Russia as Third Rome

Do you guys still believe in this? Russia having a special messianic role of saving Europe/Christianity from itself? Does anyone unironcally think "we are Rome"?

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1st Rome was pagan
2nd Rome (Const) was christian.
3rd Rome (Moscow) is muslim.

Russia has slipped through a phase of a powerful empire. Right after the recruitment of force, she began to decompose morally and physically. Bastion of the white race - myth for useful idiots.

Ask the "Russian" trolls if it's legal to register a nationalist party.

Ask them if its legal to question holocaust

Ask them if ethnic Russian republics donate tax money to ethnic minority subsidy regions

Ask them if Moscow governor is a shitskin

bump for discussion


Russia is more european than most EU countries. It really boils down to choosing between the globalists and the coutry that gave the world Kolmogorov and Shostakovich. It's not hard

65% ethnic Russians and going down


Western Rome was inherited by barbarian germans after its collapse. The eastern empire was inherited by Russia after the Byzantines were taken down by turkish invaders

No one really inherited any Rome as its some magical status to inherit. Just some peoples and states happened

the idea of a third rome is social construct and russia has little to do with the roman empire. You have your own history to look back on.

the idea of third rome is social construct and has nothing to do with the ancestors of the russians

>Right after the recruitment of force, she began to decompose morally and physically.

Moral decay is a feature of the Roman empire. We can be the Western Romans, you the East.

forgot my pic

i thought it was 79% russian and that it had fallen from 86% russian at the collapse of soviet union

Russia has nothing to do with rome


the gray areas are likely to remain majority non russian this century

I find it funny that there are people (mostly westerners) who believe that Russia is not just as fucked as they are.
Don't forget the hate speech laws too.

Moscow as 'third Rome' at least sounds more plausible than the Catholic prophesy of Fatima where we're supposed to believe that the world won't be saved until Russia converts to Catholicism.

Russian nationalism is funny in the way it bends Orthodox Nationalism with Stalinist nostalgia and anti-Fascist rhetoric. It is funny how all these former-Bolshevik eastern bloc countries are anchored to this stubborn social conservatism. As much of an SOB that he was, Stalin did create a legacy of social conservatism and anti-semantic sentiment in the USSR.

Holy Roman Empire


Doesn't count non-citizen migrants and shitskins who check in "Russian" on census

>Roman or Byzantine state legacy

cosplay. cool

Russia was never a part of the Roman empire. However, it was a part of a certain other empire... So Russia can proudly call itself the Second Ulaanbaatar.

It maintained the legacy of the Byzantine Empire after Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453.

The Roman Empire was ruled by the shitskins on multiple occasions, so we may as well start calling Italy Northern Africa... oh wait

>the legacy of the Byzantine Empire
Multiracial egalitarianism and massive race-mixing? Didn't happen before the Soviets

if you know russian history, the less russian areas have never been fully russian. caucasian peoples, siberian tribes etc - russia is a federation for a reason. but the historically russian parts look very good compared to europe

>Didn't happen before the Soviets

Happened even less during the soviets, fag

This guy is a shitskin? Wtf


The only claim to Rome was the tsar marrying the last Byzantine princess which is extremely weak anyway before the roman empire had so many usurpers that the crown could not possible be claimed to be connected to a particular bloodline or house. The sultanate of rum has more claim.

Rome is gone. Only the papacy can claim we wuz Romanz but they are not the roman empire for you need an emperor

>Ask them if ethnic Russian republics donate tax money to ethnic minority subsidy regions

yeah, ask if Sakha and Tatarstan donate to russian majority regions

>Russia is a federation
I totally see how you can easily secede from it wait...
Yes, and the man you are looking for is Sergei Sobyanin
Ask if Tatarstan is 40-48% Russian and if Sakha is barely Yakut and mainly ethnic Russian. Really makes you think. If other parts can just be kicked off from the federation, tatars should be getting a new land somewhere near Kazakhstan in Asian part where they belong.
> Tatarstan
>created by commies
Pick two
Russian Empire imported niggers and spics? Never knew
It had apartheid and racial laws - something the JewSSR lacked

>russian empire
>less than 50% russian

>58% russian

really makes you think

Just throwing this out there- Patriarch Kirill met with the Pope, the last time being roughly 1,000 years ago, shortly before traveling to Antarctica to "'convert penguins to christianity"' or god knows what other nefarious thing.

between White-run Apartheid (even with Whites at 20%) and egalitarian society (even with Whites at 78%) most nationalists will pick the former

>nationalists would pick being replaced and overrun just not to be equal to others

those nationalists are surely retarded

This is a web-brigade diasporafag leeching off of my nations welfare. Ignore him.

>Aparthied backed by nukes and army
>ever overrun
Most so called "Russians" in Baltics are not Russkie. Just soviet subhumans

I am aware. I prefer to call these wannabe Russians by their actual nomenclature: homo sovjeticus.

>>Aparthied backed by nukes and army
>>ever overrun

>чтo тaкoe CШA

пишy из Poccии бтв, нытики

My mistake. You have a very similar posting style to your comrade currently residing here.
Anyways, no more resposes for you, I know you get paid for them.

Russia is poor and depressing to be blunt. The Third Rome should be prosperous


> Latvia ending 88 - not surprised

i find it funny how you faggots believe that the eu/ NATO will protect you when ivan wakes from his drunken stupor.

get ready to get fucked by 5 t-90 tanks and a drunk battalion of GRU alcoholics

Your President's wife is a Jew and you have niggers, traps and other shit in Sejm.
>fuck up the chance at ethnostate the moment you get 97% Polish nation
Pick two
@ 142008858
vata can't tell the difference between segregation, apartheid, US politics and Russians nationalists
hope this garbage will be deported one day somewhere outside of Europe

we're all doomed after all

>An Empire
Jesus Christ, Who landed on the moon?

>Do you guys still believe in this?
Is a meme for people who did not do any research on that Rome implies and are trying to meme it with consistence of empire from bunch of greek who cosplayed as romans.
>Russia having a special messianic role of saving Europe/Christianity from itself?
People like to belive it to have moral hight ground in their own eyes.
>Does anyone unironcally think "we are Rome"?
Sadly, yes. But we have whole deck of psychos of crazy political beliefs.
I like how we done it twice in a century but still pretty relevant.

Burger, please.

Ethnic Russians*

implying it really happened.

no, finland is the rightful heir to rome

No-one landed on moon my child.

So.... can Russia be unironically saved?


Yahwee akbar

Rome was a disgusting fascist empire, it didn't save anything.

Let the Rome meme die.
Don't be military economies.
You will have endless bickoring and eventually immigration but only every single f**ing time.
It is not worth it.

think of what the soviet empire could have been if it weren't for communism

It wouldnt have been soviet

well yeah
shame about the tsars

Doesn't seem so bad?

Doesn't count non-citizen migrants and shitskins who check in "Russian" on census

Yes, it has all been predicted, the Russians are what the Germanic tribes were to the Roman Empire (Western Europe)

Without Byzantium and the Orthodox church, Russia's existence is meaningless. Even communism fits with at as a another incarnation of Christianity.

>Without Byzantium and the Orthodox church, Russia's existence is meaningles
Well, with that language and disgusting orthodoxy ethnic Russians have another bridge between them and people with whom them cluster genetically such as: Latvians, Estonians, Finns and Norwegians. Must be cool to share the Cyrillic and faith with those who are racially not similar to you to the maximum

USSR was Byzantine Empiresque as it can gets: multiracial, encouraged mass racemixing, variety of torturers used on citizens, bureaucratic, dogmatic, corrupt

Fore those interested in reading more there is some info in these
Several states claimed to be the Roman Empire's successors after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The Holy Roman Empire, an attempt to resurrect the Empire in the West, was established in 800 when Pope Leo III crowned Frankish King Charlemagne as Roman Emperor
After the fall of Constantinople, the Russian Tsardom, as inheritor of the Byzantine Empire's Orthodox Christian tradition, counted itself the Third Rome (Constantinople having been the second). These concepts are known as Translatio imperii
When the Ottomans, who based their state on the Byzantine model, took Constantinople in 1453, Mehmed II established his capital there and claimed to sit on the throne of the Roman Empire He even went so far as to launch an invasion of Italy with the purpose of re-uniting the Empire and invited European artists to his capital
Successor to Byzantium
Russian claims
Known as a theological and a political concept "Moscow is the Third Rome", it was formulated in the 15-16th centuries in the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

Ottoman claims
After the fall of Constantinople in 1453 AD, Mehmed II declared himself "Caesar of Rome".

Successor to the Holy Roman Empire
German claims
According to early German nationalism, the Carolingian Empire transformed into the Holy Roman Empire as a continuation of the Western Roman Empire.

Italy as the Third Rome
In Italy, the concept of a "Third Rome" is related to the capital of the Kingdom of Italy

>forgetting that the British empire was the successor to the Roman empire

And there's others too but I didn't post more. I remember awhile ago seeing one of those wiki articles, but couldn't find it now, but it seemed you could connect the Spanish king to it as well.