
Does anybody else find themselves drenched in sweat by the end of an episode?

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Is Ako a normie? She doesn't mind doing normalfag stuff like dating or hanging out with friends?

Yes, hit close to home and I like it.

Everytime Ako and Based Premium-pleb are hating on the Normies, I feel strangely excited and REEEEEEEEE to myself.

I do, but I'm morbidly obese and that's just normal for any show for me.

Did they insert the the characters over real fireworks in composite?
Fucking shit, man. This is hilarious.

Holy fuck, I can't stop laughing.

Is this post supposed to be ironic?

Why would I? Ako is a qt.

No. Only pure and utter shitposting.

No im drenched in semen though

Whose semen?

What is she doing? Trying to do like an onahole?

My sister's

That's all she's good for, it's only natural she flaunts her talents.

I dont know about you, but I wouldnt mind to have a thicc curvy girl as my personal onahole.

drenched sure, Sup Forumsnon, but not drenched in sweat wih all the titties and asses

Is the MC the only male character in this anime?

>supporting male cast

Even most harem have some kind of bumbling, useless, pervert sidekick MC friend, who sometimes actually is revealed to be smarter than he lets on at a first glance.

only the classmates I think

More like netorarege.

(I was so fucking mad jesus christ.)

Of course she is
Having a significant other is the clearest sign of someone being a normal

But she's just a highschool kid and wants to feel like a special snowflake when she's as big of a normal as the rest of them.

>(I was so fucking mad jesus christ.)


Me too. It reminded me of that one time when my waifu cucked me.

>wants to see more of Rusian's cock in the bathroom
>prepares herself for sex when Rusian comes in
>mercilessly shoots down a classmate who is just being nice to her

Ako is the biggest Normie of them all.

You dont need a bro when pig and p2w are the bros

I do wish Schew and the other girl kept their male forms in the game.

I find the pandering extremely obnoxious.

Wasn't the last episode kind of weird?
It jumped from the second last episode where she didn't want to become Rusian's girlfriend to the one about the trip? What happened between?




If you kept watching they had a bit at the end where they call her and she says she is his wife so being a girlfriend would be a downgrade.

You are to be the Rusian.

But Rusian is a fag

Every character except for Segawa is absolute garbage.

I think they're all shit, already drooped and just checked in for some pics

remember when we still all thought commando was the best girl?

>Sticking your dick in crazy immediately

Nah I didn't mean that, just that he's yet another generic and boring romcom MC you've seen countless time before

Ako can go fuck herself, dumb bitch is the shittiest character this entire fucking season.


They show should have focused on the rest of the MC's class instead of the "dude us gamers huh" main bunch.

I want to date Kaichou

Why is Rusian trying to confess to Ako if she already likes him?

He wants something more


>not sticking your dick in crazy immediately
>not a fag

who hype for erp episode?


eh, take i can get


Nice trips, satan


that's nice :)
*pats head gently*


I'm late to the party. Can I look forward to subs that dont use the word "normie"?

normie is an accurate translation

>inb4 someone puts this into a clip of Netoge


Personally I wouldve used "normalscum" or "normals" but normies just sounds like 'subbed by /r9k/'.

This even worth watching? I heard it was Abe trying to shit on not being a normalfag.

You're saying that like it's a bad thing

>boobs coming out of the collarbone
this looks really awful

>When she sees Rusian's dick