How do we protect European Civilization?

Normies leave.

Easy. Gas the kikes :)

room temperature IQ

You couldn't find an awesome REAL European castle to post? Die in a fire, reddit refugee faggot.

We don't. It's too late for them. They're done

Fuck yourself. It's not a real castle but it should be

No it's fucking retarded and erosion would wear it down in less than a century. There are REAL castles that are way better if you'd bother to do a 2 second internet search.

The best European castles were made in the 18th/18th century when there functional utility was zero.

Strict guns laws in the West need to be rescinded. As soon as a few Muslim and Antifa get shot the rest will run away in fear.

Yes, and? Also fortifications have literally never been a good idea. Mobility has always been superior because it enables logistics. Fortifications just make your supply lines vulnerable.

Fortifications allow for stable security and dominance of a local area. Their ability to hold out during a siege makes them unique in making an enemy consider a location strategically.

If you're under siege you have already lost. Siege is just a fancy word for "pinned down", giving up the initiative to the enemy. Better to retreat and maintain your mobility than waste months standing watch on some shitty wall.

by not hiding your power level ever. It will eventually become the new norm and the tide will turn. Don't be ashamed of your views. Take care of you mind and body.

>What is the siege of Vienna

Yeah what a well defending castle. One man made rock slide and boom whole castle is gone, or they just walk in.

Yeah sure, this beauty has not functional utility.

>Also fortifications have literally never been a good idea
are you retarded?
>muh mobility and logistics
Huh, well now it's a race to see who can burn the other's homeland faster.
I mean it's basically the tribal suicide bombing
Also you can't be mobile all the time. You need to rest. Rome won her battles because she got to choose where to fight. No one could engage Rome without the Romans consent because the Romans were always fortified.

>Better to retreat and maintain your mobility than waste months standing watch on some shitty wall.
That worked out so well for Hannibal didn't it?
And Darius?
Napoleon? (remember why he lost his final battle)

The only time mobility has ever been a significant factor was the mongol conquests, which was basically not really mobility as much as it was the ability to live anywhere the horse could live. They didn't need supply lines. Also there was no way to attack them logistically or economically speaking.

>a fucking leaf

Another pic

>burgers can't into castles

Built in 1274.