Serve as a buffer between white nationalists/police and people of color

>Serve as a buffer between white nationalists/police and people of color
and they get mad at people for disagreeing with them when they're asking people to serve as human shields? how is that advocating for equality? im pretty left but fuck anyone who ever suggests i "use my whiteness to shield them from police"


Isn't that literally what you're doing?


Yeah. It is actually. This is the problem with white men specifically. And honestly, I didn't notice it until this year. Authorities act different with whites than they do with non-whites.

perhaps that is because as a whole white people and non-white people act differently and have statistically proven crime rates?

It's because they're white racists.

not only will i not show up to rallies, for any other reason than to protect my friends because I'm pretty tall, im definitely not going to stand out front as a meat shield, ive seen police beat the shit out of people too white or otherwise.

That's true, but the chances are much worse for non-whites. There is a serious white racism problem in law enforcement in America. And frankly, police are getting worse and more violent all the time.

>That's true, but the chances are much worse for non-whites
im pretty left, but if someone keeps telling me not to show up somewhere just to be a human shield while also telling me that im a the cause of all their ills, also that i should help them pay for their protests, well then i get why people are conservatives.

granted im getting irritated by idiots im aware of this, but generally the only people who show up to rallies are idiots.

Good. Fuck niggers and fuck you.

Kill your self you left wing traitor.

You're sounding pretty racist there faggot.

>im pretty left, but if someone keeps telling me not to show up somewhere just to be a human shield while also telling me that im a the cause of all their ills, also that i should help them pay for their protests, well then i get why people are conservatives.
No. You don't. And that's just it. You're not what you claim to be to begin with. You're not left. You're alt right in waiting. Just get the fuck over there already and stop pretending. If you have an issue, you could just ASK what the fuck they mean. It's not fucking hard to grasp. Blacks were brought to America as slaves. Then persecuted for a century+ after being freed. Since capitalism makes wealth generational and a capitalist system gives all the power to those with all the money, and since whites in America have always been insanely racist and literally built the fucking country on racism, yeah, blacks and non-whites have more shit to deal with than your middle class privileged ass. You're eager to become conservashit because it's literally in your fucking DNA. White men are a god damned cancer. What they WANT is for you to fucking get the fuck off their planet. Same as me. Except I want them gone too. All the humans.

You're dick's too small.

Careful with that edge nigger, a cop might shoot you.

>implying others are somehow culpable for the terrible things a few do
this is some terrible b8 0/10

Are you implying only "a few" white men are pieces of racist shit? Because the actual RECORDED FACTS say otherwise.

Drop that fucking flag, you /rightypol/ asshole. I can smell the stink of that shithole all over you.

So if you hate whitey so much, why not go live in Africa or the Caribbean?

Because he loves whitey gibs and is just mad the average white is catching on to their game.

Ayo hol up, so you're saying the guy that you are replying to should show up, stand in front of you, get his ass beat so you can chimp out without getting hurt, but you still think he's the problem. You are beyond fucking retarded.

Please douse yourself in high grade gasoline, and pay an undocumented immigrant to light you on fire,so a group of Somali's can piss on your smoldering corpse faggot.

protip, the White man isn't going anywhere.