"The average Irish IQ is 92"

>"The average Irish IQ is 92"
Ummm...try again, sweetie

Other urls found in this thread:


>The average anything is a useful statistic
>What is statistics
>What is lies

go back.

>Lower than the Poles

>dumber than slavshits

Estonia truly is the best baltic country. Feels bad saldejumpsbros.

Wait a minute.........

Bet you wish you had a bit of Anglo Saxon Jute blood like your neighbors. Ey Paddy?

>Please note that IQ differences of a few points may not be significant
Also, explain how we BTFO Brits on the economy and in exams then?

watch the averages plummit in the next few years, due to "biological reasons"

>Sweden making fun of any other European country
Too easy

Show us your globe spanning empire sven

of course the asians score the highest

Sorry buddy. I'm Danish.

Here you go.

The one you posted is also wrong. Lynn mixed IQ tests from children and adults to make the average IQ of some countries, like Portugal and Ireland. That's just retarded, children have lower IQ.

There is one research from 1981 that included adults only, but i can't remember which research it is.


Pro tip, those weren't Scandinavians.

>the average american black has a 3 point IQ advantage over albanians
can someone give me a rundown on albanians, are they somehow less than niggers?

Stay salty John. My blood is running through your veins.

Feels bads*

Albanians are Muslims and practice cousin marriage which results in inbreeding iq depression

Ummm no sweetie

muslim country

they were the north korea of europe for half a century, entirely militaristic and isolated

Stay delusional, worthless subhuman nordcuck. You're nobody, and no one cares about your stupid country faggot.

>tfw Finns are the master race

>according to lynn&vanhanen

Finnish Asians have the highest IQ probably math skills map checks out.

Nice meme map. Now compare to real data - iq-research.info/en/page/average-iq-by-country

Average IQ is quite a shitty metric. They should be using mode or, at the very least, the median.