I will legalize all drugs, vote: #Lambright2020

70% of people in jail are for drug-related crimes.


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Nobody gives a fuck.

Fuck off kike
We know your tricks

>linking Wayne Lambright video
Use hooktube so they don't get views. Just edit the domain in the url.


why are you still here wayne? what sorry scheme are you up to now, to defraud what naive people would call you a friend? you look even fatter than when i first saw you a couple years ago.

we love you nordbot

Oh look, it's another "Wayne the pedophile gets drunk and needs attention" episode.

eat a bag of dicks


Is this fucking satire?

I'm trying to shut down the central banks, kick the zionist out of USA & bomb Israel for 9/11 when I get elected. That's all.

>Is this fucking satire
actually, our government is Satire, I'm trying to change the fucking system. These negative faggots are mods & agents from other nations.

>Cocaine Import Agency
Does he mean CIA?

I don't want a balding president.

wanye you already know we all hate you and that you'll never get elected to a school board let alone any real political office.

what keeps you going? why havent you killed yourself yet?

Is he retarded?

If I was a mod I would immediately b& you and delete this thread.

Why do you hate Christmas Wayne? I couldn't believe how harsh your anti christmas platform was for your presdiential race.

legalize executions for drug-related offenses. excellent idea, wayne!

Jesus fucking Christ Wayne you're such a faggot

damn the shills are out in full force tonight huh
us #fambrightsters gotta keep this alive+

>legalizing all drugs, including meth

No thanks, don't want more morons who can't handle meth induced psychosis and starts jumping on innocents

Thanks for all the normal Sup Forums feedback. Goodnight.

Hope I don't end up like Lambright. I'd rather suck a bag of dicks than become Lambright

he's right tho

The thought of heroin and meth being legal is unnerving. I'm not sold on this being a good idea. What's to stop parents from giving their kids these drugs much like they already do with hormone replacement and anti-depressants?

Hi Wayne

Yes, legal opium worked so well for China
