Any of you faggots watch this??

It was fucking great! Millenial Matt called Infowars
to deny the Holocaust.
The Infowars cucks came off as retards. Their arguments were hilarious, like, "why are there pictures of starving Jews"?

Other urls found in this thread:



did infowars hire posobeic?

I'm not sure if he is hired but it looks like he might be doing the 4th hour sometimes.
He annoys the fuck out of me

Everyone knows alt righters are horrible at debates. Just watch any debate of Destiny on youtube debating a right winger, and you will see, these people don't have any facts, or logic. All they have is "mah feels".

>did auchwitz exist or not!?

>yes, auchwitz did exist, but it was an internment camp to hold jews before bringing them to israel


What a buncha dumbasses

Matt please stop shilling your videos here dude It's so obvious and fucking sad, let people find you through other means or twitter It's fucking cringe when you constantly post your videos and twitter post here in threads I love your content otherwise you balding manlet lispy faget!

I was almost embarrassed for them

I heard this earlier to day I was cracking the fuck up. Infowars just opened up a huge assfucking. The fact that they openly say Sandy Hook was a Hoax, 9/11... etc., but won't entertain a discussion about the Holocaust is going to loose them a lot of viewers.

I like how the guy automatically goes for the authority fallacy, and how because there's pictures, it's true...

Man o' Man this is gunna be a fun one.

I'm not Matt. I heard this on IW today so I tried AJ's Youtube channel but of course they didn't have it.
I did a search for Millenial Matt and found his channel.
Btw, you can suck it

The closest Destiny ever came to debating anyone near the right was Naked Ape and he surrendered in 20 minutes.

Fucking Infowars is like TYT for the right. Why would anyone watch this?

6 million died because Auschwitz existed. What a fucking idiot. The US rounded up all Japanese in 1941 and put them in camps too but nobody ever mentions that fact.

Def matt

Oy Vey! ((Owen))the shill isn't gonna be happy

jews. control the media, control the narrative. normies just eat it up.

You're going to ingest 40lbs of pure poison every day if you don't buy his filters and fortify with super male vitality.

Frankly the fact that there's no European Alex Jones equivalent is bothersome. You all don't even seem to like conspiracy theories.

Look it's your uncle.

DisinfoWars amirite? the shoahcucks is a huge sham... casepoint: multiple allied spyplans took thousands of topographic and planial aerial photographs around parameters of Auschwitz... no smoke, no burn pits, no mass graves.

Alex Jones has kept Infowars alive for so long by not directly naming the or denying the holocaust which would cause instant death.


Oy me

I understand that but it was damn fun to see them trying to make an argument


the world


The world was gonna goy me


Owen Schroyer is only good for triggering leftists on the street.

Nobody mentions that? What the fuck shit school did you go to?

It is amusing they'll talk about secret black sites full of chimera people being experimented on by government agencies. He'll go on Rogan and talk about psychic vampires building an AI to escape 3D space.

But holocaust denial is just too unbelievable.

that IS amusing!

He knows the truth but also knows that it would end infowars.

Fuck off, faggot.

Alex, if you are browsing tonight just tell us that you know the Holocaust is b.s.
This is just between us, I promise


That fag posted the same pasta in my thread

Link me to the archive of this same pasta you idiot DO IT

I'm sorry, but this guy has the rhetorical skills of a 7th grader. The only defense of his argument was that the allies bombed supply lines...

He got props sweaty in that, gave me a hearty laff

I didn't write that

Owen is a retard and has fucking destroyed infowars. Alex is really trying to make infowars a place for blue collar working people to get their news and he adds to that image. The comfy days of Alex Jones carving a pumpkin talking about red dot sights from the government in your home are over. It's sad but it's the truth. Alex cares too much about his life and his legacy to question the holocaust but he will probably have some testimony about it at some point in his life. You gotta take everything infowars says about the holocaust with a grain of salt

I agree. I think he said the other day that he was going to ease up on politics and get back to conspiracy theory stuff.
Sometimes he seems a little behind on tech, I don't think he has even mentioned the 5G rollout

Naked ape literally made him shake and spasm. There is something wrong with that childlet

Here have a nostalgia

Owen is such a try hard beta faggot.

Infowars is getting attacked a lot lately, it is enjoyable.

Reminder: Jack PissDick is a Naval Intelligence Officer

lmao i watched this live when it was happening

Hey matt

I know right? Alex Jones is such a huge faggot. He's all about conspiracy theories and denies Sandy Hook but you put him up against David Duke and he just cowers. He's just a fraud that is only in it for the money.

This shows how much your average retard knows about the holocaust and holocaust "denial".

Maybe he knows that will get him kicked off the internet like anglin and weev

Never forget Amazon banned books to appease (((them)))

its a bit of a different story to be openly racist in real life verses on the internet

wasnt there supposed to be a debate between the imagine my shock guy and someone about the holocaust? it was posted about here like a month ago


What's your name in chat you cumguzzler

>3 retards embarrassing themselves


not political discussion,
get out of here with this eceleb shit

Really wanted this to trend didn't you?