Do you think Mushishi setting is in Feudal Japan or in an alternative world?

Do you think Mushishi setting is in Feudal Japan or in an alternative world?

An alternative feudal japan.

A world of cuties.

why ginko wears modern clothes ??


Feudal Japan?

I always thought it takes place in the 19th or early 20th century or so. Because of Ginko's clothing.

Do we see any cities or anything modern like Rurouni Kenshin in Mushishi?
IIRC we only see mountains and forests. But Ginko's cothes are really intriguing

People carry around fire guns. It's likely 18-19th century.

Didn't Ginko even have an microscope?

Tobacco wasn't available for commoners until later Edo, and even then it was mostly smoked in pipes, with cigarettes becoming more popular only in Meiji.


The first Musishi story took place on June 22 1926 in Peru

yeah he did, so maybe the isolationism era of japan was shorter in mushishi.

So, maybe the story takes place in desolate area in japan. Maybe Ginko deals with Ainu people, but comes from south.

>So, maybe the story takes place in desolate area in japan.
The modernization and westernization starting from Meiji era didn't reach the rural regions until way later.

mushishi was to be in modern times,but the mangaka wanted to change it
his clothes were a leftover from that

Posting the cutest.

Yeah, I think something similar. It takes place 19th or 20th century, but the mangaka only used rural areas to maintain the dreamlike mood of the story. Bigger cities and cultural upheavals would have ruined the atmosphere.

I was hoping Mushishi would hint at somekind of post apocalyptic setting and the mushi being a kind of fallout from it. But in the end it's just a comfy mushi-of-the-week distraction I guess.

"Mushishi is set in an imaginary time between the Edo and Meiji periods, featuring some 19th-century technology but with Japan still as a "closed country"." [Urushibara, Yuki (2001). "あとがき" [Afterword]. Mushishi, Volume 1. Kodansha. p. 223.]

To make him stand out.

He's a big guy.

Thanks I couldn't find this page, but my copy says:

"Regarding the time period Ginko os living in: I draw chapter 4 intending to set it in modern times, but the other stories aren't set in any particular time. Japan still in a time of isolation, maybe? Or it feels like an age set between the Edo and Meiji periods. That's the image I get anyway."


Literally to make him look like the mysterious outsider he is. The man that seemingly arrives from nowhere, does his ting, then leaves.

I'd rub her blackfoot

It can also be because western clothing is associated with dutch studies, and western medicine, which was new and must have appeared as some form of magic from rural Japanese perspective.