Happen now

i just want a world war to happen already, im tired of the shitty system we live in today. I think its time to press the reset button and go back to traditional ways of survival , a much simpler time . i would trade anything to have that , even the internet. I just want to be able to go out with my rifle and hunt for food and kill the enemy , i just want simpler times . the order of life is all fucked up , you have men acting like women and women acting like men. I think humanity needs a reset.

You need to be 18+ to post on this website.

nigga im 300

You have to be 18+ to post here

GO back to Redit

Kinda cute watching you try to fit in here. But let me tell you, you don't.

Balance young one, else you'll turn into a Ted Kazincsky

do u think anything would change ?
the only thing that would happen that many good men will die... and the world is robbed of the flower of another generation !!!
what do u think happened in ww 1 and 2 ?
all these people ready to change the world for the better died on the battlefields and guess what the dark side won again... its nothing but genetically selection... while the cowards stay alive !!!

i want a race war

You act all tough like once bombs fall you'll be Rambo and not the beta you physically are. Tell me what's the longest you've gone without eating, the longest you've gone without sleeping. Because in order to survive what your proposing you'll need To be in the top 10% of the world in those fields to survive nuclear apocalypse and the world after. Let alone knowing how to fight. Which you don't. The men on this site simply aren't fighters its,why we're here and other men are out doing anything else. Threads like these remind that sometimes the memes and laughs arent worth the price of being associated with the likes of you.

You'll beg to survive on its outskirts

But what about my 20k+ achievement points WoW character?

>the reset button
Naive. You have no clue just how deep the rabbi hole goes

So this thread is still alive? Well OP I would suggest that you pick up some skills of your choice. Race war or nuclear holocaust aren't coming anytime soon but regardless you gonna need those skills if you don't want to rely on welfare for the rest of your life.

This is exactly what I say when these walking dead fans all keep wishing for some kind of zombie apocalypse like they're going to be swinging machetes like bad arses but in reality they'd be bawling for a smart phone in about 6 hours.

I'd say the current order of society definitely needs a reset. I'd much rather work directly for my necessities than the current way of learning some lame ass skill to earn a bunch of paper.

life is way too easy

>Traditional ways of survival
Oh you edgy emo stupid soul. Did your parents not the fork up the dough for the Blood on the Dance Floor concert you wanted to go to?

In those "traditional" times you think are so great, if you were born a peasant, you died a peasant. Also, I don't know what kind of Jason Bourne clone you think you are but if you're able to walk around hunting people without repercussions, guess who else can? Everyone else.

No world war before i get disappointed by the FF7 remake.

that pc is so calming for my soul.
I don't want a nuclear war but I would really like to see the world population massively reduced desu

The Islamic take over of the west must be slow and painful. Just think, there are people on this board that will see their daughters fall in love and marry Muslim men

Happenings cancelled boys

Go home and buy bitcoin