Tribalism is bad!

>tribalism is bad!
>join the septic commuhnity!
>the violent left is bad
>nazis are bad
>will do nuffin against violence
>raising the child of another men
>1/8 black
>getting sued

I agree that sargon is an idiot but he is the introductory redpill for many people, it's unwise for us to attack him when he pushes so many our way.

Is he really introductory? He's boring as fuck with his endless rants on the low-hangin SJW fruits. He's not a big thinker either. Calling him even a medium thinker would do the word injustice. I don't get it why all these below-average Jewtubers have the most views.

Someone like Millenial Woes is by far better.

>1/8 black

Is this true or is it just another meme?

I think he posted a video once where his parents appeared, can anybody find it?

instead of focusing on all these ecelebs with no integrity that suck why don't we start shining a light on those not afraid to speak their minds.

> I don't get it why all these below-average Jewtubers have the most views.

Mediocre people watching mediocre people bfto'ing SJW, thinking they know jack shit

Yeah, that's why he's useful because his opinions are simple and easy to follow allowing even the most retarded people become "redpilled"

My favourite bit is when he says he's debunked the altright when all he ever says is
>collectivism is bad
>you're right wing SJWs!
>I don't give a fuck about the white race!
Karl needs to learn individualism comes after the commie threat has been dealt with. It's funny because he always says we need to use SJW tactics against them, and when a movement is successfully doing that he spergs out because they're not the people he wanted to succeed

He's actually 1/4. Quadroon.

*his own son
*1/4 black

Haven't seen these levels of butthurt since the 2016 election.

When he openly advocates for white genocide then he's not "redpilled" not even remotely. Not even as introductory one. Being redpilled doesn't mean hating SJWs, that's basic common sense.


>sargon has nigger blood
Now it makes sense why he's a civnat.

>N-no you're butthurt

No Im stuck between being annoyed and "Whatever you fat British fuck"

I don't think that Sup Forums backing them up will do them any good. Plus all the people that are worth listening to are not youtubers per se.

Nah. People gets stuck in civnat mud cause it's edgier than mainstream but spineless enough to avoid addressing problems that require to pay a social toll.

He used to be a good intro redpill, but after all the media attention the Alt-right has gotten, he's chosen a side, and is no longer useful.

Which I knew that will happen, for the longest time he's been "yes lefties, but rightists too" kind of person. He would never say "blacks or asians should go extinct". Gamergate was the beginning of word redpill becoming meaningless

But low hanging fruits are where mellenials operate friendo

This is what I was trying to say too. He's too far cucked to be even called ''introductory'' to any pill. No wonder he's an individualist, when he is mixed. That's what you get from racemixing. Rootless people who really do not want any racial collective, because they would be left out. Rather have everyone atomized like them, than them being the only ones left atomized.

So what are the things he has not tackled? He is in full favour of racerealism and white identity. His videos are original and entertaining.

This... sadly

People don't care about important people of society. You need to make the fucking buzz to get their attention. And also have an iPhone.

>introductory redpill
Only cocksucking fanboys say this, he's as bluepilled as it gets.

bluepilled? That's a bit of an overstatement.

Nope, 100% bluepilled. Hope he does bankrupt

He says he's part black but his parents are strangely no darker than him.

He might be part creole, rather than part black. I think British blacks are coming predominantly from the Caribbeans, and the population there is heavily mixed.

I think the burger was referring to the generation of Millennials, not Millennial Woes

>never be skeptical of kikery, only of conservative ideals