How the fuck are there still so many retarded people

I know inbreeding is a think, but im so confused as to why there are so many of them, are people just that weird?

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recessive genes and shit can skip generations

also there will always be tards because of random mutations

People waiting too long to have kids. They want to enjoy their teenage years, then they want to focus on their career, then they're 30 and say "oh fuck we should have kids!".

At 30, retardation risk on the fetus increases a lot.

>is a think

a) most countries make it hard to abort messed up babies
b) a lot of people are jesus fags and refuse to abort babies even if they're going to be retarded for life
c) a lot of places have awful screening for fetuses in the womb so they don't know the baby is fucked up until it comes out
d) pollution and chemicals cause a lot of birth defects
e) there's overall a lot of people in the world with more showing up by the day so there's going to be more retards along with more normal people


They're basically pets.

Hmm, do you think we should straight up kill them even after they're born?

Mental retardation can be environmental, and it can strike normal families as well as at-risk families.

Don't knock tards, because you're one bad car accident away from becoming one. On top of that, they're actually productive when effectively managed, UNLIKE NIGGERS!

Modern medicine.
In the good ol days, your retarded baby would usually die very quickly.

Literally every photo with most men.

because now we let them live where in the past when we weren't insane they'd die early or be put out of their misery after being born.

That's how genetic variance works.

Most tards are pretty happy, that one looks like a null wave transmitter though.

Wew, wh*Te aren't superior as they claims.

Our natural evolution was to be hunter/gatherers, now most people pick useless hunter/gatherers to breed with. All they care about is fast cars and ipods. Natural selection is fucked.

>all the bro tier doctors that would do the job quietly and painless say the birth was stillborn are gone

When you mention it, i see a lot of them around too. Kinda weird. i think the mongoloid ones he a short life span, or so i heard.

Downies die in their 30s iirc

Imagine the lawsuits if an MD was caught doing it...

user is wise.

Because of all of the chemicals that are used in water treatment and farming. You should keep in mind that fluoride is one of the main ingredients in common anti-depressants and is also used heavily in water treatment facilities. Yes, the government is poisoning your water supply. The only debate to be had is whether or not this is done with malicious intent.

Abortion is not a sustainable solution to wide spread chemical pollution.

That's what needs to happen.

I can believe that happened.

Evolution and Adaptation. If you think this is a joke... Well that means your kids are most likely going to end up retarded too.

My neighbours have a daughter that suffered from oxygen deprivation during birth. She's like 25 years old now but has the mental capacity of a 1 year old.
All she does is scream all day long. People have called the cops thinking she was being abused because they can hear her scream from the street.
There's a whole room in my apartment that I use as a storage space because you could hear her screams through the wall. You couldn't live in there.
The mom is fucking nuts as well. Screams louder than her daughter though not as often.
You ever get a retarded baby just smother it with a pillow before you go insane.

>the catch is when you realise the retardation
is wide spread, and sometimes less obvious

It's not always hereditary. The real reason you think there are so many of them is because they're more visible now. Back in the day you either hid your retard child away or exposed it at birth so it would die. Now infanticide is illegal and half the people with retard children enjoy showing them off on the internet so they can gather sympathy and attention.


Im a teacher at a school for retards. Many parents who have retarded kids can't handle the fact that they've had one so they try again and get another retard. Most family's end up with 2-4 retards before they stop.

lack of natural selection

back in the day all the retards used to die
>pic related

>are people just that weird?

There are many factors involved, all of them a result of modern civilization. Two of the primary factors being a repression of the genes responsible for oxytocin reception, caused by the destruction of the family and tribal unit. The other being an incredibly high, dangerously high, average toxicity of women's blood, especially in the West. Heavy metals, endrocrine and estrogenic disruptors and so on. I might as well add, for fun, the CIA/USAF program of strategic aerosol injections of aluminum, strontium and barium oxides over NATO countries.

Because 50% of sperm contain an X chromosome.

>is a think

Ask your parents the very same question you put in the title, OP.

I sometimes think of the conversation I'd have eith a future significant other I have a kid with regarding this. Like if it screens to be defective or deformed, we abort it. Or a downs. I know it's easy to say but also getting that mutual agreement

they will just be shot by the police for having a spasm so its all good