter. What a horrible life you must lead that you have to come into a thread for a series you hate and let everyone know just how much you loathe it. Do you crave the attention? Seems like a huge waste of your time, to be perfectly honest.


Don't feed him responses, all he does is spam the thread rarely ever getting (you)

It's like a retard screaming with people just chatting around him.

What happened to my thread?

some faggot who hates Naruto ruined it. Par the course.

I mean it's well accepted that Naruto was not a good series, so I just don't understand how someone could be getting this mad. Just how many layers of irony and baiting are there to this thread now?

The fact you think getting (you)s on Sup Forums actually means something just shows how much of a crossboarding newfag you are.

Get the fuck out of Sup Forums. You are probably a frogposter as well.

You Narutards are roleplaying ever since the first post and roleplaying cancer like yourself gets the Chemo Treatement.

Deal with it, cancer.

There's no irony or baiting in this thread in the first place.

You made a Narutard Roleplaying Thread in ALL CAPS.

That is Objective Fact. Now fuck off with your roleplaying selves to whatever cesspit you came from.

I don't even know anymore.

Hameru - Byakugan, even tempered, humble, quick to see through people. Seems passive but more than willing to stand up to Kaguya on occasion.

Hagumoto - Sharingan, bit more reckless, "My girl I liked who died and awoke some of my inner darkness", more likely to rush into something, learned from frogs.

>You made a Narutard Roleplaying Thread

t. newfag who doesn't watch at least 10 shows a season


God of the ninjas and the man behind everything that happened in the series.

Explains the two eyehaxes' roles in the story pretty well.

The only was I can see him pulling such an act for so long is because he put a genjusu on himself.

At this point, it's a ritual, not a samefag. Sometimes, we wind up with two or more people making the same reply just because it's one of the little things we do. It's like in Haruhi threads where we ask why she sits like that, one of us suggests that maybe her butt hurts, we have a little exchange, then we repeat the exchange 15000 times.

>doesn't watch at least 10 shows a season
Not him, but some seasons are just backlog seasons

Fair but I still think you should attempt at least 10 to see if the premise is deceiving and there might be a gem beneath it.

Can't argue with you much there, just usually judge by synopsis and the like. Don't like trudging through shit, even though the occasional trainwreck is fun

>Narutard tries so hard to force an meme on Sup Forums.

How pathetic.