Steve Bannon to speak in Berkeley next week

Steve Bannon to speak in Berkeley next week, shit is about to get real. This is going to be a bigger REEEEEEEing than when Ben spoke a few days ago.

More controlled opposition speaking for the goyim. Breitbart is trying to be the new congress' gatekeeper so America can get another election cycle of cryptos.


I can't wait, I loved when Ben went to speak and antifa tried to shut him down, but it didn't work and he was still able to give his speech. Antifa looked so pathetic and weak, and I look forward to seeing them lose again

The two most recent candidates Bannon has backed have been Armenians aka the original Christians. Seems pretty based to me.

It'll be a good peaceful time for all. Much healing will be done. No doubt about it.

Just a leaf being a leaf.

why did so many american boomers raise their children to be snowflakes that can't appreciate free speech?


Because they weren't raised by their parents. They were raised by Hollywood Jews, TV shows, and public school teachers.



Why can't the college liberals stop chimping out and behave like normal people? Are they trying to emulate nigger culture?

But seriously though, that charlottesville rally was the best thing to happen to the right this post year. It was a moments bad press for the right, but it made the left even more insane than before, now they are going out and bashing everyone's heads in and showing everyone their true colours.



truly fpbp


It's like using then tossing people is a new concept to you idiots.

True. Jews try to control everything.

Pretty much. Who needs faggots for Israel.

Steve Bannon is so narcissistic he hires people to astroturf on this site for him.

Getting /comfy for the lulz and live streaming video. If antifa is going to go all out, it would be when Bannon is there. Only other person is Trump, but he has too much security to do anything. They stomped out that Phoenix protest fast.

Bannon at Berkeley though? Gonna get real there real quick.


They're going to chimp big time.

We're going to need cameras everywhere.

>Bannon Red-pills the left

Berkeley undergrad here. I got an engineering professor this semester who doesn't use gender pronouns.

Burn it all

I know man. I went to Berkeley too until I heard them use ablest terms like "undergraduate" and "professor". I mean liek just because you're an undergrad doesn't mean you can't be a professor, right?

I much preferred the inclusionary terms like "prospective degreed candidate" and "privileged educator". Then I went to Evergreen and never looked back!