The kosovo and republika srpska issue

consider the following, Kosovo is considered absolutely illigitemate and is not allowed to gain independence, but now, should the same be said about the Republika Srpka (serb republic in bosnia) and so both remain part of Bosnia and Serbia? give me your opinion /bol/acks

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the only thing that annoyes me is the Brčko district,why is it even a thing.

why do you think srpska has the shape it has? same reason. you can't declare independence when your territory looks like that or is cut in half. also, brcko district is illegitimate.
kosovo should be serbian, montenegro should rejoin us and srpska should fix its border and after that see if it can be independent without a war.

>Kosovo is considered absolutely illigitemate and is not allowed to gain independence

Says who?

Koga boli kurac, Vršac za nezavisan polis! Ostatak Balkana i istočne evrope može da umre u nuklearnom holokaustu. Kao što kaže stara izreka, svi srbi sjebani su skroz. Nacionalizam može da mi liže prostatu.


manje bi bilo sramotno da tamo postujem nego ovde

kosovo je srbija

e jbg hteo da uhvatim

Both should be Serbian

Liberland je Vatikan

liberland je san marino

San Marino je Lihenštajn

In my opinion, the people living in an area should have the right to decide which state they want to live in. So let's say region B is part of country A. they should have the option to stay or leave country A, and if a country C has a referendum asking if they want to let region B join their country, then that should also be allowed. Basically, just see what people want. This is how I imagine Europe would look like if every region was allowed to decide

Kosovo je srpska zemlja, and we are going to split Bosnia in half in the future either way because Izetbegović is a dumb cunt to say the least

My paternal grandfather was a Serbian immigrant I think the balkans squabbling about irrelevant borders that will all be rendered nill by the EU in another decade is a complete waste of time and detached from the overall existential threat and reality Europe is facing from the non white swarm but then again maybe I'm just a naive amerifat.

vaduz je stari trininadobaski grad
that's gay as fuck, albanians aren't human and should be expelled at the very least.

Albanians were never a constituent people of Kosovo.
Serbs were and still are a constituent people of Bosnia.
Serbs get to decide whether they want independence, Albanians don't.
It's simple, really.

replace "constituent people" with "humans" and you'll be right.

zemlja nije bitna, velika vecina ljudi na Kosovu su Albanci. Ko su srbi da im govore di da žive. Sjeti se kako je Hrvatima bilo kad su bili dio Mađarske, ili kako je Srbima bilo kad su bili dio Turske. Sta se Bosne tiče, vjerojatno bi se dalo nešto ovako u budućnosti dogovorit

>boka kotorska
you just can't stop jewing. also, if you feel that way, hopefully you're willing to give back krajina?

kosovo je srbija, crna gora nije
odjebite komunjare

jelly serbs are crying because they are loosing their clay because of birthrates.


>Istočno Sarajevo
>Central Bosnia

Top kek m8.
Ta mapa ti je go kurac.

>crna gora nije
hi shaqiri

Yeah, I may have gotten carried away with boka kotorska. I'll admit that any day of the week. As far as Krajina is concerned, I'm afraid that's out of the question. First of all it's a hugely startegic territory for croatia, as losing it would make it too easy to split the north from the south in case of war. While for Serbia, it doesn't have any startegic value, or at least not nearly as much as for Croatia. Secondly Today, Krajina is no longer a majority Serbian state, not to mention, even if it was it would be surrounded by croats and muslims. And thirdly, neither Croatia nor Serbia are going to give up any land which is already a part of their countries without a war, that's just not possible, not to mention the emotional value Krajina has to almost all croats.

the rest of the overpopulated world should use serbia as an example. The white plague is humankind's friend, every sharp rise in population leads to mass extinction.

Pa ajd da vidim sta bi ti rekao da je racjonalnije od toga?
INB4 pic related

Daily reminder that there is an Albanian behind EVERY Swiss flag.


Brcko district is a buffer zone that was only recently populated with other ethnicities, throughout the past it was majorly Serbian

UN did that to prevent RS rejoining with the rest of Serbia

zameni zastavu srbije sa skroz crnom zastavom bez ikakvih oznaka. Tada imaš moju podršku

>In my opinion, the people living in an area should have the right to decide which state they want to live in
>gives Macedonia to Bulgaria
>gives Kosovo to Albania

You're a lil faggit aren't ya

>First of all it's a hugely startegic territory for croatia
>Secondly Today, Krajina is no longer a majority Serbian state, not to mention, even if it was it would be surrounded by croats and muslims.
so rules of everyone goes where they want only apply once they benefit you?
>And thirdly, neither Croatia nor Serbia are going to give up any land which is already a part of their countries without a war, that's just not possible, not to mention the emotional value Krajina has to almost all croats.
once again, couldn't the same be said about kosovo?

Maybe the Serbians that woke up one day in a different country with a big statue of Bill Clinton smiling and waving at them

>Croats in Boka Kotorska
WBahahahw hhah ahwaha hwha hw hwhh ahwabwabwahwhbw h whah a hah ah ahwh awhw ah wh wah h wh hwa hwh ahahahahahwh ah wah ah ahah
>zemlja nije bitna, velika vecina ljudi na Kosovu su Albanci

Majke mi, od svih Srba najgori su Hrvati

Did I say something contradictory? West Macedonia is Albanian majority, Kosovo is too. The rest of Macedonia is a fake country that was built to weaken Bulgaria during the Balkan wars. That part of Macedonia speaks a language almost identical to Bulgaria, and many Macedonian and Bulgarian families are still one and the same.

yeah but then north macedonia with skopje deserves to go to us since it's full of assimilated serbs. but who're we to question anything anyways...

pic related should be the minimum serbia settles for in a long term.

Ovo je bolje od toga.

inb4 srbija postane austrougarska...

>Did I say something contradictory
Kosovo i Zapadna Makedonija su tek skoro vecinski naseljene Albancima, kroz istoriju (i to ne neku daleku) istoriju tu su ziveli Srbi i Makedonci. Do pre 20god na Kosovu je zivelo 30% Srba, do bre 70 godina 70%, isto vazi i za Makedoniju.

Znam da vi Hrvati mnogo volite da proterate ceo narod pa iskoristite argument
>ali tu ne zive Srbi
>pa sta ako su nekad ziveli
>pa sta ako je to bilo pre 20 godina

to bjelo su brda i pustos toliko je sitno naseljeno samo da bihac nebi bio u radvojen od ostatka federacije

No one can change the past. The fact is Yugoslavia (Serbia) armed Serbs in Krajina (and later supported them with its military) in an open rebellion against Croatia. When the war was over Croats were pissed and forced those Serbs to leave. Was that wrong? YES. That's what's called ethnic cleansing. But it happened. Just like Serbs did in Bosnia, we did in Krajina. But that's part of history. History cannot be changed, only the future can. So if we accept that ethnic cleansing is wrong, I think the rules should reflect that. And unless you ethnically cleanse Kosovo or Krajina, it's no longer majority Serbian. Just as most of Bosnia is no longer majority Croatian. Even Herzegovina is now barely Croatian.



>Just as most of Bosnia is no longer majority Croatian.
lol but it never was

the united nations

keep dreaming gypsy

>if you ethnically cleanse a land of certain people and take it, it's bad, but it's still your land

Croats summarized in one sentence

ovo je jos bolje
so, in '91 you would have let krajina go to serbia?
also this

Stfu and embrace the Serb.

Well depends on how far back you go, many Croats fled Turks etc. But regardless of ancient history even 50 years ago the area of Bosnia with a Croatian majority was much larger than it is today.

>Stfu and embrace the Serb.

Obvious shqiptar is abvious

I would have let them get a referendum, certainly. but not in 91, when the war was looming. After 5 years of peace.

Lmao jesi i ti Vrscanin

>1244 get
>Kosovo BTFO
>WE WUZ: The Nation
You know you'll like it, stop resisting.

This is a very aesthetically pleasing map.

whatever makes you sleep at night elvis

sure you would.


This is based on nationality/genetical heritage.

Well, maybe I expected too much.... I guess Tokijo = Srbija

no shit covered gypsy hand will ever touch sovereign macedonian clay

jizya for s*rb rats must be raised, each s*rb must give me his wife and all his daughters and he must watch while i fuck them plus sanzdak must be given to bosniak brothers for reperations

>italy is split
>costantinople is in turkey
>ulster is still in the uk

>if you don't agree with my views le srbija do tokija
you seriously are the worst kikes of the balkans.

Aj dođi u mene u Dalmaciju I nađi mi jednu osobu koja će ti reć da su dalmatinci Srbi. Ako ti se svi samo izurlaju od smijeha imat ćeš sreće. S tim da dalmatinci, vole srbe ka ljude, smišni ste, al stari moj kad se radi o politici jeste li ga zadrti.....

how about you choke on a dick you disgusting albanian faggot


>independent C*talonia
>independent Latgale
>Galicia isn´t part of Portugal
>Hungarian border gore enclave in Romania
>divided Italy
This is where you fucked up


Ignore the croatian part i only made the map for macedonia.
Së shpejti do të flisni shqipen.

>ono kad dadnes srbu da radi mapu

>we wuz alexander and shieeet

mi moramo raditi na tome da obnovimo dusanovo carstvo, a za ostalo cemo da vidimo

and you'll soon lay in a mass grave you mongrel
and i'll cry tears of joy as i bury you
disgusting inbred subhuman

Why? because I don't think Croats and non Serbs should live under serbian rule? Would you like Vojvodina to be a part of Hungary? Don't you think asking a village without any serbs to be a part of serbia because it looks good on a četnik map is not irrational? be honest with yourself. Let me put it this way. Boka kotorska would look amazing on a Ustaša map, so would all of Srijem/zemun (whatever you serbs call it). But would it make sense? would it be fair to the people living there? NO

kosovo je srbija

he's an inbred abomination

There was a referendum in 1990, tho.
The whole conflict started after Croatia refused to acknowledge that referendum.
You do realize we posted those maps just to b8 you, right?

Yes Alexandrit was albanian by mother.
Eat shit you subhuman slav your bitches will get fucked by BAC(Big Albanian Cock) and i personally will knife you alive.

>Dusanovo Carstvo

6/10 convinced me for a minute there
ironic faggotry is still faggotry

>vole srbe ka ljude, smišni ste
sto smo smesni :(

zar tovari nisu najagresivniji prema nama?

To su hercegovačke seljačine. Nemoj ih miješat s dalmatincima.

That's honestly better than i expected desu. Here have this.

>mi moramo raditi na tome da obnovimo dusanovo carstvo

Da li bi voleo da te Miroljub Petrovic jebe u dupe ?

i get baited easily when i work out

ah ok znaci ipak ste drugaciji od tih vlaja

da kao sto sam ja jebo tvoju mater

this, but also you're using different bars for croats and serbs, in order to justify your maps.

A gle, Dalmacija je HDZ-ova jazbina, ima svakakvih kretena, osobito u zagori, u brdima. Al ti ljudi su kreteni, koji ce vas mrziti samo radi politike. Ljudi ne znaju sta se događa u ostatku hrvatske, al misle da znaju sta se događa u srbiji. Al mi, normalni dalmatinci, koji žive od turizma, a ne od trave i koza, nemamo ništa protiv srba osim kad vidimo naše otoke nacrtane na četničkoj karti. Ja vjerujem (možda lažno) da većina srba nisu tako zadrti kao naši dalmatinski vlaji iz brda.


And Vajdaság/Vojvodina? The same issue,but no one talks about. And if u r a subhuman dodjoš serb, dont reply

>Ja vjerujem (možda lažno) da većina srba nisu tako zadrti kao naši dalmatinski vlaji iz brda.
pa i nismo realno to samo koristimo za sprdanje sa tim zatucanim nacionalistima sa obe strane. ovako nas boli kurac jer cak ne vidim da se trudimo ni da sacuvamo ono sto nam je ostalo

>just vojvodina
we need to make independent republic of belgrade

and suddenly, a butthurt bozgor appears

Serbia lost the right to Kosovo when it proceeded to exterminate Christian Albanians from there to make it a Christianity vs Islam cause.
Serbia lost the right to Bosnia when Bosnia was created... That country was never Serbian in the first place. Its inhabitants were Orthodox, Catholic and Bogumil Croatians.
Also, Vojvodina and Nis district are not Serbian, but we should let them have those to avoid chimpouts.

>normalni dalmatinci, koji žive od turizma, a ne od trave i koza

Turizam nije posao, turizam je esploatacija prirodnog/istorijskog bogatsva. To sto je tebi deda ostavio kucu na primorju pa je ti sad izdajes za 300 eura 5 dana ne znaci radis nesto

Normalni ljudi se bave kozama i kravama, ljudsko dno se bavi turizmom. A ako si ubedjen da citava zemlja moze da zivi na turizmu, decko ti si u