Wtf I'm Quebecois now?

>has an active separatist movement
>said separatists actually take culture seriously
>not divided by petty conservative vs liberal
>people don't bring up politics like americans do, even when the topic isn't welcome
>they love their culture so much, the only reason english isn't an extinct language is because the federal government hasn't let Quebec be independent yet
>good games
>political debate isn't shut down in the name of tolerance and diversity
Why was i not born here? someone get me to this beautiful nation

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duplessis is the official canadian Sup Forumsack

Je sais Bubba, on est tellement supérieur aux anglos...

Promoted traditional catholic culture and fought communism, he seems like the leader we need today

we need a Quebecois petain

send us help

Once I started dating this girl from Quebec I ended up in a bisexual hookup within three days where I sucked cock for her amusement. damn they have some crazy girls there


A Quebecois Petain isn't a bad idea actually, but this time make vichy quebec a real government

Daily reminder that the anglo world is a complete shithole vs Québec:le vrai paradis sur terre...


that's good times right there

Qui t'as donner la permission de parler, chien saxon?

>Le jour du râteau viendra


Bande de communiste attardés. Ils ont réussi à tarnir la réputation de quasiment tout les mouvements séparatiste à cause de leur autisme, pareil avant les catalans, les irlandais et les écossais, ils y a toujours des communistes qui traînent pas loin pour foutre la merde.

Regarde ton magnifque capitalisme, Kevin...

Ils ont l'air mieux que les soviétiques et les vénézuéliens.

she sure brings a lot to the table with her sexual networking. moving to Quebec with her in five month after we take some time in Russia and Austria

Toujours la raison des scrubs:''on est mieux que les negres en Afrique, Bubba''.

>video of horror

This is an English speaking board, Frenchies.

You realize Quebecois culture would literally make rednecks look prestigious. Their staple food is pepsi and may west cakes... maybe some salt and vinegar chips if they are feeling special.

anglo quebecer here. i hate and love these french fucks. they are white trash, but they are my white trash.

>tfw no dixie gf

Parlez-vous français user?

People from Quebec are right-wing as fuck because Canada doesn't give a shit about forcing what (((they))) think on them. If you go to College in French, you'll see no propaganda, no notes around the school saying you need to be nice to people who are from other countries, ect. Nobody gives a shit because everyone know they aren't here for that.

If you step inside a English college however, that's where you'll see all kind of bullshit about lgbt, Islam being a RELIGION OF PEACE and other bullshit. It's also effect the people there as they tend to lean more left because of that bullshit.

Hell, i remember going to high school and the very small amount of black used to fight with the latinos all the time, but nobody had a problem with races. It wasn't even a spoken issue at school

The biggest problem i have living in Quebec, it's that we get fucked both side by the Canada government and our own. Fuck Justin Trudeau and fuck Phillip Couillard

Fuck u I'm ur white trash

oh putain, Ça fait longtemps que je t'ai pas vu toi. Ça va?

I agree. Fuck couillard.

And fuck QS for refusing a coaliton government, although tbqh, I think GND will be the one to drop a third referendum. If QS can manage to pull the minorities on their side, there's a bright road ahead.

Oui, très bien Kevin, comment ca va toi, user?

Assez bien honnêtement, Hâte au vrai automne par contre, c'est chiant la chaleur tardive comme ça.

When are we going to take down the cross on top of montroyal mountain? How many more muslims do we need?

This country is gonna be ours, the muslims

How do I know you're not a white suburban shitposter?

Bien merci, et vous?

quebecois here
>not divided by petty conservative vs liberal
that's because conservatism is shunned and liberalism rules in this province
>political debate isn't shut down in the name of tolerance and diversity
they're working on it
and the tolerance and diversity agenda is also predominant in our education system, along with feminism being taught as the greatest achievement of all time by any teacher with a vagina

Remember to archive

mais non estie de fif
on a pas eu d'été, t'es un negre ou quoi?
crisse de chien sale
mange d'la marde

>t'es un negre ou quoi?
les negro aiment la chaleur con

wtf l'gros, t'as la tourrette ou quoi?

there is only left in Quebec and separatist left

C'est tout ce que tu peux dire en Francais, right Bubba?

I like the Quebec people, they are like American rednecks. I mean that in a good way. But their government seems South America tier corrupt and incompetent.

Pretty much this for me too

Je soutiens la séparation Québecoise. Le Canada se tue en utilisant le liberalisme.