
Would it work in a homogeneous white society?
It's obviously a miserable failure here in 56% land

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I used to be pro-liberty but certain Satanic central bankers learned how to use people's more basic instincts to turn them into useless cucks.

Because, on average, people are stupid.

larger centralized governments are what the elite wants, it's easier to control.

smaller decentralized governments are the enemy of the elite because it's harder to corrupt and manage.

that's why nazis are falling into a trap, trying to create a totalitarian system of centralized control, even centralized economic control. that's exactly what the people in power want, and they don't care if you kill a billion jews they were only scapegoats and tools anyways.

yeah it's pretty clear nothing is going to work until we figure out in mass that we're being manipulated and decide as a people not to play those games anymore and to do our own thing instead

It worked under the WASP elite. They just shouldn't have given up political, cultural & financial power.

thats were the 2nd amendment steps in but burgers are too pussified to take up arms and that ship has sailed long ago
maybe they deserve it?


I suggest we bring WASPs back in power. They're pro-liberty, pro-small government and anti-degeneracy. It's better them than the Jews. The West will be saved.

the kikes will never let them have power ever again



It seems to me that free trade with third world countries is unsustainable, and many economists are preaching unjustified ideology. Even good ones like Hoppe don't seem to face facts on the subject.

If we had a closed border libertarian system with the demographics we have today, i would imagine whites would fair well.

We could easily keep the undesireables out of our communities and businesses. The only problem would be the kikes. They would be hard wrangle without violating the nonaggression principle.




Libertarianism as envisioned by the Founding Fathers is attainable, however they failed to realize that, no matter what checks you use, a State apparatus will grow. In the case of the Founding Fathers, their Articles of Confederation were tossed aside shortly after being drafted in order to usher in a document that allowed for massive State growth. The implementation of the Constitution was the first step away from the ideals of those who founded this nation, and every step since (except perhaps Jackson's assault on the Banks) has been a further step away from those ideals and towards the growth of a central government. No longer is this country one of many independent and distinct districts working under an overseeing but hands-off central government. Now we are a part of a massive central government system that has districts with mostly identical government structures between them. The United States of America is no longer a system of United States, but rather one State.
The critical error for the Founding Fathers was the erroneous belief that a State can be limited.

wtf i am a libertarian now
nice body snake :^)

The property fetishism really turns me on

I'm glad to live in NH, one of the few Havens of Libertarianism. Its not perfect yet, but the libertarian population is actually growing here as some organization suggested all willing libertarians to move to NH to create a Libertarian majority state. And so far its working

I almost fapped but then I realized it was a girl snake, what a shame

>fapping in general

>It's obviously a miserable failure here in 56% land
Finally someone else gets it

How else am I supposed to get off?

I've considered making the move myself.

How is the US even libertarian nowadays? You went the third way full time and had been a social democracy for at least 150 years now. You have FED, welfare policies, extreme political correctness, libertarian candidates in your country like Ron Paul have almost no political support. In 1970 all of the demands of the American Communist Party from 1920 were already executed. You have 35% of a corporate tax. You are definately not a libertarian country anymore.

>mfw people on Sup Forums unironically shill for statism

Ethnic homogeneity is not necessary for a stable libertarian nation. What homogeneity is necessary is cultural, linguistic, educational, and population density.

Cultural disharmony requires secession and new borders. Linguistic disharmony requires secession and new borders. Educational debasement leads to stupid voters who will not keep their government weak, and high-density cities introduce said educational debasement and corrupt politicians, at which point your society falls apart.

Naturally, markets can solve these problems. Were markets free, we'd likely have felt pressures for populations to leave cities long ago, and education would be in tip-top shape. Also, the only people who would come here would want to speak English and be American, rather than creating insular foreign communities with corrupt politicians to gibsdemdats and stay separate.

Culture is genetic, it comes from the people
Without whites there is no libertarianism

>Culture is genetic
The characteristic genes of a population will influence its culture, but culture is not entirely up to genes.
>Without whites there is no libertarianism
Given an intelligent population, libertarianism could work perfectly well. Whites aren't the only intelligent people out there

>Whites aren't the only intelligent people out there
Gooks and Indians are the only other ones and neither of them seem to be huge fans of libertarianism

Indians are dumb as fuck. We just get the high caste ones here.


That's not the original

Culture is not genetic. Intelligence is, and the US, in the past, proved that generational improvements in intelligence and productivity can be made frighteningly quickly through acute selection and epigenetics.

Nothing about being white is special, with regards to having a stable society. Only the willingness to defend what is your matters.

Culture can be affected by genetics to a certain degree if a society is racially homogenous because personality traits/tendencies towards certain behaviors can be inherited through epi-genetics and if a homogenous group of people all inherited a tendency toward dancing or smoking or something else then those things are going to be a larger part of their cultures.

>"I bet you're some panzy ass federalist who can't get off unless he gets an act of congress to approve of his next quivering, whiny, little cumshot."
Fucking gold/10, would tread on again