This breaks the Theist in half and then some

>this breaks the Theist in half and then some

Other urls found in this thread:

Heaven and Hell were created by the kikes for control over people.

Fear = Control.

nobody actually believes in heaven and hell apart from inbred muslims.

yes this user gets it.

>heaven has no evil
Based on what?

This too.

who taught you the trite you posted? r/atheism?

Heaven is a place where everyone has free will and yet refuses to do evil. That's how I understand it anyway.

binland gets it.

God is Life.

Your understanding on this matter is literally lemming -tier user.

This pastor gets it.

>There is no free will without evil
Prove this statement.


it's basic logic if you have higher than 70 Iq

>There is no evil without free will.

You had this one backwards. Now try again.

Heaven is a place where free willed spiritual creatures choose to be in subjugation to god.The ones who chose out of their own free will to disobey have already been evicted onto the earth.

All of god's sentient creations have free will.

>The statement is correct because anyone who disagrees is, of course, simply not as intelligent as I am
>[tipping intensifies]
That does not prove the statement.


>no free will


> there is no free will without evil
> citation needed

fuck bro you are grade a retarded

I doubt it. I think free will is an illusion.

Hey the kid is trying, don't be too harsh.

It's hilarious. Whenever atheists make an attempt at philosophy it reads like a 5th grade essay about summer camp.

I'm not going to suck his dick just because he's bought his first fedora.

Ahh..I see you attended troll 101. Nice try but go back to your book.

It's just a logical fallacy. There's no evil in heaven because you're in hell. Everyone in heaven chooses good...or theyd be where you are now.

binland he is using a meme flag, any harshness is justified

Of COURSE we have free will, we have no choice but to have it. The boss says we've got it.

>applying shitty human logic based on nothing but axioms to literally out of this world, divine stuff
lmao the ignorance of fedoras

alright dummys gather up!
What about the following sentence confuses your thick little heads?

>"There is no free will without evil"

Just because you believe in god just mean you believe in heaven or hell. In fact most Christians (and anyone really) who have NDE's just recall a sense of peace, almost like nirvana.

And Jews have no concept of heaven or hell as they place importance on this life.

Y'all are dumb.

>I understand God and know what her wants and how he thinks

The smug arrogance of theists.

> what is free will
> what is evil
> prove that the definition of free will implies the existence of evil

just in case you aren't trolling

Heaven is not like earth. You are neither capable of doing evil nor good in heaven, it's not a physical reality and you can't manipulate your environment or other people.

Well for a start evil is subjective and so its existance has little bearing on your choice between two actions.

>What about the following sentence confuses your thick little heads?
All of it tbqh.

>"There is no free will without evil"
That assumption is wrong on its face.

Heaven is a place where people with free will choose not to do evil. How hard is that to understand?

But he actually admits that he doesn't understand God.



Heaven could be a personalization simulation, everyone you interact with isn't really that person, they are off in their own personal heaven, therefore if heaven for you is to rape and murder famous actresses you could do that without anyone else sharing your fantasy, thus no evil occurs to anyone.

Daily reminder that God frosaw the Apostasy and the fall of man, he did not ordain sin.

Yes, when you become a Christian you sign over your free will to God in the name of Jesus Christ and acknowledge that his law, as shown to us in the ten commandments, is perfect and infallible and accept that the rightful punishment for breaking it is death. We realize that God's laws create paradise, this is the ideal stately known as heaven

Not really.
It seems reasonable, to me at least, to say that most people's idea of going to heaven involves being made perfect. Mental and physical ailments are cured, etc. Thus, the damaged thought processes, complexes, and illnesses which either create the circumstances for or directly result in evil acts would not exist. Thus, a person would simply not have an urge to commit an evil act because they would truly have full control of their mind, and be capable of sound reasoning. Beyond the internal forces leading to evil acts, there are no external forces either. There is no need in heaven, so no one HAS to fight for food, power, etc. There is no internal force to sin, therefore there would be no one to create an external force for you to sin either.

I'd enjoy this life while you can. If you're into existence at all, and not just thinking, you're going to HATE heaven. Hell is a lot more fun really, which is why we keep coming back isn't it? Love you~

>not knowing that heaven is literally a state of mind which is exercised by free will to find peace and contentedness no matter what happens to you or the world around you.



well if all the people that make it into heaven are good, all the people who make it are freely choosing to be good.

also terms good and evil are inherently biased for us humans

I see you missed or misunderstood the "evil is subjective" part. If you consider everything to be good then there is, for you, no evil. Further, you are still perfectly free to choose an action that others consider to be evil.

Well in heaven you can technically commit evil as a bunch of stuff such as lucifers rebellion and man eating the apple happend there. Since then, its more selective on who goes there so now it's more like the people there are the kind who will never commit evil.

How can "good" still exist without free will? Wouldn't all your actions just be morally neutral?

>Implying free will is a requirement of paradise

The inability to sin doesn’t inherently violate free will. People's inability to perform certain actions, think certain things, or say certain things, doesn't mean they don't have free will. People have mental blockades against all sorts of things in real life -- swearing, doing harm to others, lying, etc. The Bible says that we will be purified in heaven, so it's not hard to imagine that our sinful nature will be gone in heaven. The new nature that’ll be ours in Heaven - the righteousness of Christ - is a nature that cannot sin, any more than a diamond can be soft or blue can be red.

Also this. There is nothing about religion that makes you physically incapable of sin. Instead it guides you away from it and encourages you to seek repentance when you do sin.
