He's right, you know

he's right, you know.

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Isn't Chile relatively successful as a capitalist country?
Aren't many emerging Asian economies successful through capitalism?

Hong Kong?

He is right. Economic systems don't matter nearly as much as race. Nothing can make shitskins build civilizations.


Chile, china, japan, sk?

this is your country on capitalism.

nobody fucking cares.
that's called russia, kiddo.
>latin america
that's not a real thing.


Most countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia are heavily regulated and have a much smaller level of capitalism than Europe and the US.

Every system is flawed to some extent.

The thing is, socialism and communism have been failures in pretty much everywhere they have been faithfully implemented. Where they haven't, it's usually been with capitalist influences (e.g. China or Vietnam) to the point where you can no longer call it communism.

Capitalist countries may fail on occasion but this is not inherent to capitalism. In contrast, the sheer failure rate of socialist and communist states can't really be attributed to anything other than the system being inherently flawed to an extreme degree.

Chile's pretty much white. Not entirely, but definitely the whitest as a whole in SA. Hence why they're the most successful.

Wow, so capitalist

Japan? Argentina? Even China is fucking Capitalist now.

China abandons Socialist economics in favor of a hybrid system of state capitalism and it's doing much better than when Mao first took power. Such is the fate of all Marxist states if they wish to not collapse like the USSR.

>They say socialism always fails, but what about these mostly socialist regions that I'm calling capitalist for the sake of my argument? Checkmate, Pigdogs!

>Hong Kong

Everywhere. Capitalism is, after all, a global system, and it works just the way it should in those countries.

>Costa Rica
>Puerto Rico
>South Korea
>Hong Kong
>South Africa

Now compare that too


>that file name

Chinks have always had muslim populations. Smoking crack.

Like a fucking chart for Wealth, holy fucking shit.

They actually weren't doing so bad before commies

Capitalism only works for humans.

Where is the success of communism in Africa?

The true redpill of this is that people can easily list out the successes of capitalism in Asia, with some difficulty in Latin America, and not at all in Africa. Because no ideology, scheme, system or plan works in Afria when your population is sub-80 IQ.

We weren't back in the time he said this, and we probably never would have been if it wasn't for socialism.

I am shocked by Argentina and Brazil to be honest.

What did this guy actually do, besides being a socialist and blowing his brains out.

Now overlay that map with a map of where white people live. Notice anything?

the white man is keeping them down

Simple. You have to be at least semi - smart to be a truly successful capitalist. Africans and Latin Americans aren't smart.

Argentina will never go anywhere, don't you worry. We'll always be completely inept, completely corrupt and completely fucked. More than enough land and resources to be a first world country, but at this point I think our own culture is that of self-cannibalism and short term policies that get us nowhere.

We are socialism incarnate

Who was arguably, your best leader or era?

After that it's all jewry

You'll probably have to go back before the 20th century. But pretty much since the foundation of the country there haven't been many long periods of stability, economically or politically.

Pffft Trudeau, who cares what he said, taking the opinion of a dirty commie as worthy of discussion....

Name one great achievement Africa made without capitalism. Also Fidel and Che were both useless half breeds in so much as their legacy only lives on through their failures

this would make sense if each country operated in a vacuum but clearly that isn't the case

The best capitalist country is still better than the best socialist country.

We gave them Detroit, and they ruined it.

It doesn't matter which economic system your country is using currently. If your country is competitive enough, it will succeed.
Take a look at this: reports.weforum.org/global-competitiveness-report-2015-2016/#read

Chile, Uruguay, and even Argentina are rather successful

We're not

>Hooked cross flag
>Supporting (((capitalism)))

Also Fidel was a Jew.

The Pyramids? Depends on how you define capitalism.

We could be better, a million times better. I think the only way we could become 1st world is applying an economic system that Asian countries like Singapore or South Korea did

I never seen such travesty in my entire life. chile is as shitskin as it gets in South America

Top Economies in South America by race:

>1st by far Uma Delicia (47%white 43%mixrace shitskin 7%nigger)
>2nd Argentina (whitest in all of the continent)

>3rd chile (shitskin) or some other shitskin nation I don't care about

Mexico is completely shitskin and not a South American nation, so not our problem

Therefore your theory is flawed. I can say that Argentina and Uruguay are more civilized than Brazil and chile, and they are whiter as well)

Between Brazil and chile... I'm sorry mountain dwellers, but we are more civilized. (At least in the south-south east)

>Chile is pretty much white
>whitest in all of SA
lol you dont' know what you're talking about, yanqui.

Top 3 whitest are:
Uruguay, Argentina (excluding Jujuy, and parts of BA overrun by Colombians and Boliguayos), and S. Brasil

Uhh there are tons of successful Asian capitalistic countries. I'm not even talking about just east asia

He's wrong. People can't properly work the free market in those countries

capitalism doesn't work with subhumans

>not real capitalism

And I'm excluding real numbers. Otherwise we have 90million whites, and that's more than most ouf the eurofaggots hold.

The niggers fuck up capitalism and Asia is communist.

Free market is not the definition of capitalism kiddo. Private ownership over the means of production is(it is not relevant how controlled or free the markets are)

>not real capitalism

You act as if capitalism was a yes or no system when reality is more complex than that. Next time you'll say all socialism is the same?

>subhumans fail at all modern societies
>communism fails everyone
>this is white people's fault
Fuck off.

Socialism has various definitions even according to Oxford dictionary.

Capitalism on other hand is quite clear one, since it was term coined by Marx.

Rhodesia, Singapore, Chile.

Oh wait, all those people in those countries have average IQs in the triple digits! Whoops, silly me. Have some fanservice for your trouble.

Run by euro descendents and 75%+ euro mixes.

So feudal systems and the nordic model are the exact same thing because they follow that definition.
And my grandpa is a vehicle cause he has wheels

Singapore was fascist trough, when it comes to their economics.

Additionally most of the Arab states have been dirty rich under capitalism.

Nordic system allows for private ownership over means of production. Feudalism was build on different set of ownership when it came to means of production for example all the land in England could be considered private property of the king while in reality social model of production did not even know what it meant.

He lowered child mortality and raised the national iq with his nutrition programs, reached a deal with the french to build our subway train system, nationalized the cooper reserves, redistributed land to farmers lowering poverty for years to come.

After him we never suffered malnutrition ever again.

Do you think he should have stayed?

>most successful african country
Capitalism is so successful and so easy to do that even niggers can do it.

The lords own the means of production and can trade them with other lords, then they rent it to the peasants. It's capitalism since it has private ownership of the means of production

Hi, I am reformed Republican turned Democrat and Communism is very good ideology. I am from Antifa and we try to make this ideology reality, because we got Bernie Sanders. I hate Hillary Clinton because she make him fail in primaries and hope Bernie wins election in 2020.

>A system that gives people freedom and decision making doesn't work in non-white countries.

Hmmmm....Clearly this is white people's fault

17 years of Pinochet was to much, he simple destroyed an entire generations of intellectuals because he didn't agreed with them.

He turned lovely towns like this one into bloodbaths.

Lords don`t own the land they lease it form the crown for privileges and duties.

What do you mean.

where in Antifa do you live mate?

That's such a dishonest statement because he should first point to a place where socialism has been successful

To put things in perspective, it's like he's saying "Well so what if socialism hasn't worked in 90% of the cases? Capitalism didn't work in 10% of the cases!!!"

The white middle class was with Allende, and Pinochet made chopper meat of them.

South Africa, Botswana, Indonesia, China, Chile and in a previous life, Brazil.

>>but definitely the whitest as a whole in SA
>smaller white percentage than Brazil
this fucking retard lmao

It's doing pretty good in Asia.

what's capitalism for you? for me it is free market, few regulations and taxes. now pick brazil, where you have 70% taxes on everything, huge ass state that wants to control everything and doesn't invest in infrastructure. Does it sound like a capitalist country?

now about africa and other countries that suffered several civil wars caused by communism, were under colonial rule until some years ago and are controlled by petty dictators - where is capitalism?

and what do you have to say about botswana, a rich African country?

Bullshit, I'm a student of Singaporean history. They were a representative democracy largely following the British model. You're just butthurt that they beat out the Communists and then never lost power after that.

His native country was pretty well off