Patrician thread

Wherein only those of Patrician Taste may participate

shitposting thread?

While I'll agree Tatami Galaxy was good, what exactly makes it patrician tier? It used a unique artstyle to tell an otherwise somewhat common story.

give examples of patrician taste

tomihiko's writing and yuasa's direction





the unique artstyle was often thematically relevant (e.g. depiction of ozu, scenery visuals changing with emotions)

it was used to reinforce the (admittedly common) story's themes, which isn't as common

also the artstyle/direction is captivating enough to make it worthwhile, even if the story sucked, which it doesn't

hey I just finished that an hour ago, I loved it, always kept me entertained

recommend patrician teir shit for me to watch

Watching this right now. One of the best anime nobody watched.

ping pong: the animation

Why do people use this word? It literally means people of noble birth. No one on Sup Forums is noble for any reason so stop using it. Fucking retards.

Are Josei patrician Sup Forums?

Obviously OP is being a retard on purpose but for what it's worth it was pretty enjoyable. Really it's honestly about if you like something or not. It's not about how universally praised by the most elitist of elite people with supreme taste something is.

I am a relative of actual royalty thouh

forgot jojo and sao bud

Yeah, and I'm the Queen of England.

"I'm very fond of K-On." - Elizabeth II

Everybody here has watched it. Stop thinking you're special

And I'm the sultan of Brunei

sao is in the middle and jojo bottom middle

Rate me Sup Forums

>i am a huge faggot but i'm also pretentious

And I'm an Egyptian Pharaoh, nigga.

more like this pls



overexposed meme desu

Fuck off Sup Forumsnigger

i want to watch the 5 of those i havent seen with you

Which five?

It's only “patrician” if you compare with dull moe shitfests. Objectively, it's a normal show for normal people whose brains have a capacity to develop.

What the fuck is NGNL doing on there

Ishizuka is a good director and it's a better example of her mastery of color than Sakurasou no pet na kanojo.

Yeah maybe but it's still shit

I also like gambling/strategy anime, so I enjoyed it as a whole, and particularly enjoyed her direction. I'll probably replace it when she's given the opportunity to do something original, rather than just adaptations.


Are there any good animes concerning the nobility of Ancient Rome?

Is this the pinnacle of SoL?

How's the anime of that compared to the manga?

Historie is supposed to get an anime, and it has ancient Greeks.

Does this year seem particularly slim on experimental pieces to anyone else?

there's only a couple OVAs, but they're quite comfy

It's a two episode ova. Not really worth comparing. It's nice though, definitely worth an hour of your time.

Best episode coming through.

That's not the Yakuza afraid of edges.

why is opm on here?