Communism legitimized in one picture

How can any sane person disagree with this and not be lying?

Cuz I have a family and I love them

Communism is a same thing but without the clock, food, or driving.

because being a dirty fucking hobo with no money is so much worse

hell, even being a layabout with minimum money is even fucking worse.

working is good for you, and fun.

>lots of money

you're not forced to work in capitalism, you don't get to choose in communism and your political stance decides your success

good goy

Ppl still had to do the same thing every day under communism. SIX days per week, not FIVE.

And you know what they did the secobd they got home from work? Went back outside to wait 3 hours in a line for food.

Of course you wouldn't know this because you are a sheltered western kid.

Jahans, pls go

Sorry your life sucks so hard you ungrateful little shit

I love a cup of good Coffs in the morning, and the bread here tastes amazing, even without anything on it.

Leaving the house early to get some shit done, actually create something with my skills, see people happy with the product I made for them.
Oh, I make good money too and have a better standard of living then I could gave had in any other time period. I also am free to put aside money and to actually own my own shit, thanks capitalism. I can actually add possession into my family estate.

How the hell could you accept any other way of life?


>how could he

because he wants things.

Nobody needs an iphone or a car, and you don't get them for free.

An employee and employer are separate entities trading time for coin, no body is forced to make that trade.

So choose a job youre passionate about?
So work privately or start your own business with your own hours?
You can choose to work less hours and just live a less frivolous lifestyle.

Do you not have to leap out of bed, dress, feed, shit, piss and brush teeth and hair in communist systems?

fucking kill yourself

Work is genuinely good for you. Free time leads not to instant gratification and existential boredom. Work leads to existential gratification and instantaneous boredom. I choose the latter. Plus the latter pays. And I work for my dads company in a rural town with little to no traffic. Life is cozy.

Because the alternative to that is to be woken up at 5:00 am by the cock crow to begin your day of subsistence farming or hunting/gathering which may or may not pay off. People choose to wagecuck because it's a convenient and guaranteed return on one's labor; Charles Bukowski sounds like an out-of-touch idiot who has never once associated with the common folk.

A lazy drunk was averse to work. Who could have guessed?

>working is good for you, and fun.
Working wears you down and it sucks, but it's necessary to live no matter what the economic of political consequences. Every form of life has to expend labor/energy to provide for its sustenance, even plants.

You did all that shit in commie times too. It's just that your wife had to wake up on 5 to be the first in the queue(during late 70's and whole 80's, before it there were periods when you could still get stuff).


But they don't give away 95% of their sustenance to one plant, that's called having a parasite.

This is essentially a man who was dirt poor for the majority of his early life, drinked and smoked the entirety of the rest of the life he had away and adruptly became successful for his narcissistic view, poetry and writing.

The guy is completely inflexible, so to take the words of a man who was miserable besides the moments when he had a drop of alchohol, would you consider that the sort of person to take advice from..?

Almost every video of him is just him going off on some drunken diatribe.

Bukowski was a massive loser until he was 50 when being a edgy teenage nihilist became cool. If you're over 25 and think Bukowski is deep you're a moron.

while what we have now is not ideal, I've lived in communism and it was far worse

>five day week
You're funny.

>actually own my own shit
Aren't you just a special little protestant cocksucker.

>implying that sucking dick of whoever has enough weaponry to call themselves your leaders is a flexibility that a free man should find worth cultivating

>muh joos
But your economic policy is unsound and would lead to economic collap-
>muh joos
Nationalism is inherently incapable with an internationalist ideology such as socialis-
>muh joos
Setting up a welfare state for whites only would just result in more dege-
>muh joos
Pathetic show, leaf. Pathetic.


cry more, shlomo

Communist can't into self-imposed duty or discipline.

White people can take care of themselves. We don't need anyone else to succeed and conquer the world. You're all inferior trash compared to us.

That's fine and all, but don't bitch when you get a medical problem at 40 and can't afford treatment and don't bitch when your kid has to wear losing superbowl team shirts to school.

You britfags should be genocided for the disgusting perverse mutilations you have done to the experience of human life. All of you obedient self-infantilizing bourgeois cockgobblers, each and every one, hung, drawn and quartered.

Exchange the owner of the business with the party and you have communism.
Not seeing a lot of difference, really. Two inherently flawed systems, at least in capitalism/democracy we have the illusion of voting for different political parties.

>how can anyone enjoy not doing what they want all the time and having all their needs taken care of for free and not having someone pass them their bah-bah everytime they're thwirsty >:(

Has there ever been a quote that more brazenly flaunts being a pussy as an admirable quality?

Communism is stateless. Don't project your need to be ruled onto others.

But it's not going to happen is it?

Stay mad commie scum.

>Communism is stateless.
Yet you always end up with The Party. Let's not forget what armed revolution inevitably ends with, the people most willing to commit atrocities in power.

Weird how the "collective" distributing resources always leads to the "collective" being a dictatorship, though.

Not even mad. I could easily torture you to death slowly while humming a happy tune. I hope that someday, I will. The sun will set on your larp.

That's why the revolution has to be permanent, or at least last long enough to make sure any potential Stalins are killed off immediately.
Don't you even bother learning about what you choose to criticize?

>makes lots of money for someone else.
That's what income tax is. Abolish income tax.

>That's why the revolution has to be permanent, or at least last long enough to make sure any potential Stalins are killed off immediately.
So we'll have a new revolution every generation? Every half generation? That sounds stable. How will we have time to take care of infrastructure when we have to hunt potential Stalins?
Sure sounds faster and more efficient to drop you and your friends from helicopters.

We haven't exactly had the technology up to now to do central planning algorithmically. There always had to be a party, and beacuse of the Platonic tradition, it had to be unaccountable. If you can't fire your representative at-will for any or no reason, they don't represent your interests.

What that text describes is socialism, as socialism works towards communism. Capitalism enables the worker to provide his own personal communism.

It's less effective now than it was in the 50's unless you inherit assets. And eventually things will get bad enough that people will look to the way things were in Russia during the 60's and 70's(everybody had their personal apartment & car)

t. raging alcoholic who made an entire 'career' out of writing the same book over and over.

Spent 20 years working a shit-tier job, never advancing because he was an incompetent drunk. I'd be bitter, too.

How in the hell can a man ejnoy being wakened by the shouting of the gunmen and being marched to the fields without even having time to take a shit to essentially produce goods for the nomenklatura and be asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so?

PS. fuck commies.


What, then, is going to set the value of money by creating a demand? You're just an edgy little gibsmedat who doesn't know fuck all about macro.

If that's the level of involvement that's necessary, why not?
Who cares about stable? Oh, right, your personal hoard.
>How will we have time to take care of infrastructure when we have to hunt potential Stalins?
You overestimate the level of labor required to keep the power-hungry down. Just go to your council meeting, and watch people.
>Sure sounds faster and more efficient to drop you and your friends from helicopters.
>le edgy teen helicopter meme
Nah, it'll actually be far more efficient to simply put the bullet through the bourgeoisie, which class you have admitted to being part of. There are a lot fewer of you than there are of us.

The opposite is ennui and a feeling of uselessness. Does he want flexible hours? Does he want an executive position in a big company? Does he want his own company? Everyone has a boss. The president of the US is a servant of the people.

I have trouble imagining what he's getting at with an assumption that the NEET life is an illusion.If he's trying to say "follow your dreams," then your dream sounds like it's going to be some sort of fucking profession that requires a schedule. Knowing Bukowski, he's trying to say "do whatever you can to get rich," but somehow working is not a way of doing that.

What is Bukowski, the guy who talked about freezing on a park bench, doing caring about a man enjoying the struggle?

makes me wonder if he was as much of a ladies man as Chinaski was.

>counterexamples: Hunter S. Thompson, Hillary Clinton
I don't think that's actually the rule, but you're more than welcome to come on Sup Forums and try to larp being a good little submissive slut for your first employer when you get out of school.

I have no idea what any of your post means.

>which class you have admitted to being part of.
Did I? I don't own shit, I'm satisfied with what little I have. I'm probably old enough to be your father and hard left leaning, the only difference is I'm as far removed from the authoritarian spectrum as humanly possible.
You're the edgy teen here with wet dreams of armed revolution that'll never come to fruition and if it actually did, you'd be first against the wall when it settles down.

t. Syndicalist

Hahaha you actually think there'll be a communist revolution. Keep dreaming you sad, little man. Your system doesn't work. It will never work.

1. Because it allows me to particiapte in the global division of labour that makes it possible for me to survive by doing one task rather than the tasks of hundreds. One task I can enjoy, one task that allows me to get a myriad of things other people have produced.

2. See how Capitalism reduced average working hours from 70-37/week in a matter of decades while increasing incomes & standards of living. Freedom allows us to improve our lives while improving the lives of others while living peacefully.

Well that's the thing. Most people aren't lazy and do like to make money FOR THEMSELVES AND THEIR FAMILY.

Well, shit. I think I got something mixed up.
Let's have a coffee and a bread, m8, and talk about why you should have a family estate. What's the social value in recognizing inheritance?

It will work as soon as you neoliberals have been killed and your body parts spread out over miles.

Most likely quote-minded from one of his novels and taken out of context.

Is your name caleb?

>the way things were in Russia during the 60's and 70's(everybody had their personal apartment & car)
You kidding, right? If you do not count the party members, half of Russian families lived in one room, in cities sharing their toilet with the rest of the floor, or with lavatory outside in the villages. There were like 10 privately owned cars per thousand people.

I built shit, it doesn't belong to you or your party.
Simple as that.


I'm an incredibly racist libertarian, thank you very much.

Adding onto that - not everyone is inclined for all the administrative duties of owning your own business. Do you want to direct other people on what to do, hire talent, keep budgets, make decisions that decide people's livelihoods, build relationships with customers, and be under your industry's spotlight? These are inherent responsibilities of a business owner.

If you wanted to be some sort of performer, like an athlete, you're probably making someone else a lot of money, but that person is enabling you to live your dream. It doesn't make you wrong to make someone else money. If you are on your way to a comfy position in middle management and you have to make someone else a lot of money along the way, should you be existentially upset that someone else is making money?

Communism (in practice): all that except

>you probably don't have an alarm clock (if you're lucky you're on a 10 year waiting list to get one)
>don't have to dress because you only have a pair of clothes and only eat breakfast once a week if you're lucky because lack of food
>you only have a somewhat working car if you're super lucky if not you're walking
>you don't even really get money or any chance to buy more than the meager shit allocated to you but the party bosses get massively rich from your work to the point they're richer than capitalist business owners because they don't actually have to pay workers shit
>if you don't go to work because you don't like the conditions or otherwise complain about any of this you and your family is sent to a prison camp

Capitalism has a bunch of it's own shitty flaws but the very fact a guy could say this not get punished even quit his job if he wanted (the only punishment being not getting paid for work he's no longer doing) rather than be sent to prison for even maybe making a joke about the leader is a testament to which one is better

"Somebody else" is smarter than you. Become them and you won't complain.


Plus you get to retire to a nice gulag

Who said party? I said society. Society are the people who recognize your right to exclude people from what you create. Without society seeing fit to enforce your exclusive rights, you don't have anything.
>built it
Except you didn't. You contributed to it, that's all. Once you're dead, you don't matter.

Then tie his ass up in his bedroom and leave him there to work it out with his wife. He's jewing me by forcing me to struggle with him.

Well, you can not do those things and fucking starve to death or live like a bum.

If you don't feel appreciated for your abilities at work you are working for the wrong company or are truly unskilled labor.

You aren't chained to job and can walk off anytime.

>somehow doesn't realize his pic perfectly summarizes life in every communist regime established so far in human history
>just forgot to add firing squads, labor camps, illegal book raids, random arrests and torture/interrogations, etc...

That's actually anarcho-primitivism legitimized in one picture.

What the fuck does that post even mean? Who forced you to struggle?


>muh system is indispensable and permanent and what we've been doing for 6000 years and will do forever
How does it feel, being this cucked?

Some jew who thinks he deserves special rights for displaying, and thus having enough subsidized free time to develop, the class markers of rich people.
People who think competition is the only legitimate principle of social organization are neoliberals, and I don't see why they shouldn't be ground up like the defective products they are.

>I own shit

You own shit just because your owners let you, so actually you dont own anything, you just have the permit of using some stuff

>muh famalee

I bet your mother is the only female that ever gave you affection.

I think it's time for you to stop.

You aren't forced to do any of these things...... in a capitalistic society.
Communism doesn't work and never will and now stop day dreaming and get a fucking job, Ahmed.
Even Isis won't pay you for nothing.

OP = Destroyed in one sentence.

So if you didn't have a job you would be running your own business and making tons of money?

Or is your employment supposed to be something that you are grateful for because you have a limited skill set only for the specific job you occupy, and you would otherwise be screwed if you didn't have it?

Unfortunately, the second is true. Most people are marginalized, would not be able to make money autonomously - because that requires skills that few have in the modern age, because starting a business that makes you money takes alot of work. Most people are only able to live on specialized jobs, and it will continue to get harder and harder as time goes on.

til you don't have to work under communism
I'm going post this on leddit

That perfectly describes both capitalism and communism actually.
Materialists GTFO

>How can any sane person disagree with this and not be lying?

Spoken like a child.

Those companies are ultimately creating products which improve the lives of others in the economy. You're not working for "the Man", you're working for all men. Your ability to produce is rewarded with money, which enables you to access the products of others in accordance with your needs and desires.

Funny. That sounds familiar ...

This man gets it

My family got their own 2 rooms appartment right after my grandma and grandpa got married, and they married back in 50s, when country was in crisis after ww2. They were not party members, my grandfather was a simple sailor, and grandma was an accountant at local store.
In 70's and 80's you could easily get a free car and dacha, if you are a registered worker, that is.
Being a party member could speed up the process, but is non mandatory.

But of course not everyone had an automobile and their own appartment, only full faimiles (husband, wife, 1+ kid)

bukowski's quote is right
the getting up in the morning and getting ready and commuting part fucking blows. the actually working part doesn't really.


Having to stand in line for 12 hour, with a different member of the family taking a 3 hour shift in the line, is so much fucking better. Fuck off.

akshually people didn't really "choose" to wagecuck, it's just that good land was pretty scarce in past without the benefit of agrochemicals so realistically for many it was being a serf/helper or going to cities
conditions for industrial workforce were horrendous in past

Your political stance decides your success in capitalism too. Publically say the wrong thing and be blacklisted from any employment.

Ultra Kek. SPBP.

and no, "capitalism" didn't do that, what did finally improve the conditions for workers was the threat of communism
I personally believe capitalism is the only rational system, but people like you who were fed bullshit about "invisible hand" are quite deluded
IN THEORY, yes, it makes sense, but only because guys from who you picked those ideas operated on a very simplistic model of society
to give you an analogy, your ideas are like saying LOL FUCK EINSTEIN, JUST GO FASTER THAN LIGHT DUDE


>See how Capitalism reduced average working hours from 70-37/week
What the holy fuck am I reading???
>workers: please we want to work less!
>capitalists: no way fag!
>workers: please we want to work less!
>capitalists: no way fag!
>workers: please we want to work less!
>capitalists: no way fag!
>workers: MAKE US WORK LESS OR ELSE...!!
>capitalists: whoa! ok, ok, I'm sorry I'll make you work less, pls don't be mad at me :,( !!
>workers: Thank God!

You're not wrong but Yahagi is too pure for this sinful board. Please choose your images with caution.

YOu would do the same thing in communism. You'd actually be doing the same exact thing except instead of making money for someone you would be making it for the government, and if you worked harder than someone else everyone got an equal cut, regardless of your skill or ability. THats unfair

>somehow doesn't realize his pic perfectly summarizes life in every communist regime established so far in human history
And you know this because you've been living there for ages right?

>just forgot to add firing squads,
Like in nearly every other country?

>labor camps,
You mean what capitalism invented? (see pic related)

>illegal book raids,
You mean like in US and subject countries?

>random arrests and torture/interrogations, etc...
You mean like in US and subject countries?

>You aren't forced to do any of that!
>You can still choose to starve or go live under a bridge!
Wow, so I guess under Stalin I wasn't forced either because I could still choose between obeying or going to a gulag!

He still worked 10 years at the Post Office, and did a load of other jobs so he had enough money for wine and the horses though.

>Not even mad. I could easily torture you to death slowly while humming a happy tune. I hope that someday, I will. The sun will set on your larp

t. salty irish-American