How do Mangaka feel when they see their series anime have this much lack of detail?

How do Mangaka feel when they see their series anime have this much lack of detail?

They probably understand the amount of time and effort that goes into drawing, and how it's nearly impossible for animators to recreate it consistently.

Anime adaptions are basically just big ads for the manga, they care when people buy the manga as a result.

What you just said has literally nothing to do with OP.

The point is they only care if the anime makes people buy the manga, not about quality. I was pretty clear...

they laugh on the way to the bank

most of the mangakas who get animrs are not fucking Miyazakis or Otomos who can go in there and be like no fuck you, fuck your budget, i am the captain now. generally theyd like to just continue drawing manga with the anime revenue being a bonus. and to your question about lost detail and as well as lost pacing, drop in impact due to poorly casted VA, THEY PROBABLY RATIONALIZE IT BY SAYING EH PEOPLE WHO LIKED THE MANGA MORE PROBABLY JUST LIKE MANGA MORE

Why would they feel something about it?
Why not ask "How to Mangaka feel when they see that the sky is blue?"

Of course they care about the way their work is represented in an adaption. They don't necessarily have any say in it but it's only natural for them to think of it as important.

I would imagine drawing a detailed pic takes a lot of time so when they see it in the anime and it lacks lot of things they are a bit disappointed.

They're probably happy their got offered an anime adaptation in the first place

If their art was easily completely replicated in motion by korean wageslaves on a budget, I'm sure they'd be a mite bit disappointed.

Just to make sure people are interested and want to check out the manga. Being super detailed is his own job, as long as the anime isn't complete shit he' ll be happy.

You are already drawing conclusion on how anime can't be detailed or high quality because they are simply ads. Who are "they" who care about people buying the manga? The Freemasons? What makes you think a low quality advertisement is the same as a proper one? If something, this Jump show is way better quality than your average anime. No, you were not clear, I have no idea what the fuck are you talking about and you shouldn't be so passive aggressive, or people won't like you.

>Who are "they"

Obviously the mangaka them self you dense mother fucker.

I would imagine drawing all the pictures required in animating an episode takes a lot of time too, so when they see it in the anime and it's in color and moves they aren't disappointed.

Not saying an anime adaptation can't be shit, but lack of details isn't one of the main reasons.

I'm pretty sure they understand that drawing multiple frames of similar quality compared to the original page is a lot to ask for, especially if it's a weekly series instead of a movie. Though you could blame the director for wanting to do less details in favor of more motion, as they could've probably have done Dezaki-style stills of the detailed pages or panels.

And you hae faggots calling the anime shit because it even dared to use them

>The mangaka make anime adaptations lack budget

can you please get some reading comprehension before posting again?

How do you think anime staff feel when they look at manga adaptations of their original shows and see the complete lack of motion and color?

They probably think to themselves "if only KyoAni had animated my manga"

If the Hero Macadamia Nuts guy wanted KyoAni to do the anime adaptation, he wouldn't cut the amount of guys in the cast by 60% and made Ochako the star

Sure thing.


Which turns into "if only KyoAni didn't animated my manga" as soon as they start making retarded original content.

>"if only KyoAni had animated my manga"

Probbably Rich desu

"It can't be helped".

>no skin colored

Adaptations relying solely on pretty stills while cutting corners with editing/animation are a waste of time.

Buy the BD.

Are you mentally challenged?

Do you know how anime is made?
If you're not a complete fucking retard (like you obviously are) you would understand what can, and can not be done.

0/10 pointless and ignorant thread.

Wow you're mad.

They continue counting their money

I bet they don't even watch it.

Horikoshi always draws a pic before episode begins and after it ends. He also seems very enthusiastic about the anime.

mumble mumble tv censorship mumble mumble