Yes boomers suck but what about Gen X?

Yes boomers suck but what about Gen X?

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We, gen x, didnt have the internet while growing up. The Msm was much stronger, trust in authority figures was unquestioned. I always knew something was wrong, but didnt have access to a large enough group of like minded individuals to actually figure it out. The gatekeepers grip has slipped and im more knowledgible and wise to the actual way the world works.

You should make a youtube channel and thinly veiled incite younger genereations into fighting amongst themselves while you get more money from youtube adds than working.

No thank you. I think the nwo is using a divide and conquer strategy to secure absolute power over the people of the world. 30 pieces of silver is not worth my immortal soul.

My gen x parents are both liberal, glad I managed to escape their brainwashing, late millenial (1995) here

Im just happy to drop my .02 on a Transnistrian goulash recipe sharing page

Fucking germs

Op gen x is a grab bag, pretty much UNI indoctrination got to most that attended.

I was drinking the liberal kool aide until 3 years ago.

Gen X are degenerate as fuck, but they are implicitly white. Boomers are implicitly niggers.

What is Gen X 1960-1980?

Remember when artists at least pretended to have integrity and authenticity existed?

1964 to 1980

They're not the American kind liberals that yell "racist sexist homophobe white man", I was actually able to redpill them on "refugees" that are actually secretly being shipped in Europe. Guess that's how I managed to escape it. Good hearted people, just naive

Yes, but in hindsight, the cracks were already appearing.

There is a difference of intensity between leftists and liberals. They both serve the same master though.

At least Rolling Stone is being shitcanned

>We, gen x, didnt have the internet while growing up

what are you talking about ?

Let's just cut to the chase. Gen Zombie is the worst generation OF ALL TIME. OF ALL TIME. Imagine boomers if they skipped the idealistic hippie want to make the world a better place phase and dive bombed predatory crony capitalism from birth. That's generation z and it will shape up just as wretched as it sounds.

I think the UVA fake rape article was the final nail in their coffin. RS has always been geared toward hippy ish boomers. I was into heavy metal and hard rock in the 1980 s. Hippy shit never really added up, for me. I thought it was too naive and weak.

You guys seems pretty cool for the most part. I'm genZ and look up to more genX than most generations.

>it's not enlightened to have your children raised by youtube celebs

Dude, I was born in 1980 and I didn't experience the internet until 1999. I was 22 when I got my first cell phone.

Gen x didnt have wide access to the modern internet of today until the late 90s. I already pushing 30yo by that time. I understand that a small minority of people were using bbs and whatnot by that time. My commodore 64 and amiga were not connected back then. I didnt get internet until 1997.

I was born in 82 and same I didnt get it until I was in college. I missed out on all the nude high school selfies.
But I did like how we didn't have all this SJW and other lefty crap.

Im GenZ and I agree w/ that but it mostly stems from shitty parenting and MSM

when we were growing up they made us believe there was no hope..nukes..ww3 and all that..therefore we gave up before we even started

Actually, it mostly stems from the Koch brothers and other billionaires trying to turn the world into their own private piggy bank. Your flag tells the entire story.

Zach de la Rocha's dad is a Jew.

>not being proud of that

Looking back on, OJ was the first real red pill.

We tried... we gave up.
Good luck children!
>In the premiere episode, which aired March 4, 2001, members of the U.S. government conspire to hijack an airliner, almost hitting the World Trade Center, and blame the act on terrorists to gain support for a new profit-making war. The episode aired six months prior to the September 11 attacks.[5]

Gen X knew how the government walked the dog.
They've been skeptical for decades now.

Now millenials are joining them for the first time as some finally open their fucking eyes. Millenials are at the stage now that X was in 1987.
Expect some big movement in the 20's.. if we're still alive.

>born in 1980
barely gen X.

I am proud but mostly i like to keep it to myself

We're going to inherit all the boomers shit.

Fuck all ya'll.

Gen X is where all this (((cool to be broken))) shit started. Every goddamn person I met in Gen X in the 90's was gay or bi when asked but only fucked straight because it was hip to be homo.

And they were all on some fucking med of some kind and they were all sad depressed losers who thought it was cool to be a sad depressed loser.

Who knows if they still behave this way because I stopped to talking to all those assholes 20 years ago.

The methheads and druggies. Bunch of beer belly fatties lazy who ride they bikes.

Obama happened because Milenials became invested in politics at a stratigist level.

Trump is what happens when Gen X became pissed at the Milenials and took politics away from them.

It counts as long as he saw the first run broadcast of the simpsons australia episode

>I was born in 82 and same I didnt get it until I was in college. I missed out on all the nude high school selfies.
>But I did like how we didn't have all this SJW and other lefty crap.
We did have it, constantly. Did you grow up in a different reality to me? Sure it wasn't as bad as it is today but it as all the thin end of the wedge.

Late generation X here ('78)

Silent Generation > Generation X >>> Millennials > Boomer scum

I grew up in the south and was working class so i wasnt in contact with very much faggotry. Some of my friends from back then, are still crackheads and commies though. I got lucky that i grew up in a family that was mentally abusive because it gave me a stronger survival instinct and a natural sense of uneasiness and distrust.

In 1990 there where only 1 million Online Service subscribers. Outside of BBS or even Usenet, most Americans didn't get World Wide Web access until 1994-1995.

I remember when the Simpsons were only a cut scene on the Tracy Ullman show when Fox television was in its infancy.

Gen X grew up learning to be distrustful of marketing and the government. Many from that generation helped transform our economy through their innovation and thinking outside the box. It's hard to tell what the future holds for Gen X, because the Boomers live longer lives now and refuse to relinquish their hold on power, and every other generation seems completely content to let them keep it. Why do we allow a bunch of senile old fucks to control every level of government? Their time is almost over, why would they care about the rest of us?

That's because you had to wait for the Brits to invent the www.

You're welcome.

Thanks for the porn m8

>We're going to inherit all the boomers shit.

No we're not.
They are going to spend it all on Polish nurses and river cruises (crewed by more Eastern Europeans).
Nothing will be left.

But no matter, unlike boomers and millennials we don't need handouts.

because boomers only care about theirselves

>Why do we allow a bunch of senile old fucks to control every level of government?

They have the numbers.
So in a democracy they have the power.
Same reason they got everything all their lives.

Once they start dying things will turn around though.

Incidentally, all the hating on baby boomers is just a ploy to make you hate white people.

Gen X will barely be remembered, we will have little to no impact on history because we're sandwiched by boomers and millenials. Our consolation prize is remembering how it was before the boomers ruined everything and seeing our world revived by Gen Zyklon.

You are right, eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you may die was my ethos during the late 80s and early 90s. Hope for a brighter future didnt materialize until the dissolution of the USSR and fall of the Berlin Wall. That hope was smashed after 9/11.

born in 81 here, I had dial-up at home in 93-94 with AOL/Compuserve/Prodigy

Boomers are the niggers of the white race.

All they say is "gibs me dat"

That's a good way to put it

Also the peak of Gen X music was pretty forgettable alternative/grunge shit

Both deserve it. And gen z is boomers x a million, so it's only going to get worse.

>Every goddamn person I met in Gen X in the 90's was gay or bi
Weird, I knew a few people like that, but not a lot. I remember that in the mid to late 90s fingernail polish became mildly popular with the people who were suddenly listening to industrial and the like, but that was still pretty limited.

Rest of it though yeah, being a depressed cunt on adderall was the cool thing to do. We all grew out of it.

What defined Millennials is their obsession with their social media reputation.

If you go to places for the experience you are generation X.
If you go to places to take selfies and record videos you are a Millennial.

The biggest disappointment with Gen-X is its failure to stand up to the Boomers. The Boomers are awful - but they took charge of things. When the Boomers were turning 40 in the mid-80's, they simply shoved aside the older generations, and took control of politics and the economy. By 1993, Boomers held the presidency in the US - and they have held it ever since.

The oldest Gen-X'ers are 52. Compare them to the Boomers, who turned 52 in 1997. By 1997, the Boomers controlled everything worth controlling. By 2017, Gen-X controls very little of note. And the most powerful Gen-X'ers like Paul Ryan appear to be nothing but Boomer fucktoys.

Gen-X needs to stand the fuck up for itself and overthrow the Boomer regime. But they don't seem willing or capable. And that's a huge disappointment to younger people. They just sort of take Boomer abuse and never hit back.

I was born in '81 so I'm probably on the cusp of gen x and millenials
most of my friends are guys I went to school with or toured in Iraq with and are very patriotic, anti-Islam and outspokenly politically incorrect but I doubt they represent the majority of my age group
lots of trendies and people who just eat up whatever the MSM says because they don't know any better

tfw nobody remembers gabber house.

Gen X just kind of seems to want to duck their heads and move along. They were hit by the economic crash created by the boomers, and while not quite in the same way as Millenials who came of age in the misdle of economic suppression, it was a hard enough hit to see their peers suddenly suffer financial loss and the collapse of the housing market.

Mostly they feel like Millenials without the tech addition. I envy them a little, get frustrated with their lack of Davy in the office sometimes, but don't feel bitter about them the way I do boomers. They're ok.

There are more people age 18-34 than Boomers. Add in Gen X and together we have the numbers. Yet somehow in the last U.S.election, we allowed our choice to come down to two incompetent septuagenarians.

Gen-X is the first generation in human history, that when in their 40s+, will answer the question, "Do you wish you were 18 again?" with a resounding, "No."

As this user said, as children we had the MSM...that was it. Rush Limbaugh didn't come along 'til I was 19 or so, and even then he was the lone voice for a long, long time. Thankfully I was redpilled early

The parents of he boomers, the greatest generation, were not as greedy and self indulgant as their children. The greatest generation, was willing to sacrifice on individual gain, for the good of the society, boomers are are not calld the "me generation " for nothing.

Nope. Millenial was coined in 1982 and defined as children who would come of age in the new millennium. The term has existed long before social media.


They were the first cucked generation. Either obedient military/authority slaves or liberal academia jerkoffs

Maybe in America.

"Boomers" are mostly a European phenomenon.

They're way worse than Boomers. Boomers mean well, but they are just deluded about the current situation.

Gen X knows the score and has known it for years, and they just don't give shit. They are the true Me generation and will step on the corpse of anyone to make sure they come out on top, especially the corpses of Millennials. Every shitty trend in business of the last 15 years has been the ideas of Generation X. Jeff Bezos is a Gen X'er.

I might have barely made the cutoff, but I'm definitely not a millennial. Couldn't tell you the last time I took a selfie and I don't have a single social media account.

By comparison.

Wait, 18 again like I could go back in time retaining my memories? Oh sweet baby jesus I would in a heartbeat.
If you mean just regress to the age of 18 here in 2017, no fucking way.

>tfw nobody remembers gabber house.
There's a reason for that.

Jungle is superior.

Gen Z

Gen X

Greatest Generation



>Gen X didn't birth hip hop

shitty rap will long outlive both of us

>If you mean just regress to the age of 18 here in 2017, no fucking way.

There's actually been quite a bit written about that. When GenX was growing up the Boomers had all the power both economically and culturally. Then the millennials came along and corporations, politicians and everyone else started pouring money into capturing millennial mindshare, millennial $$$, the millennial vote, etc.

GenX never really had a chance. GenX just got steamrolled over and has always been in the shadows of the Boomers and as the Boomers lose power GenX is more and more finding themselves in the shadow of the millennials.

>Every shitty trend in business of the last 15 years has been the ideas of Generation X.

>It's the fault of businesses that I'm a lazy NEET with no skills.

My grandparents (greatest gen) were not perfect, but they were not as self absorbed as the boomers are. I didnt fall for the meme, i experienced it.

That does really suck for you guys then. At least they'll be dying off in larger numbers over the next decade and a half or so. Then you'll be stuck cleaning up their mess the rest of your lives.

I was on Netscape as a 10 year old in 93 what the fuck?

I'm gen X and grew up in the liberal bay area, I airways knew that something was very wrong here.

Yeah I had grandparents from that generation too

Don't look at everything through rose-colored retrospection

THE GREATEST GENERATION was a marketing term used to sell shit

Millenial isn't a fucking Jeff Foxworthy skit or a Facebook sorting hat quiz. Generations are a time stamp. You don't hear some 30-something looking at their economic behaviors and going "Gee, I think I'm from The Silent Generation."

Are millennials really worse than boomers? That seems harsh.

I grew up extremely poor.

Did you also use BBS's (or whatever the fuck the plural of BBS is)?

I let my little sister chat with the sysop when she was 13 while I downloaded porn.
Those were the days.

>Boomers are to blame for everything they had it so easy.
Here is life as a boomer.
>I dont need a new computer every so often, or a phone, or a tv, or a console or video games, I spend my money on fucking NOTHING!
>Wow why do I have so much money to spend on homes.
Gen X
>I love spending my money as soon as I get it on everything I fucking enjoy.
>Why the fuck dont I got no money, its Boomers fault, reeee goverment.

In a fucking nutshell.

Fuck you and fuck your useless shitposts.

What is gen x supposed to do ? We are outnumbered and outpowered in a world that has probably always been corrupt. The best i can do is not be corrupt myself and warn others about the situation. They got us by the balls, now we have 2 more generations that also see the same bad situation, maybe the time is right to set things straight, but previously there was no way to build a large enough consensus.

Still live in the bay?

I still live and work here, but I have purchased 3 properties in southern oregon that I plan to live in and rent out during my retirement.

No, you weren't. Stop being a faggot with facts. I would have been impressed if you said Netscape began the creation of the nigger internet by creating javascript.

>The company's first product was the web browser, called Mosaic Netscape 0.9, released on October 13, 1994.

BBSs. apostrophes are for possession, even if it looks very ugly when pluralizing words that end in an s. Following an s with an apostrophe is right out.

Agree, they trusted institutions way more than they should have.

Without a doubt. Most of the boomer rage comes from the fact that they aren't very realistic about the issues people experience this day and age. Millenials want a hand out for everything and think that because they posted a picture on facebook with a france flag filter that somehow they are fighting terrorism. Boomers would have never bought into such stupid virtue signaling shit.

thanks for explaining

>>nigger internet

Terry Davis, is that you?

Boomer, im never going to retire, you xers cant advance your career, tough shit, fuck everbody who isnt me.