How do we fix this without millions of people dying?

How do we fix this without millions of people dying?

I've tried thinking for years and the only solution seems like some sort of right-wing dictatorship, like Pinochet.

The darkest spics will do retarded shit when given the chance. This is not a matter of race either, if you're white you were still brought up in the same shit culture.

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Look im sorry but controlling territory like that to bring a change is going to be nearly impossible. There is no honor in most. Central America is your beat bet to start of first. Small enough to fit the small ass loyal team you'll have to control the state.
Also we could start by redpilling as many as possible, make them hate niggers, mudslimes, and the jew.

>How do we fix this without millions of people dying?
You can't. White people when surrounded by a certain amount of non-whites will become demoralized and uninvolved in their own communities.
Eventually their children will start adopting non-white behavior.

There was hope at one point when European culture was held as the absolute gold standard by everyone including non-whites. Coupled with mass Euro migration and mestizaje you could have ended up with an inferior yet safe, clean and orderly castizo culture.

But the the halt of euro migration, indian cultural inertia and declining white birthrates defeated it and flipped it around.
That's the point of no return and the current state of the entirety of Latin America.

>hate niggers
>lots of niggers in central america
>lots of caribbean influence/history in central america

Could redpill on the jews though.

This it's stupid.

They need another revolution to take the power and the guns away from cartels, peaceful solutions are a meme, because even if they seize the territory they could do nothing to stop the following violence.

I like Victor Jara a lot, I'm learning how to play some of his shit. I hated that he was a commie though. Also like Los Jaivas.

>This it's stupid.
awesome contribution as expected

>without millions of people dying?

That is the fix.

When the U.S. falls, so do the rest of the multicultural dominoes. We're the only ones that stick our foot in to even prevent genocide in other countries. It was our fault apartheid ended. When the U.S. falls, literally no one will stop the Rohingya slaughter. No one will stop Russia from taking surrounding lands. When Europe is weak, crippled, and unstable, the strongest will take over. The U.S. is the only nation preventing that right now, and yet POC want us to fall. Very strange.

>hebrew year 5777
>US still relevant

end the socialism, welfare, market restrictions, govt monopolies and privatize everything
we could like the asian tiggers [spoilers] probably not because niggers are a majority here [/spoiler]

Thanks to Pinochet, Chile has zero commie scums, zero drug dealers and a free market economy. South America is a shithole for having shitty socialist parties rulling your country.

Literally bomb São Paulo Fórum/Foro Conference (FSP)

Capitalism has a way of fixing demographics, the darkest are always culled out, what we need is an AnCap paradise.

Stop Chavezing everything up down there.
Please start vocal anti-com movements so the rest of the new world can see it doesn't work on this side of the ocean either.

Yet it has been steadily trending towards socialism for years.
You cannot give political solutions to cultural problems, the best you can do is delay the inevitable.
You need to work on changing the culture, and demographics is the strongest method for it, not the only but, just the only reliable one.

Socialism + Cultural problems = I prefer death
Capitalism + Culturam probems = At least I can start a business and buy some Nike shoes while the country is bleeding.

its hard when everyone is so stupid that they dont know jackshit about politics, the left always uses demagogy in their arguments and the stupid fucks always fall for it, there's a growing right-wing movement though, something similar to the alt-right, it may be our last hope.

what little i've seen from argentina is that KC is gaining a lot of popularity in the polls, and that hag is socialist as fuck, i would advice you to leave if she gets reelected again.

How are black spics compared to Basketball Americans?

Fix what

Even worse, ours were being scum even before yours.

Don't worry, if she wins I'll do my best to get a job abroad and fuck off.

Argentina has been in decline since Peron.

Lots of black spics in Panama (15% to 20% of the population is black or mulatto, more mulatto than black though).

They are alright. If they're born and raised in the middle class they are normal people. Some are born disadvantaged and manage to succeed in life. I work in a very specific field where you have to know lots about finance and I've met smart and determined black people. They are more prone to violence or being stupid though, that's the reality.

The principle "around blacks never relax" still holds true.

I had an interaction with one one day, I thought I was safe because I was going to my office.

>going to my office
>last floor of the building
>in the elevator with a mulatto nigger
>we are almost in the floor 16, the elevator still hasn't opened
>energy goes off
>elevator won't open
>I calm down, try pressing the red button but nothing happens
>my phone data still works, trying to call the building or my office to explain that we are stuck

>nigger starts pressing all the fucking buttoms of the elevator
>dude what the fuck are you doing, calm down
>"hol up we in the 16 floor bro mup da doo bix nud mufugga po mo"
>I get genuinely mad
>turns out the guy is new in the same department that I work

Also the "black" organizations still cry about muh slavery even though we are all fucking mixed and our ancestors were slaves too.

Also I was in the psych ward for 5 days for reasons. 80% of the patients were black or mulattos. I left the psych ward being more racist. You think you hate niggers? I hate them more.

You cant fix stupid. Most latam darks are possibly the dumbest shits you will ever meet. Try this... Hold a mestizo/mulatos gaze. They will always turn their eyes towards the ground because they are lying. Only solution is to get rid of most of them.

It's not your people it's just people in general.
The Peid Piper is leading the first world off a cliff for personal gain. They can't see the harm they are doing because the Pipers "tune of inclusiveness" has them thinking they can solve all the problems for all the world by doing nothing but bleeping along with the flock.
And it's hard not to be distracted when part of the tune is "everyone who doesn't dance is literally hitler", the treat us like devil worshippers while failing to see the devil has them by the hand.

>without millions of people dying?
I agree, try billions.

I hope you do something usefull with your money before KC steels it to give to the poor niggers.

We need a great purge. White people purged most of their problem people during WW1 and WW2.
We haven't had this chance and badly need to remove the undesirables and their genes from our gene pools.

Pretty much, if i speak for myself im following julius evola advice "ride the tiger", but i dont know what can be done to fix society in a greater scope, so far the path that we're following would lead us to a huge war, this will kill a lot of useful idiots, and fix a lot of our problems, but its a gamble.

It's not that hard, but you're completely wrong.
First of all, yes, you need an authoritarian regime BUT one that is not too corrupt. Rampant corruption is one of the main problems in latin america (like in all of the latin world). The only way to get rid of that corruption is some very extreme transparency laws. That's a first step.
Then you need to get these people some very basic welfare. I KNOW Sup Forums hates anything that sounds of welfare, but hear me out. I'm not talking a Euro-style nanny state, but some basic shit, basic healthcare, basic pension for old people, minimally decent public schools. I know for a fact that lots of small-time crime and corruption are just because people really need it to get by. In Mexico, a cop makes like 300 bucks a month AND he has to pay for the upkeep of the police car. How the fuck is he NOT going to start taking bribes? It's not like you need lots of money to get by in those countries, but jesus fuck you can't push it to the point where you need bribes to feed your kids. Many of these countries have way low taxes but relatively good GDPs, so a slight tax raise plus less corruption will yeild plenty of money to pay for basic services to actually work. Wages are still low enough for these low-education countries to be competitive.
If you did all this, for starters crime would go down significantly. This is not me being a leftist "hurr crime comes from poor people", but again looking at Mexico, look at how low crime was in the 60's, when people were more well off, and how it spiked with progressive neoliberal policies starting with NAFTA in the 80's. What I'm proposing here wouldn't erradicate crime, but it would reduce it AND lay the groundwork to then be able to combat the rest of the crime. You can't fight crime with corrupt policemen.

We both know that won't solve anything. Our white people were brought up in the same culture as the light skinned and dark skinned spics, the niggers or the full blown indians. Left-wing ideology is predominant in the region.

I've thought about slowly removing social programs, and X child policies for people on social programs. Like give your surplus kids for adoption or fuck off because you can't fucking raise them without money.

You guys gotta invest in infrastructure, since Latin America generally has shit for infrastructure. You'll see productivity gains in every sector when roads and airports and public services are kept in good shape. But in order to pay for this, your governments need to have money, which they don't have. In order to get money, they need to entice investment in their economies. Except Latin America is anathema to the (((World Bank))) and (((IMF))), plus you guys are still richer than East Asia and Africa, meaning you aren't getting as much of the foreign direct investment necessary to build your economies up in the long term. Also, in order for a state to pay for state-run services, they need to properly tax their populations. Unfortunately, the very wealthy are often given tax breaks and preferential treatment throughout LA countries, while the very poor don't pay taxes at all and are on the receiving end of state programs. What this means is that the middle class gets squeezed, and the funds gathered are not only insufficient to pay for the programs, but the middle class gets smaller and smaller. There's no end in sight, either, since your governments are corrupt as fuck.

It has nothing to do with the way centro americans see themselves it's barely an issue in the atlantic coast.

>I've thought about slowly removing social programs
Things that will never happen
Here we're about to become Greece tier and people still marches on the street for their gibs.

Mexico is owned by narcos
Central America is as communist and gang controlledbas ever
Venezuela has been shoahed by Jew Maduro
Colombia has been given the the FARC by its cuck president
Chile is undoing all of its progress under Pinochet (currently receiving niggers from Haiti)
Argentina is trying to reelect a disgraced communist and social Marxist female ex president
Brazil stole from the whole continent with bribes (Odebrecht) and is now seeing capital flight due to corruption and low oil prices = no more gibs for the nogs

The real solution to the problems of South and Central America would be for the people to hang presidents, attorney generals, ministers and their families and adopt a more restrictive version of the US constitution and death penalty for corruption

Chances of that happening = 0

I would love to adopt the US constitution, it would fix a lot of our more shitty problems, but the chances of that happening are at 0.1%.

I had a similar idea, I was thinking of bringing transparency to the government through an online system where citizens can account for even the most minimal government spending, look up what was bought with the money, who was responsible for approving the purchase, who it was bought from, from which budget the money came from, an internal serial number for the item, etc. Not just for government spending but basically any situation where corrupt politicians could siphon money to their pockets (as long as said information doesn't intrude on privacy of people or sensitive information, and so on)

Putting cameras and mics on cops/vehicles that run 24/7 and cannot be tampered with would also be a nice touch, you could have 1+ month(s) of data or so that you can use retroactively to fix any corruption issues retroactively

All this, of course, is just mental wanking

Mexico isn't owned by narcos, they are allowed to exist by the government because a minority of government officials are bought by them.

>But in order to pay for this, your governments need to have money, which they don't have
Wrong mate. If you have lived there you would know there are 500 million people who every day eat, pay rent, transport themselves, buy things, sell things, their governments have money, but their contracting processes make the US defence sector look clean, they'll approve a budget for a bridge and will spend it all with only construction fences and razed ground to show for it, the cash in bank accounts of hundreds of elites in the business and political world.

Look at the Odebrecht scandal
Look at the Reficar refinery cost blowout in Colombia, a $4 billion project turned into $8 billion with most of the cash going to Swiss Glencore, US/Dutch Chicago Iron and Steel and other contractors. Amongst other recipients there are no doubt politicians and Colombian old money elite, it's reported nearly $20 million was spent on prostitution alone over the project

I am a norwegian who has travelled latin america since 2010 - minus Belize and the Guyanas - and Costa Rica really is the crown jewel of the americas.

That said, chikos, I'd concenrate on holding action for now as you are about to be flooded by the mass deportations from gringolandia.

>Carlos V gobernaba rodeado por un séquito de flamencos rapaces a los que extendía salvoconductos para sacar de España mulas y caballos cargados de oro y joyas
>Lanzado a la persecución del demonio por toda Europa, Carlos V extenuaba el tesoro de América en sus guerras religiosas
>Felipe II había echado por motivos religiosos a millares de artesanos convictos o sospechosos de protentantismo: Inglaterra los acogió en su suelo, y allí dieron un importante impulso a las manufacturas británicas
>Quien se dedicara a una actividad industrial perdía automáticamente su carta de hidalguía
>Cada año miles de naves descargaban en España los productos industralizados por otros. Se llevaban la plata de América y la lana española, que marchaba rumbo a telares extranjeros de donde sería devuelta ya tejida por la industria europea en expansión

First of all, Chile needs to return what they stole from us.

Then, we will be ready for a Pinochet 2.0 and free helicopter rides.

Welcome to Bolivia, nordic bro. Make sure to try ayahuasca before you depart.

>Mexico isn't owned by narcos
Ok maybe the capital is not affected by their violence but your country has a higher homicide rate than anywhere else in the world thanks to them. They kill mayors, police chiefs, they assasinate people and leave body parts in public view. They are the law and they'll even assasinate foreigners including Americans. They even control your president via campaign contributions just as The Cali Cartel controlled Samper in Colombia in the 90s

Also there are the business cartels like Carlos Slim and the lines are quite blurred between them and the narcos too.

Big point. They've tried this in Brazil - federales have a decent salary and they are fucking unbribable by the common man, local cops have shit pay and is as corrupt as anyone else.

Education is a black hole. How the fuck can you work in a store for years and not be able to do basic subtraction/addition in your head? I refuse to belive niggers/meztisos are THAT fucking biologically stupid.

>you are about to be flooded by the mass deportations from gringolandia.
Which would bring every latam country to even shittier states, nah, that scum needs to get the rope
>the eternal bolivian
You lost a war, deal with it, hopefully it will make you think twice before chimping out again.

Honestly, one of the best things mexico can do is the legalization of all drugs, that would make cartels lose all power, i would cause a shit load of problems on the short term, but in the long term it would be one of the best solutions.

Before investing in infrastructure, we need to tackle the corruption by tracking how the money is spent, something like We have a big issue when building infrastructure, it's used as a political tool (basically the admin in place chooses who to give the infrastructure building jobs, and exchanges it for support/votes), and also as a method for corrupt politicians to line their pockets.

For instance, in Mexico everything is built seemingly with OK quality, but if you pay attention to the finer details and materials, it looks like a shit job.

There is a reason for this, for example, X politician promises to build roads, he gets the support of some people and wins the election, he is expected to hand out those jobs to people who supported him rather than the best company offering the best deal, things move on, and the politician picks underqualified people who either do a shit job or will collaborate with said politician to use lower quality materials and pocket the difference among all those involved in the shady deal, the roads are built eventually but the quality of work is so subpar it will require higher than average maintenance , and this excuse can be used to repeat the whole process again and again until the politician gains enough support and money to retire.

This is the reason why most of our infrastructure is shit, not because Mexicans are bad at building infrastructure.

We can't legalize drugs because we are in NAFTA, and our economy was built around the idea of NAFTA for the past decades, but yeah, I agree with you

I've done quite a lot of yage during the years; hopefully boivians will start doing it soon - as your curanderos are fucking scum. The holy places of Bolivia are full of garbage... They claim to be holy men, but just imagine a church full of broken winebottles, crusty ole crackers and crackerwrappings and whatnot... and you know they are unholy specks of cancerous warts in pacha mamas once beautifull face.

(Yeah guys, thats what ayahuasca gives you...)

>Honestly, one of the best things mexico can do is the legalization of all drugs, that would make cartels lose all power
But how? Would the cartels suddenly stop killing each other and innocent people if they were legal? Of course not, they'd still seek to hide their facilities, their narco routes, their wealth, and they'd use violence to do so. Not to mention the question of revenge, when a rival cartel leader puts your family member's/partner's decapitated head with his decapitated penis in his mouth in the middle of a town you don't just forget that once things are legalised. Not to mention legalizing the delivery of drugs to the USA would essentially be a declaration of war by Mexico against the USA.

Easier solution
>hang the president, attorney general and other ministers
>fasho version of the US constitution

*sigh* we'll get ourselves sorted in time, so stay away. last thing we need is another CIA-backed coup.

>Spain is retarded
in other news, water is wet.
btw I'm not spaniard, I'm the swiss expat living in Spain who posts here every now and then.

free market economics, if its no longer dangerous to produce drugs the necessity to go to war with other cartels will dwindle, also because everyone could make them the necessity to BUY from cartels will diminish, a cartel could never win a monopoly on drugs if everyone can make their own, legalizing delivery to the US is off the table of course. , the cartels will try to stay in control of the drug trade, but unless they have the power of the government backing them its highly unlikely that they will succeed in the long run

>All this, of course, is just mental wanking
Yes, but not because it wouldn't work, but because it's not viable to actually put it in practice. Sad!

Mestizos aren't the worst. They're not nigger-tier. It's just that public schools in latin america are absolute scum of the earth tier. Give them some education and they're reasonably good workers. Lots of mestizos here in Spain doing ok.

Nah they complain for being to full, the countries are doing best than ever (with the notable exception of venezuela) but even them aren't done yet, honestly the continent it's incredible compared to what it was back in the 19th century and we hit the exact development curve to avoid a south american war for another 50 years.

Anyone that doesn't see this it's dumb or has a different agenda.

an anyone who doesn't see the shitshow that we are headed too its because he has a lot to benefit from, the crime statistics of central america are baffling, looks like they live in perpetual civil war.

>How do we fix this without millions of people dying?
You don't.

That it's a direct result of the actions of the Colombian drug lords and the war on drugs, they literally destroyed that part of the continent, but we still don't have enough leverage to force the border control we have.

why again are we supposed to fix it? let them die. this world doesn't need more ravenous people. there are no benefits to keep you, really you bring nothing to the table. into the trash you go, bunch of sister fuckers, rapists and murderers.

Dude, you attacked first you idiots. Chile was right on taking your lands.

>the border control we have
What border control? the border control that lets criminals enter the country without question? the border control that lets poor deadbeats enter without impunity? the border control that lets all that happen but loses his shit when a chilean tries to enter with a fruit? fuck off nigger.

You have no idea what you are talking about, people enters with proper identifications and under proper laws, most immigrants have just commited no considerable crime or the countries authorities don't provide the detailed information, many full cargos of people have been refused entrance but you never hear about that in the press or from anyone cause it was done legally.

>most immigrants have just commited no considerable crime
Yeah, i know exactly who you are, how much is guillier paying you?, there's no point in arguing with useful idiots, just know that when the communist revolution happens i will blend right in and your kind will be the first to get a bullet between the eyes.

Immigration from crime ridden hellholes surely seems enriching. We should strive to be more open, and yes I'm talking about the legs of our women! I mean look at how tolerant and progressive our media is becoming, we don't want to be evil misogynist nazis after all.

Ahh, my bad then, though it was just some cheeky banter. Your pain au chocolat shits all over the one made by the French, by the way.

Impossible, just one of the many redpills you have to take, genocide is inevitable to fix this shit

You don't. You fucking burn it to the ground and start over again


the media is a propaganda machine, good riddance that they're dying.

Prove things idiot not just spout crap, immigration it's legal and happens because we allow it, but the law it's the law and it can be used at any time, I have no reason to want more immigration, after all I'm not the one making money on them.

By the way foreigners can vote in presidential elections after two years of residence.

>pic related
I have nothing to prove to you, and if i did it will fall in deaf ears anyways, the movement that you're shilling for, only benefits people like me, nothing to lose and a lot to gain from.

>Burger knowledge

Agreed. It's a good step. Latin America doesn't need to be shit, hell it even was as rich as other European countries after independence. There's still hope.

You seem to forget all that it happened during Piñera.

The students protests, Freirina and Coyhaique.

We have a lot to lose, neoliberalism isn't the way, we need to step back from it before we lose everything.

I fail to see how an authoritarian socialist regime disguised as a democratic one will fix us in the long run. like it or not automatization will cause a lot of sacrifices for everyone in the world, you either adapt or die.

>authoritarian socialist regime disguised as a democratic one

The only authoritarian things in our regime it's pinochet constitution and when proposed to change it, you complained so we couldn't.

You have freedom of expression, liberty of association, your government doesn't spies on you, your government doesn't tells you who can you work for or being employed by.

You are as free as possible and if you have money they literally open the door for you, but somehow it's our "authoritarian socialism" the one that gives you problems.

Kill tens of millions.

Honestly, the gibsmedat mentality of Latin America is its fucking downfall.

Dont bullshit me nigga, socialism always morphs into a totalitarian regime, its absolutely necessary to make sure that their laws are being respected, the government is unnecessary, they only fuck up things to pretend that they do something, i want a full capitalist economy with little to no regulations and a state with as little power as possible.

if any country has some to spare, just nuke us already. idgaf at this point. the whole region is a total shithole. nothing redeemable.

Interesting thanks for that.

But this it's still the same practices that the right wing has, you have showed me no reason why the left it's worst than the right wing.

because the left its not center-left anymore, with each passing election they fall more and more to the left, so far the right wing has remained in the center right , going a little more to the right has an answer to the left free fall, im interested in preserving our demographics and our culture, and the excessive focus that the left has been given to minorities has proven that they're not interested in this.

What excessive focus to minorities?

Stop parroting memes, they didn't invented immigration or the immigration laws, the natives died as much during Bachelet as they did during Piñera, the Zamudio law and the civil union law was under Piñera.

Face it, they do the same things with the difference that the left at least attempts to keep the social order when the right likes when they can bash people with a stick for protesting.

>Argentina has been in decline since Peron.
You mean since Yrigoyen or, maybe, Roca.

They didn't invent immigration laws but they surely are promoting and benefiting from it, and a welfare state that only benefits the rags of society , our immigration laws are outdated, thats a given, and when i refer to our culture i mean the inherited one, that of the conquistadores, the natives can go to hell for all i care, im okay with gays having equal rights but im not okay with them having more rights than the majority. the social unrest will never be quelled and attempting to do so is meaningless and counterproductive.

>Uruguay Empire
I wonder how could be begin this post..