If I was Supreme Leader

If I was supreme leader these would be my following laws.

1) Any person who threatens a lawsuit in a condition where there is no reasonable assumption a lawsuit could be valid, shall pay a $1,000 fine to the person in which they made the statement towards.

2) Any person who says "I pay your salary" to a police officer shall hand over their next months salary to said police officer.

3) Any person saying "woke" in a public area will have their toungue being removed.

4) Any person who expresses a meme in real life, including text-talk, shall be executed and have their image taken during execution to be used for future memes.

5) Any person who uploads a video, where within the video content the publisher is heard saying "This is totally going on YouTube" shall be executed.

6) Any person who complains to a store clerk, after said clerk refuses to accept an expired coupon, shall have their right to use coupons revoked. If the complaint lasts more than 5 seconds and the complainer has a person behind them in line, the complainer shall be executed.

7) Any person who is caught commiting theft, of any monetary value, shall hand-over all their property to whom they have stolen from. If the theif has no property, they shall become a slave to the victim.

8) Any person who uses a race card, or makes self depricating race jokes, shall have their skin color perminantly altered to the color green through chemical processes.

Any woman who claims rape without proof shall have their tongues cut out.


king of edge

This law has been approved.

Ok kid.

Are you a socialist? Sounds very authoritarian, freedomless and unamerican

Jews must have a typically visible portion of their bodies tattooed with an identifying marker as to know that they aren't white.

>3) Any person saying "woke" in a public area will have their toungue being removed.
Person 1: I woke up this morning..
>*10 people pull out steak knives at the same time, then restrain Person 1 and cut off his tongue*
Jeez, that's a bit harsh.

9) Any person who uses the term "kid" towards someone else who is no less than 5 years younger shall be executed.

Ok kid.

>You must be 18 to post

These are very reasonable laws.

might as well just gas the population instead

Now that would just be tyrannical. I want a nation of law, order and peace.

Anybody who describes something as "lit," especially if they're not even niggers but decide to talk like them anyway, will have the item/location/etc. they described "lit" on fire until it is no longer functional. If it foes not belong to them, they are lit on fire instead

This law has been approved.

Anybody who tries to file a lawsuit on the grounds of discrimination against any party, by any party, will be denied their request on the grounds of "We don't serve your kind here"

Any person identifying themselves as a Communist, Bolshevik, Strasserist, Socialist, etc. Shall be deported to Venezuela (or equivalent) until such a time that they no longer hold Marxist viewpoints

Anyone found to be guilty of "dabbing" will have their arms broken unless they swear to their God, with lie detectors present, as well as a Jew trained in the arts of Jewry who might recognize signs of lying in the suspect, that they never dab again

Any negro claiming that the Egyptians were sub-saharan African in ethnicity is too be subject to the same methods used to bury ancient Egyptian rulers
said negro being dead while this happens is only optional