Should I watch the 1999 series or the 2011 series?

Should I watch the 1999 series or the 2011 series?

2011, full stop.

Both but starting with 2011 is fine I guess.

Read the first chapter of the manga before you do this.

You should stop making those shitty threads every fucking day.


Watch both then form your own opinion. sage.

dude you're dealing with a Jump series fanbase

that'll never happen

1999. Older anime will always be superior to the new shit.

save yourself the time and watch neither

Read the manga

Read chapter 1 of manga then watch 2011 then pick up manga again. Or read just read the manga


Doesn't matter if it's 1999 or 2011, Killua has the best HxH reaction images.

He's also extremely cute.

Best option:
Read the manga

Second best:
Watch 99 from the beginning until Yorkshin arc ends, then change to 2011.

might as well watch boku no pico, it's basically the same thing

Just watch 2011 version. You'll get more enjoyment out of not having to switch anime, the art won't be shit, and you'll enjoy the soundtrack. The older version doesn't even go as far as the new one, and pales in comparison

until greed island the remake was garbage. zero atmosphere, no attention to detail.

Because 99 had adapted that

why do people act like that is completely ignored it shows up later in the series did you not watch all of 2011 or what

Why not both?


Watched the older one, somewhat like it.

Personally, I don't like the newer one. Watched few ep then decided fuck no.

Because what happens to Kite is more impactful if he is introduced early in the series instead of halfway into the series.

Neither. HxH is trash tier.

Because his anime-only flashback was shit.

What the fuck even was this.

Read the manga.

Why not both? Amazing idea that no one thought about, isn't it?

This was such dumb and unneeded padding.

I have only watched 2011.

A few of the arcs are good but for the most part I regret watching this anime and was hate watching it towards the end.

This is a classic case of first draft syndrome.

There is WAYYY TOO MUCH side character content in the Ant Arc and the plot turned to shit at the end as well.

Whoever wrote this shit needs help cause it's like a star wars prequel disaster at the end. I don't give a shit if it's some famous fat manga shit writer. I don't read manga but I do know story structure and I can do better than whoever he is.

Also whoever decided what makes it into the anime and what doesn't is also an idiot.

tl;dr Don't watch 2011

I don't care what you think of HxH, but you're clearly new as fuck and should go back to wherever you came from.

>I would like attention please thank you

This is some rotten b8 buddy