Boy Who Began Sex Change at Age 12 Changes His Mind 2 Years Later

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Archived it

You seem to archive almost everything that isnt archived...

Well you or some other norway bro..


lol he has to get a breast reduction. also whodathunkit kids are dumb and parents shouldn't cater to their whims

It's almost like children are stupid and aren't capable of making proper judgements about things that will effect them for their lives. Or something. I cannot fucking wait 'til these kids they're fucking up right now start filing lawsuits.

He's archiving crappy news sites because people won't bother and keep giving them free traffic.

>some ginger poofter mick jr. wants to be the little girl
>he doesn't get ruthlessly physically bullied out of it
When I was in school you got held down and had sand poured in your mouth on suspected homosexuality. You don't want the poof treatment anymore? You hardened up and smashed their heads in. This is an extreme case here, likely unheard of now. If you get in a fight no matter how minor you'd get suspended or expelled, it even gets you on government record after a certain age and you can get barred from military service. Because these kids aren't allowed conflict, competition, adversity, they become weak and soft unfit for any real semblance of life. This kid is fucked for the rest of his existence thanks to this.


Gender dysphoria is cured with careful therapy.

Not by lazily dismissing the child as gone case and makung him even more delusional by injecting him with foreign hormones and then mutillating his genitilla

They won't be able to spread their genetics into the genepool. Good. Let them be retarded.

>Implying Gender Dysphoria is inherited.


its a robot idiot

of course

Where are the tit pics?

no revenue for clickbait

nah, if you're polite, sometimes he responds.
archive user is on a mission.

Remember all those "bigots" that said this would happen? Funny how often "bigots" end up being right.....

Guys, there is a debate in the biggest facebook group for students, about homosexuals and about government wanting to give more gibs for transexuals, can you give me more links for news articles like the one OP provided? I would be extremely thankful. Also, could someone please link me legit studies, statistics, that show how much trannies off themselves, and stuff like that.

bumperino for shifting the public opinion

Australia got gay so fast

>debate in the biggest facebook group for students,
Is it a serbian fb group?

Anyway, a good points against faggot marriages are raised in this article. All arguments in favour of gay marriages are based on logical fallacies.

It discourages assholes from spamming their shitty clickbait articles for advertising money.

Giving people hormones or hormone blockers under the age of 18 should be a severe felony

Yes, also, didn't want to "prove" a point, cause there are like 100 people debating about the moral aspect of it, and when that people are arguing it turns into a Sup Forumstier shitstorm where no one listens only autisticly screeches. Pisacu ovako da bih bolje objasnio. Hteo sam da postavim linkove ovakvih vesti da bih se malo izdvojio, jer drugacije je kad ljudi vide sta se stvarno desava u "razvijenim" zemljama, nego kad im ja pricam " e ljudi to ne valja zbog toga i toga". Nadam se da me razumes

haha kako da ne.

Utipkaj u Googleu hate facts archive (modovi su zabranili postavljanje linka) i tamo pronađi kategoriju gays. Tamo su priložene činjenica i izvori.

Zatim, par gdje se najviše nasilja događaju među partnerima su lezbijski parovi. Razlog je ovaj:
Tako je nedavno u engleskoj jedna Lezba ubila dijete od svoje žene. Kasnije su za smrt djeteta optužili jedno drugo dijete.

Zatim, ako pročitaš članak što sam stavio. 3 glavna argumenta protiv homobrakova
1. eliminiranje spolnih razlika. Kao što se vidi gay lobby je nakon što je izvojevao pobijedu oko gay brakova odlučio sada legalizirati transeksualizam
2. Otvara presedan za druge vrste degeneričnosti

P.S: pretpostavljam da je ova debata zbog ove vaše premijerke što je nedavno šetala po pederskom okupljalištu.