This is a boy

>This is a boy

What went wrong?

Everything went right.

Absolutely nothing.

Maybe it went left

Nothing OP.

Too much clothes

I know right? I had too much testosterone and strayed away from what could have been.
If only.

He is not sitting in my lap.

The only thing that went wrong is you stopped dumping, keep going.

Not enough traps this season desu senpai

The lack of a condom for the artist.

you're asking the wrong questions user-san

His testosterone and estrogen levels are fucked up.

I mistook the shadow on his crotch as a dick on the thumbnail

More like "what went right?"

my cock's not inside him yet

Sure is getting mighty catholic in here

she's not hard

>draw girl
>call it a boy
What's the appeal of this? You either like girls and should fap to girls or like boy and should fap to things that actually look like boys. If you just wanted a girl with a dick then futa is superior. Explain yourselves trapfags.

I like futas too

looks like a castrated young boy to me... possibly some hrt in the mix? if we started castrating young boys now and putting them on estrogen we could have a ton of 3DPD like OP's pic.

>castrating young boys now and putting them on estrogen

come on, everything but castrating, it hurts thinking 'bout it

Degeneracy took over anime and promotes sissyfication of men.

Why did you post pics of my fap folder with all this unnecessary words on it?

>not wanting to be the cute girl and projecting onto them through the medium of watching trap stuff

What went wrong is me not looking like that.

Th-There's no way middle is a boy...

>futa is superior

Confirmed for literal homosexual.

People fucking laugh at me whenever i tell them that it's the japanese masterplan. You think they're not asshurt about hiroshima/nagasaki? think again, sissyfication is part of their plan to make america degenerate from the inside, while making it look like it comes from ze jews.
oh but won't this affect japanese men too? banzai motherfuckers, scorched earth.

The only thing their plan is doing is making me want to cum in some cute trap ass.


The only thing their plan is doing is making me want to cum in some cute trap ass while someone else cums in my cute trap ass.

Futa has cowtits pretty often and I don't like cowtits.

That's mad gay, user.

I had a dream like that once.

I did that once


Please do tell, or post pics on ghost.

>fapped to the bj scene....unaware


Oh, he's from something? I figured he was just some random OC.

It is. I don't know what that user is talking about.

So what's the next step in their master plan?

>bare shoulders
>chinese dress
>wide hips
>opera gloves

Literally MY DICK: the image

The fuck??

Hips wider than many schoolgirls!!!

once again, boys are superior to girls

Sauce on this pic?

Nevermind. The shading on that pic is so different it threw me the fuck off.

Holy shit I want to lick his upper body, cum in his ass and all over him.

Just why.

Who's the artist?