Alpha Aryan creation scientist destroys three beta Jewish evolution professors at the same time

Alpha Aryan creation scientist destroys three beta Jewish evolution professors at the same time

How can atheist evolutionists even compete?

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Tell me gaytheists if evolution is true why can't three (((evolution))) supporting professors take on one humble and lowly creationist? Perhaps you've been brainwashed by your public school system?

If Creationism is a thing then why the fuck did God create non-whites? To test my faith? Evolution atleast answers why parasites exist.

Fuck its an aussiepost. Nvm.

>What is the fall

There's as much evidence for evolution as there is for the Holocaust. All the evidence is for creation but because you've been brainwashed by the public school system by (((them))) you are unable to see it.


Final bump

Why don't goyim want to know the truth about their origins?

Take the hovindpill Sup Forums

Some of his older videos he calls out the jew world order and says he's against race mixing

Not all of us are fucking retarded

Most of these kids have probably been brainwashed by thundercucks videos or their public school system. I'm just starting to realize that creation is true after years of evolution indoctrination and it's an amazing feeling seeing the world in this way.

Evolutionary theory has lead directly to the decay of the West. It has brought nihilism, degeneracy, hopelessness, etc. Into the minds of the youth.

>says creation is retarded
>believes rocks can turn into humans if you give it enough time

Brainwashed public school zombies actually believe this

The Earth is young and the universe has the handiwork of an intelligent designer written all over it.

>Believing life was made from dirt-statues

>creation scientist
Why do the feeble-minded relentlessly try to rationalize their irrational beliefs? What is it about the domain of logic, reason, facts and evidence that makes their desperation even more insane than normal?

>Evolutionary theory has lead directly to the decay of the West
This is insane theism, boys and girls.

>Alpha Aryan creation scientist
I didn't know Ken Hovind was out of prison, when did that happen?

At least I believe there was intelligence involved. You believe non-living matter like rocks can turn into concious and intelligent human beings if you just give it enough time. Evolution is a bigger fairy tale than creation but you're too brainwashed too see it. The Bible predicts this would happen in the end times, so it's not suprising but seriously evolution is a lie propogated by them because it allows them to fulfill their agenda (homosexuality, destruction of family, nihilism, etc.)

The National Centre for Science Education one of the biggest proponents of evolution in public schools for example was founded by the (((Rockefellers)))

>Believes the Holocaust is a lie and history teachers propgate this lis andlieves there is a massive Jewish conspiracy to replace the white race
>Cant fathom that evolution may be false

*tips fedora*

Evolution is the biggest driver of nihilism and degeneracy known to man.

Late 2015. He also divorced and re-married.

Pic related is his new wife.

Lmao you snowflakes really believe that sky daddy created earth and sun in 6 days. Let me guess... Human race comes from Adam and Eve? That makes sense I guess.

99% of SJW snowflakes believe in evolution though.

Evolution is a lie. We were created whether you believe in a young or old Earth.. both disprove evolution.


>How can atheist evolutionists even compete?

Oh god, flatheads found new way of shitting Sup Forums. BTW, not political

It's absolutely political you brainwashed zombie. Evolution influences politics and everything else. Kids learn this shit in school and it changes their worldview completely.

In the beginning, there was physics.

>The faint young Sun paradox describes the apparent contradiction between observations of liquid water early in Earth's history and the astrophysical expectation that the Sun's output would be only 70 percent as intense during that epoch as it is during the modern epoch. The issue was raised by astronomers Carl Sagan and George Mullen in 1972.[1] Explanations of this paradox have taken into account greenhouse effects, astrophysical influences, or a combination of the two.

The unresolved question is how a climate suitable for life was maintained on Earth over the long timescale despite the variable solar output and wide range of terrestrial conditions

Reminder that evolution is literally impossible, the Faint young sun paradox is proof enough that's it's bullshit lmao. Take the real redpill which is creation.

Mind precedes matter.

>Adam and Eve fairytale
>Red pill

You can't be a nazi and a creationist at the same time. It makes no fucking sense. The entire doctrine of nazism is based on Darwinism.

The funny thing about evolution is that it was already accepted in philosophy before it came into biology / natural science via Charles Darwin.
European intellectuals had already accepted philosophical naturalism and had constructed a worldview based on ancient philosophers like Epicurus and Lucretius before Charles was born.

Even the most basic cell is incredibly complex.. more complex than even anything human engineering can muster yet evolutionist sub-humans would like you to believe that it's all a coincedence that shit looks designed.

If it feels and looks like it was designed it's really not. Don't believe your own common sense and logic, goy believe our theory instead.. there's no naturalistic agenda at all.. trust us.

>guy on the left

Why have these type no self-respect. Why do they dress and look this way?

This isn't an argument. You literally just called him names. Form an argument. You're making evolutionists look bad desu. I believe in evolution, but you argue like an infantile dawkinist child.

Even if you don't support the Biblical view of creation it's obvious we we're designed. Also Adam and Eve story is more believable than thinking that rocks can turn into humans if you just give it enough time.

The existence of life throughout the universe requires:
1. A source of energy;
2. A type of atom that allows complex structures to exist;
3. A liquid solvent in which molecules can float and interact;
And 4. sufficient time for life to arise and to evolve.

>Rocks turned into humans

Have you failed elementary school?

Is it all a coincedence that the people who despise creationism the most are Jews or white leftists? Jerry (((Coyne))) and PZ Myers are a good examples of this.

But that's what you literally believe. You believe inanimate non-living matter can turn into a concious human being if you just allow for billions of years for evolution to take place.

>primordial ooze and lightning

Every society has to have a cosmogony and a cosmology, i.e. an explanation of how the world came to be, and how it works. This is because human beings are rational animals and always seek explanations for things; they need to have an understanding of the world in order to understand their place in it, and live a life according to reason.

Correspondingly, every society has a priestly/intellectual class responsible for the education of the young, indoctrinating them with the society's core worldview, so that they can grow to be fit members of that society.

A materialist society needs a materialist cosmogony / cosmology. This is what evolution provides. How you understand the universe determines how you understand society and your own life. If you think the universe is made up of particles of matter pointlessly colliding into each other, you will tend to live a life centred on material things.

Capitalists favoured evolution because it gave them an excuse for their materialism, and freed them of responsibility to the poor (they are allowed to exploit the weak because they are more highly evolved members of the species - "survival of the fittest").
Socialists/Communists favoured evolution (Marx said Darwin provided the scientific basis for Communism) because it seemed to correspond with their demand for an evolution (or revolution) of society, and that history is based mainly upon material forces ("class warfare").
Nazis/Fascists favoured evolution because it seemed to confirm their understanding of competition between races, and so-called superior or "master" races.

Evolution is materialist mythology, and academia supports it only because it is the mythological basis for modern society. The so-called evidence supporting is downright laughable.

lmao, youre just spouting out shit

"a type of atom," there is only one type of atom you dipshit

I'm a white right wing nationalist and I believe in science. In fact I don't have to believe in it, cause the difference between a belief and science is that religion is something you believe in and science is a fact.

I don't know how we got here, but I wish people would admit how fucking huge of a leap of faith it is to believe the entire universe sprang randomly out of nothing, and complex life accidentally formed. Neither of those things can be observed or recreated, therefore it's faith, not science

It's interesting to note that when Communists took over China, the first point of indoctrination of the people was Darwinism. Similar in the Soviet Union.

Evolution/Darwinism serves the Capitalist masters of the West because it trains the people to serve the consumerist economy, to live a life of competition with their neighbours for material gain. "Have as much sex as you can die", "prove you are the alpha male" - this is the demented morals derived from evolution; and indeed, as OP has said above, is one of the core contributions to the moral degradation of today's youth.

One of the best posts on Sup Forums. Hey brainwashed public school kids listen to this guy. Maybe you'll learn something.

Is it a suprise that the National Centre for Science Education one of the biggest promoters of evolution in public schools was founded by (((Stanley Weinberg))) and funded by the (((Rockefellers)))

Don't question evolution goy.

It can though. Certain chemicals are self-replicating and give rise to the precursors of genetic material. This genetic material then continues to replicate and undergoes a process of natural selection. The only difference between "non-living" and "living" matter is a very blurry line that separates simple building-block chemicals from the things they form that exhibit the characteristics of life (Nutrition, respiration, movement, excretion, growth, reproduction, sensitivity)

To give you an example of how this grey area between living and non-living manifests itself, consider a virus. It can reproduce, but only after it enters a living cell. Though it exhibits some characteristics of a living thing, it cannot do all the processes an organism can on its own, so it's considered non-living - yet this means a so-called "inanimate" bundle of chemicals and organic material can in fact do some of the things a living thing can. There is no magic boundary separating the living from the non-living, just a few criteria that many fulfill in part or in full.

Evolution is a philosophy of ignorance. It is: You get to something you don't understand and then you stop, you say the big bang did it, and you no longer progress beyond that point.

None of us believe in anything, you mistake science with religion. Believing is what you do. Also abiogenesis and theory of evolution are two different things, we don't need to know how life started to know how it evolved. From evolutionary point of view first cell could be put on Earth by god almighty himself. You don't know what you are talking about but you are still trying to argue about this, is koran that brainwashing?

Evolution is not science. Science is observable, testable, repeatable, etc. evolution is not. Evolution is science fiction mythology. You start with naturalism and materialism and atheism and then find a way to explain the present using only natural causes.

>see a kent hovind debate against some florida cunt female professor
>he destroys her
>she attacks him by launching accusations of tax evasion
>reports him to the authorities
>they investigate and find no tax evasion but decide to charge him with structuring for keeping a percentage of his checks in cash instead of all in the (((bank)))

Hovind is alpha as fuck, he dismantled these synagogue of satan parasites so hard that they gave up on debating and just locked the guy up. Good to see he's out of prison and back to evangelizing and debating again.

You can make predictions based on theory and if future discoveries confirm those predictions, this supports your theory.

>abiogenesis and theory of evolution
Lmao of course they are you deluded mong because abiogenesis is impossible so you evolutionist retards try to distance evolution from abiogenesis when abiogenesis has to occur before evolution can even take place. Even the most simple self-replicating bacteria are more complex than any thing humans have engineered by design. Evolution is naturalistic/materialistic mythology to explain origins without God.

Oy Vey!

You're literally using scientific terms that criticize religion to shit over science.

Not to a kike . Thats why they usurp power and accumulate material wealth .
They don't believe they will die and get judged by God based on how they lived their lives.
They believe they can buy God because presumably he's a kike like them that can be bought with shekels.

Piss weak, this bloke is a good cunt

Watch the video of Eric Hovind interviewint Thunderf00t to see what retards atheists are.

Sure, but most people militantly believe that's how the universe and life came into being, with no proof that it actually happened. The earliest evidence of life ever found is already incredibly complex. Calling the big bang or the primordial soup science is absolute shit.

WTF I guess there is only one race, the human race. G*d created us all equal and now even the dumbest nigger is the same as the smartest white men.

Thanks based (((creationist)))

Darwin was (((Karl Marx)))'s biggest influence.

Don't question evolution, goy! You don't want to be called dumb do you?

Yeah, I was responding to a shit quote by the ignorant black science man. The big bang isn't science, since it's not observable or repeatable.

Materialist evolution is irrational, intellectually absurd.
Order cannot arise out of chaos (chance).
Neither can intelligence arise out of unintelligence.
And in general: the greater cannot come from the less (you cannot give what you do not have).

Ancient pagan philosophers could see the absurdity in such a proposition.

>Must I not here express my wonder that any one should exist who persuades himself that there are certain solid and indivisible particles carried along by their own impulse and weight, and that a universe so beautiful and so admirably arrayed is formed from the accidental concourse of those particles? I do not understand why the man who supposes that to have been possible should not also think that if a countless number of the forms of the one and twenty letters, whether in gold or any other material, were to be thrown somewhere, it would be possible, when they had been shaken out upon the ground, for the annals of Ennius to result from them so as to be able to be read consecutively,—a miracle of chance which I incline to think would be impossible even in the case of a single verse.

The older form of evolution is theistic evolution (ancient Hinduism / Brahmanism). It is less intellectually absurd, but still not a necessary assumption.

The timeline given in the Bible is misunderstood. It was not 6 days as we see them, each day is what we consider to be millions, if not billions (or trillions) of years.

Everybody knows that years ago humans were genetically modified by higher intelligence, allowing them to rise from animal to man, gene splicing. Part human, part divine. Naturally, there was a "mother" and a "father," or an original pair of this newly created species.

In evolution you believe your related to bacteria and bananas so you are literally believe you are related to bacteria, also you believe that the birth place of homo sapiens was Africa. Blacks are cursed in the Bible hence their low intelligence.

Pic related. Your God Dawkins worshipping BBC.

>Gnostic heresies

Repent, or be cast into outer darkness.

Abiogenesis is impossible to picture in 100% because none can observe creation of life at the moment it happened, It could be event on cosmic scale or it could happened multiple time in Earth history. There are multiple hypothesis how it could gone but you doesn't care, right?

>Evolution is naturalistic/materialistic mythology to explain origins without God.

Those buzzwords, nice. Evolution have something to do with god only in your mind. In fact none give a shit about creationist and online bord full of nazis and conspiracy theorists is one of last place you can have some attention. Stupid goatfucker.

Ok ok, let's calm down and agree on something. Some of you come from Adam and Eve's children's incest relationships and some of you were made in evolutionary process.
(Notice how incest babies are more likely to be retarded)

In the Bible, blacks are cursed by God which explains their low intelligence. In evolution you believe that you and blacks are the same species (all scientists agree) AND that you great great great ancestor was bacteria. Don't you talk shit m8 lol

>Your God Dawkins worshipping BBC.
Neither am I an atheist nor do I agree with Dawkins anti-white politics.

But sure if you want to believe that all the Niggers, spics, kikes and sandingger are the exact same creatures the go ahead
Face reality without evolution all humans are the exact same. The indian pooing in the street, the Aboriginal throwing spears at rocks are just as intelligent and worthy as you are.

You are anti-white.

>In evolution you believe that you and blacks are the same species
By definition of a species that is correct. Blacks and whites can interbred therefore they are the same species.
I know that BBC lovers like you already know that, you anti-white people want a brown world.

Stop being anti-white.

>It's interesting to note that when Communists took over China, the first point of indoctrination of the people was Darwinism. Similar in the Soviet Union.
but that's not true at all
Marxism-Leninism explicitly rejected Darwinian evolution because they thought it could be used to prove racist theories

you sound like a real life ass pain. go read a book or something you tard

>Science is observable, testable, repeatable, etc. evolution is not.
Doh hohohohoho

Evolution is anti-white. You believe in one race, the human race which explains why all leftists are evolution supporting atheists. Creationists believe that black are cursed by God. The majority of creationists are right wing.

>Order cannot arise out of chaos (chance).
but it can

>1 post by this ID
>ad hom
Triggered much?

Evolution explains race though and explains why blacks are inferior to whites.

Hello Ken Ham, how are you doing?
That's nice. Now go eat a dick.

Another beautiful quote from Cicero:

>If, then, the things achieved by nature are more excellent than those achieved by art, and if art produces nothing without making use of intelligence, nature also ought not to be considered destitute of intelligence. If at the sight of a statue or painted picture you know that art has been employed, and from the distant view of the course of a ship feel sure that it is made to move by art and intelligence, and if you understand on looking at a horologe, whether one marked out with lines, or working by means of water, that the hours are indicated by art and not by chance, with what possible consistency can you suppose that the universe which contains these same products of art, and their constructors, and all things, is destitute of forethought and intelligence? Why, if any one were to carry into Scythia or Britain the globe which our friend Posidonius has lately constructed, each one of the revolutions of which brings about the same movement in the sun and moon and five wandering stars as is brought about each day and night in the heavens, no one in those barbarous countries would doubt that that globe was the work of intelligence.

Here he makes a very profound point. How can we men create things for a purpose (transports, tools, shelter), if we are not ourselves created with purpose / intelligence? How can purpose arise out of purposelessness? How can any of the things created for us have any purpose, if we ourselves are purposeless?

>You believe in one race, the human race
No. That is the EXACT opposite of evolution.
Read a book you anti-white Abbo scum.

>leftists are evolution supporting
Any time they argue against segregation or for equality they deny evolution.

> Creationists believe that black are cursed by God
You see. Sane people believe in science.

>The majority of creationists are right wing.
Yes, they are kosher civic nationalists who LOVE Jews and based black Christians.
They are fundamentally anti-white by denying evolution.

nowhere in the Bible does it say that God cursed black people to have low intelligence, it says he cursed Canaan, which had unspecified effects

Biggest influence on (((Karl Marx))) was Darwin you retard. They even sent letters to each other. Also.. Darwin was literally mentally ill and suicidal for most of his life

Evolution of bacteria into a different bacteria. Mind blowing.

You dont know anything, youre a fool. Youre gonna be stuck here forever

t. anti-white retard

And here St. Athanasius refutes the materialists/evolutionists of his day (Epicureans) very succinctly:

>In regard to the making of the universe and the creation of all things there have been various opinions, and each person has propounded the theory that suited his own taste. For instance, some say that all things are self-originated and, so to speak, haphazard. The Epicureans are among these; they deny that there is any Mind behind the universe at all. This view is contrary to all the facts of experience, their own existence included. For if all things had come into being in this automatic fashion, instead of being the outcome of Mind, though they existed, they would all be uniform and without distinction. In the universe everything would be sun or moon or whatever it was, and in the human body the whole would be hand or eye or foot. But in point of fact the sun and the moon and the earth are all different things, and even within the human body there are different members, such as foot and hand and head. This distinctness of things argues not a spontaneous generation but a prevenient Cause; and from that Cause we can apprehend God, the Designer and Maker of all.

If all that exists is matter, there should be no distinction in things. There would just be a universal sea of matter without distinction.

Atheists BTFO once again, kek. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

Dr. Kent Hovind. Have listened to him for years. He's interesting to say the least.

What are fossils of exctinct species if evolution is a lie ? Pranks of Satan ?

Kent Hovind and the zero charisma boyz

to someone who doesn't believe in evolution or that it is measurable and reproducible scientifically, i imagine it is.

>sperging out means you're winning
k den

Black Science Man

Species God has created can go extinct; just as tools that man has manufactured can cease to be made.

how was Darwin his biggest influence when your own source says he read Darwin years after writing the Communist Manifesto?

and that disproves literally nothing of what I said anyway

t. Jerry Coyne

Kikes are the promoters of evolution.

>Kikes are the promoters of evolution.
No. Kikes support anti-white creationists to destroy the white race.

>1 post by this ID
>ad hom
>Democrat donkey
Made me think

>kent hovind

into the fucking trash, ahahahahahaah

Watch the video and see how your autistic evolution professors get BTFO.