42 days to go


You're my favorite user.


>The realization that Hiroyuki won't put a laugh track on Sup Forums in 42 days


So Lame









I sometimes wonder if you're actually OP self-praising.

OP never posts in these threads, I sometimes get the feeling he makes them and then immediately leaves.


I'm too inconsistent to be OP. I'm pretty sure I was like two hours late a week ago.



Cheers man


Thanks a lot

Thank you.


Whatever happened to Nankuru Neesan scanlation?

Thanks for the chapter

>Page 13

I want to properly tie up Chiri and do lewd things to her.

Also since this is an end volume chapter I'll post the rest since I'm here tonight


>tfw you will never perfect sex with Chiri.








>TL at end


That's all for now

>This omake is in relation to chapter 259, which I translated but has not been typeset yet. Basically, Shonen Magazine ran a special chapter of Katte ni Kaizo instead of that week's SZS, while SZS ran in Shonen Sunday. Since Katte ni Kaizo originally ran in Shonen Sunday, it was like they had switched places for a week.

>header: Sunday-Magazine Collaboration Review Meeting

>Now then, let's begin.

>To start off with, most stores
>Had them set out backwards, like this.

>They were like that at the one by my house, too.

>The one by my house, too.

>They probably just set them out in the same positions the magazines had always been in.

Pg 24

>The bookstore in my neighborhood had them lined up properly, so it looked like they were shaking hands!

>Now that's a real bookstore.

>We have no one to blame but ourselves,
>Since we left it up to the discretion of each store.

>We should have done something else to make them line them up right.

>Like make it so ominous writing appears if you set them out backwards.

over magazine covers: DEATH

>We were never given that sort of authority, so...

>That's too bad.

>The covers are fine!

>Are you going to reflect on the content at all?

>She's right, the content was the problem.
>I feel like we could have done something more.

>It was almost like we were trying to do a bad job.

Pg 25

>Wouldn't it be awful if Sunday got complaints about something we said,
>Even though they were kind enough to let us intrude in their magazine?


>Wouldn't Magazine be the one getting any complaints about Zetsubou-Sensei?


>But that wouldn't make sense.

>They printed it in Sunday, so Sunday would get the complaints.

>But Zetsubou-Sensei is a Magazine manga.

>But they showed it in Sunday.

>They intentionally made it so people wouldn't know where to send complaints!
>Now no one can complain even if they want to!

box: If they complain to Sunday

>I just thought it was a little...

>Ah, that's a Magazine manga, so you'll have to talk to them.

box: If they complain to Magazine

>I just thought that was a bit...

>Ah, Sunday was the one who printed that, so you'll have to talk to them.

>So isn't it fine no matter how badly we screwed up?

>How is that fine?!

Note: I did not translate anything. I just copy pasted script word ford which had to be divided because of character limit

Every day until lewd Chirifags turn pure.


I meant word for word

I'm getting fairly intoxicated

What show is this? I need to watch it before then.

It looks like Tatami Galaxy, but shit, I couldn't read that fast.

Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei.
Definitely not Tatami Galaxy.


Why is there so little quality porn involving zetsubo girls