Ethno Virus

>In November 1998, The Sunday Times reported that Israel was attempting to build an "ethno-bomb" containing a biological agent that could specifically target genetic traits present amongst Arab populations.

>Microbiologists and geneticists were skeptical towards the scientific plausibility of such a biological agent.

The New York Post, describing the claims as "blood libel", reported that the likely source for the story was a work of science fiction by Israeli academic Doron Stanitsky.

>The article also noted the views of genetic researchers who claimed the idea as "wholly fantastical", with others claiming that the weapon was theoretically possible.

So is it possible? Has it been built?

Other urls found in this thread:

Dammit PL, get back to Eve NC, needs another dutch rudder.

It's not possible because we're all one race, the human race.

Of course it is Sweden

They were skeptical because arabs and jews are both semite peoples with tons of common ancestry and genes


>He doesn't play Eve Online


no i am not suprised


stop this immediately, Karl

I'm not
Fuck you in the bum
Swedes are vegetables

Please please please deploy it. Please kill all them muzzie scum

yes it called AIDS

>So is it possible? Has it been built?

There are chances that once it's built, humanity is fucked. There is virtually no possibility for it NOT to backfire, especially in case of semites building virus against semites.

It's just plainly easier to develop an uber virus and just vaccinate the chosen ones (or give them antidote).

Imo, it's the same as using maths to find hidden text in Torah or Quran.


Muslims are not a race, It may affect halfbreeds of arabs. Time for people in doubt to check their genetics, just incase you become collatoral damage.
God speed my Indian friend.

>using maths to find hidden text in Torah or Quran.

But that's not even scientific, those are fantasy regardless of math.

In truth, sacrifices must be made.

I would not survive, but Western Civilization might.

The sand people are genetically much too similar.

Luckily for the Israelis, they had a centuries old mind virus they could weaponize.

I'm not sure it would work because Jews and all Europeans actually have very significant middle eastern ancestry since Neolithic. Majority of Europeans are over 50% mena and Askhenazi jews over 70%.

>find hidden text in Torah or Quran

also, we should remove kikes before it's too late

I would rather have conventional wars than have a Genetic-weapon released onto a people. the thing could mutate or who knows what else might happen, it could infect someone of mixed origin and then be able to be transfered to a different race. Who knows what shit could happen, not to mention the mass hysteria it would cause.

Pic related. Though the disease in the book targeted only women, the basic principle is the same. And it came out in '82.

Europeans are too mixed with middle easterners for it to work reliably.

Askanazis have Semite blood? They all descend from kazhars.

i wish it was real. we need this virus in sydney

For now, im sure there is more to learn from People's genetics.

make it target negroids specifically and BOOM world instantly becomes a paradise. Imagine, all of africa can be rebuilt from zero and become 100% white people land. the chinks will behave after we display this sort of weaponry. all of the race problems gone and white race survives as the true master race, overpopulation is curbed, resources and wealth are distributed alot more and the planet prospers again. cmon jews, do us this one favour.

It's real but it doesn't kill, it just makes them stupid and violent.
They think it broke quarantine but they can't really tell.

It is very possible, why do you think they are collecting all the DNA info with all those DNA tests that are showing up online lately? A big chunk of population did them, that's a lot of research material to distinguish the goyim and the juden. The moment we automatize everything for them, they will wipe us out somehow, I imagine with ethno virus.

A weapon in theoretically possible but could not feasibly target arabs. They are too genetically diverse. Arab basically means Muslims (mostly) who speak Arabic as their first language. Otherwise there isn't much genetically in common. They can try to target specific Genes/SNPs in the Arab populations but will never get 100% infection rates. Probably never higher than 50% at it's most effective.

It's a bad idea for news to make these kind of weapons because a weapon made against Jews would be far more effective due to how small the population is and how endogenous it has been

>They all descend from kazhars.
That seems to be urban myth and all Europeans have semitic blood.
Yes but European genetic are best understood.

In contrast to Western Europeans, new research finds contemporary East Asians are genetically much closer to the ancient hunter-gatherers that lived in the same region eight thousand years previously.

Researchers working on ancient DNA extracted from human remains interred almost 8,000 years ago in a cave in the Russian Far East have found that the genetic makeup of certain modern East Asian populations closely resemble that of their hunter-gatherer ancestors.

The study, published in the journal Science Advances, is the first to obtain nuclear genome data from ancient mainland East Asia and compare the results to modern populations.

The findings indicate that there was no major migratory interruption, or "population turnover," for well over seven millennia. Consequently, some contemporary ethnic groups share a remarkable genetic similarity to Stone Age hunters that once roamed the same region.

The high "genetic continuity" in East Asia is in stark contrast to most of Western Europe, where sustained migrations of early farmers from the Levant overwhelmed hunter-gatherer populations. This was followed by a wave of horse riders from Central Asia during the Bronze Age. These events were likely driven by the success of emerging technologies such as agriculture and metallurgy

The new research shows that, at least for part of East Asia, the story differs -- with little genetic disruption in populations since the early Neolithic period.

Despite being separated by a vast expanse of history, this has allowed an exceptional genetic proximity between the Ulchi people of the Amur Basin, near where Russia borders China and North Korea, and the ancient hunter-gatherers laid to rest in a cave close to the Ulchi's native land.


That's the first time someone has gotten that right.

based jews

And Indo-Europeans who invaded in bronze age were half-iranian/caucasian.
Where as neolithic farmer were related to natufians and bedouins. Modern europeans are derive most of ancestry from them.

Arab tier conspiracy. Good if it were true though

Where is Jessica Hyde?

Go back to your grave Marx

>So is it possible?
>Race doesn't exist

bjorn you know you can say that what will the diversity police say!!!

Hitler should have gassed you all when he annexed you.

I read an article about Israel developing a race-select biological weapon in the papers way back in the 80s, with this same reason as to why it was going to be difficult. This is probably one of those stories that gets rehashed every decade or so.

they dont have significant semetic blood. less than 2 percent. its completely diluted out if they ever had any. theyre most closely related genetically to southern italians

>outer heaven

The main reason I'm bringing it up is that it seems that Israel has ether made a virus or is working towards making one.

If it would harm Jewish populations they wouldn't risk it right?

That's what Outer Heaven is based off of.

It would kill.all Jews.

Very easy to have it not backfire user, you target mutated t-cells

Care to elaborate?

from what i know yes you could make something like that

This is how everything starts in 12 monkeys

>thinking elitist jews consider themselves the same class as lower jews

I'm not Karl Marx. Karl Marx couldn't possibly be alive. He would be almost 200 years old.

>Race doesn't exist

I mean if you can find important protein that is 100% reliably produced by arabs (whites, blacks etc.) only and then "fix" it to kill them – go on.

>sickle cell
would be easy to hit race mixed peoples as well, like the main race mixes

this is the ultimate weapon even more powerful than an atomic bomb

the air is now lethal,you cant keep a gas mask on forever

niggers for example might be strong and violent but guns and knives cant do shit against this weapon

i always knew the elites would have such a thing up their sleeve

i hope they drop it in africa

the problem is, viruses mutate.
This would get out of hand extremely quickly

Usually a deadly virus will only infect a few thousand people, therefore it's mutation rate is low. Every single time it's transmitted however, mutations accumulate. There are over a billion Muslims. If all of them are infected, just imagine the probability that it will mutate into something that can attack Indians, or whites, or Israelis.

and if it works you could skip down a street singing while all the darkies die around you it would be like heaven lmao

Probably, but that's really playing with fire. One major miscalculation and 90% of humanity is sterile, or dead.

Why not a virus that targets Melanin?

>That seems to be urban myth and all Europeans have semitic blood.
Urban myth my ass followed by kike lie pushed in the same breath. Duke the shill opposes former, Benjamin H. Freedman supports it - that's quite enough for me. As for the latter? Nah don't think so, never saw sources. Especially with so much (designed) confusion on the former. I'd be wary of any new findings because it's a sensitive topic. That spacing, that pasta, kys faggot.

we would need to quarantine like we never have quarantined before

feels good man being an island

close all ships and airplanes for a week,post all military at the coast with hazmat suits incase some cunt tries to sneak in illegally,shut down the tunnel also and guard that,someone comes through blaze em with sa80s

go to the winchester and wait for it all to blow over :^)

you all laughed and called us island monkeys........whos laughing now? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Russian shill in Sweden demoralizing as usual

Jews are too middle eastern and it could affect Europeans too.

please merchant if you ever release this weapon dont fuck it up

there is still a good chance of a truce between our people and if you clense the middle east you get greater israel and we can be left alone by dune coons

do not fuck it up and make it the walking dead or some shit

A lot more has been published regarding the feasibility of such weapons. As recently as 2016 this was written regarding tailor made genetic delivery systems to sterilize and or kill... "Advances in biological engineering are poised to further reduce the role of large armies and traditional weapons. As scientists develop a deeper understanding of the genetic markers that make some people more vulnerable to disease than others, doctors are developing personalized medicines: drugs, gene therapies, and other interventions that target specific genetic vulnerabilities. But it’s a two-way street: The same breakthroughs that enable personalized cures will also enable personalized afflictions. Picture a rogue scientist crafting a bio-engineered virus that disabled or killed only when it encountered a specific DNA signature — or the DNA signatures of all the close blood relatives of a political leader. Why bring an army to war when you can simply bring a scientist and a test tube?"

Because everyone on Earth has it in some quantity. So it will be Albino Master Race. Plus what will you achieve by inhibiting/destroying melanin?

It's called AIDS and it's terrifying effective.

Why not just make a virus or disease that destroys the melanin in the skin and makes everyone albino?

Problem solved no more black and brown people.

Everyone is now white


>tfw the only one ITT who understands Swedish humor

Also nobody cares about shitskin Jews, not even low class pale Jews.

Well, about that...

Nope if you have at least 1% Jewish DNA you are safe. I have nothing to worry about. I have 10%

>Problem solved no more black and brown people.
>Everyone is now white
> IQ

I see your point.

ALL deadly viruses are going to hit low IQ people harder. Because they have worse sanitation, worse hygine, worse preventative measures.

For example, a virus can sweep through Africa like a skater on ice. But as soon as it hits a first world country, the transmission rate slows to a crawl, like trying to skate on gravel. It simply can't maintain a positive transmission rate due to the hospitals, vaccines, adequate nutrition and hygiene....etc.

Yeah, becuase it's so hard to tell what someone is without melanin.

>Meme flag

Oh I get it, you never actually grew up around niggers.

Sauce on image?

Sad how ugly they are

>The differences between races is only skin colour.

it was never about colour user

it was about protecting our gene pool from having it dragged down from 110 iq points to 80 by nigger mixing

if niggers stayed in africa and all went back there we would have no reason to hate them,its becuase they shit up our lands we hate them

if they all went back to africa we should give them a pat on the back and assist if we can in any way as mosley once said.

till then we need to purge

I don't know if anyone can assure that it won't have unforseen consequences. I think that the best option is extermination camps for internal shitskins + war against shitskin state, honestly. We can also absolutely collaborate on that, assuring that they flee east rather than west or north.

▲ ▲

This, fuck nazis and expecially those problematic white people

That would be easiest. Target anyone without two skin lightening alleles Europeans have. Middle Easterners also have them but at much lower frequecies though.

I think you're starting to understand how Hitler felt.

Malaria and its effects on north africa

how about instead of declaring war to kill them, you beat them economically?

Tear down their national borders, implement multicultural policies. Then ensure that they are at an economic disadvantage, meaning that their fertility rate is always going to be lower. Eventually, through a gradual process, you can wipe them off the earth

I was curious what the national Bolshevik flag looked like, I was disappointed.

And yeah I know it wouldn't really change much except everyone would just be albino, but in all honesty it's the closest we can possibly ever get to solving racism at least at the skin level.

Is this a currency to keep refugees out of your house?


how long do i have to wait?

I think they have it but it's just another tool to add to the Samson option.

Samson option is likely not just nukes but a whole slew of stuff to either destroy everything surrounding Israel or make Israel itself totally inhospitable if necessary.

Ethno-viruses are possible.

"Although it may take several decades for the process of transformation to unfold, in time, the art of warfare on air, land, and sea will be vastly different than it is today, and 'combat' likely will take place in new dimensions: in space, 'cyber-space' and perhaps the world of microbes.
Space itself will become a theater of war, as nations gain access to space capabilities and come to rely on them; further, the distinction between military and commercial space systems – combatants and noncombatants – will become blurred. Information systems will become an important focus of attack, particularly for U.S. enemies seeking to short-circuit sophisticated American forces. And advanced forms of biological warfare that can 'target' specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool." - Rebuilding America’s Defenses

Oh fuck.....

its the way of things user,i dont wish death on the black man but the future of my race and reaching the stars is paramount

if you all go back to africa i will happily help in anyway i can to make it 1st world and so will millions of others

we have a right to an ancestrial homeland

because shitskin jews are basically sandnigger kikes