The lengths they will go to to deny brain and rationality differences...

Apparently boys are better at physics because pissing teaches them projectile motion.

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Are they?

>we must come up with any excuse but the obvious to determine the gap
This ideology will get us killed.

Only thing I learned how to do while going to the toilet was that I need to stand closer

If I was the only one in there I always see how far I can stand away while still landing in the urinal.

Yeah, sorry, I don't think so.

This is something I've been saying for many years. Though I never said it was the sole reason why boys are better at physics, but practice certainly doesn't hurt.

So, have females squirt water bottles into toilets, and see if it improves their math and physics skills.

Oh, wait... this article is just a psyop to try to force men and boys to pee sitting down, isn't it?

Whenever you're feeling froggy...

Fuck you. You're the reason the bathrooms are always so fucking filthy.

Women are better at sammich making because they squat when they pee.

I don't miss.

Wouldn't... hunting for 30,000 years do that?

>Leftists throw a tantrum over a joke

everyone poops, everyone spits, or vomits. so everyone projects. so wtf?

I always thought women project alot more than men?

I guess that where out superior hand eye coordination comes from to.

Sports, video games, shooting, all because we stand when we piss... so that's why they want us to sit down when we piss, it isn't about getting piss everywhere, its about making us defenseless. It all makes sense now, that's why they are pushing the sit and piss meme so hard in Germany.

Standing and pissing is literally preparing you for physical confrontation with ranged weapons.

I think you're on to something sven

(((Freudianism))) is wack and has no place in the 21st century any more than phrenology (which may actually make more sense, to be honest).

>Apparently boys are better at physics because pissing teaches them projectile motion.

You know this started as a joke observation, right? Then it gets filtered into the media as "SEXIST CLAIMS BOY PENIS MAKE GOOD AT MATH", then you come posting it as "hurr lefties are trying to cover up the truth".

What a waste of fucking time.

It's almost as if the author doesn't have a psycho ex who threw everything except her fucking phone.

the neurological differences are stunning really, once you've seen the full multi layered quantification of just how biologically deficient female brains are it becomes truly amazing they can even produce language at all let alone function in society

>the real miracle is that women can even talk

t. neurology

This has been blowing my mind. Several years ago, I was dating this proto-sjw girl and I was talking shit and came up with this exact theory. I remember her being really intrigued by the idea. She went to undergrad at Oberlin and while I haven't spoken to her in years, I'm sure she's still plugged into the liberal media class. I really wonder if this is my own stoner-tier theorizing making its way back to me.

>Not calculating the acceleration and arc of your pee pee to maximize the mess you make on the floor


thats why i have trained myself to piss into the toilet from up to 4m away.

I'm living this right now

>this article is just a psyop to try to force men and boys to pee sitting down, isn't it?
It's propaganda to convince doctors to chop off boys dicks at birth.

Surprised they didn't say sports. Would make more sense.