Were you ever an SJW?


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No. I was a leftist who was much too offensive to be a leftist anymore once SJWs became the "real good guys".

That sentence alone would spark a roomful of heated debate because I dared to say "guys" instead of "folks".

no but i was inside an sjw

Back in the 1990's I was some dumbass anarcho-punk. The acronym "SJW" didnt really exist back then but in words and deeds I was a 100% SJW.

Deep down I knew it was all wrong though. I paid lip service to SJW ideals because I wanted to be liked, be part of the cool crowd, etc.

Eventually I grew up. I absolutely cringe when I think of the things I believed and said back then. Thank God smart phones werent around to record my dumb ass because I was really really stupid and really really outspoken.

I wasn't an SJW, but I was left wing.

Then it became so increasingly apparent that their whole set of ideologies are based around an irrational fear of Hitler being reincarnated, so now they tell themselves that it's a racist, unforgivable act to concern over the fact that uncontrolled immigration is causing Muslims to kill and rape all over Europe while the majority just looks on and tells themselves there is nothing wrong because they don't experience it first hand.

well when i was 16 i was the basic ,Racism is evil ,gays are opressed ,and the nazi were the most evil people on earth type ,but i had always friends were we were banter about turks and mulims ,so slowly i saw how immigrants really behave ,how jews werent just poor victims ,i leaned about communism and that everyone behing it was basically jewish ,after that the floodgates were open

The exact same thing here.

The fact that leftist sheep turn on their own at a moments trigger will be their demise

Same here. Changed my mind paying taxes for the first time.

I think so when I was younger. I was pretty sheltered and close minded.

no. when I was left-wing I thought SJWs deserved the bullet too.

Not really. Always was digusting by flamboyant fags, thought immigrants should assimilate or GTFO, and thought there were already too many foreigners and mooslims anyway.

I think its common for lots of young people to go through a rebellious extreme leftist phase. The good news is that many (most?) seem to eventually grow out of it.


ummm bruce jenner is a conservative. Why is he on there?

No I was never a SJW. I always grew up a conservative because of my parents and also I was always low key racist because I grew up in a school full of gangsta blacks and cholo beaners and while beaners are the better of the two they generally are under achievers and have like 10 kids per house hold and create ghettos and little mexicos in any area they over populate.

No. I was a neocon before I became an nazi.

my parents were anti-gun libtards who made sure that I grew up to be as much of non-aggressive unmasculine person as I could, so yeah I was a leftie as a kid. I grew up and then 9/11 happened, and I slowly turned more and more right wing as the years went on. My parents don't really care that much but my uncle really got into it with me one Thanksgiving after finding out that I own a bunch of guns now.

I was a communist when I was younger, then I grew up.

I mostly because i grew up when the internet wasn't as integrated with daily life so i actually learned shit like how to debate and argue.
was still pretty left wing and anti-racist.
only really woke up when i realized that i'd learned to treat people equally but everyone else had apparently learned to treat people "equally"
wasn't any major turning point, still not sure how much i changed and how much the retardation just pushed me out to the right.

Same, my dad was as anti-american as a 1970s hippie, that rubbed off on me for many years, until i started studying history and realized the U.S has done pretty amazing.

Even now he's a die-hard liberal (listens to colbert and oliver every morning), but no one else in my family agrees with him at this point

i am a child of the 80s and 90s there was no such thing as sjw up until 1997 everything was borderline perfection... i wish i could go back to those times.. Then suddenly sjw shit started to get thought in schools? just like that..and ever since then i cant stop rolling my eyes with the amount of shit that is happening.

Not a SJW used to be a lefty though that changed about 8 or 8 years back once SJWs infected the left and started making enemies out of anyone that didn't agree with every single view they have. Still hold alot of left leaning views but I'm at the point where I am more right leaning than left now politically

>there was no such thing as sjw up until 1997

Maybe in your country that is true. But there has been SJW's in the US since at least the 1960's. They were more fringe than today and obviously werent called "SJW's" but they were there.

I still am, AMA

What's your favorite type of cheese? Mine's huntsman. Bongs make the best cheese.


No, but over time I'm getting increasingly blue pilled. I find that Sup Forums and anyone who takes is seriously tends to be in an echochambre. The worst part is that most red pills are internally consistent and die to some facts that Sup Forums never sees.

my parents are moderate republicans, I "rebelled" when I was a kid to the left but swung hard to the right as I got older and started a family

that looks fucking disgusting

I was a proto-SJW at one point. I believed in the "only whites can be racist" schtick (lived in a 99.9% white area), but before it got worse and I started developing the intense self-hatred, a friend calmly explained to me that I was wrong. That knocked me off the path and I never got back on it.

I come from a left-wing (but not SJW) family, but spent a lot of time with my grandparents, who both take great pride in our country, so that almost certainly rubbed off on me and provided an innoculation against the traitorous urges and hatred for the country that so many people I went to school with seem to have.

I was never even given the chance to be one. Not because I'm a fucking white male, but because I have always stood by using facts, logic, and looking back at history for examples. Since middle school, when I think most kids start forming any sort of coherent thoughts on politics (key word most) I have had a fiery hatred for them and their ilk in my belly. Just about my entire grade that was taking a certain honors class was asked to roleplay as the United Nations to debate about things for climate change. My history teacher really liked me because I was one of his best students and we had some really interesting talks after his class. So he gave me a special project, I had to do research on global warming and prove it had little to nothing to do with mankind. I thought it was impossible at first because every other person around us (and still today) is vehemently touting that climate change is because of humans and I was a kid so I took it as fact.

He tells me he thinks I can do it, so I go about doing research. Lo and behold, I find plenty of evidence within just a few hours. I prepare my speech. Keep in mind, I just give a speech. It is NOT a debate, and I am not supposed to be debating anyone on this issue. The day comes and I am only a few lines into my speech, the moment the other kids realize I am talking about global warming they leapt on me like pack animals citing Al Gore's shitty fucking movie on every single point they made. I gave up halfway through because I was a shy kid and also a pretty big fucking loser, but I thought about their faces when I voted for Trump last year. I will think about their faces again when I vote for him in 2020. The thought of them squirming and crying and having trigger attacks when he cancelled the Paris Climate Accord makes me happy. Thank you Trump for avenging me.

If I may try to ask a better question, has Sup Forums ever tried to become an SJW? I've been meaning to try and keep an open mind and see their arguments as they present them, rather than as they're presented by Sup Forums, but I've never been too sure where I should actually go to start my journey down the SJW rabbit hole.

Silly. They don't have arguments. They have emoticons. Grow the fuck up.

Nope. I was a college Democrat until the SJWs pushed me as far right. In fact they keep pushing me further right every time I'm dumb enough to open facebook

I am an SJW

I remember being very pleased when obama was first elected and posted on forums congratulating burgers. I soon realised obama was full of shit when he went back on his promise to shut Guantanamo bay only a couple of week into his term (one of the main things he was elected to do). DESU I don't think I was specifically ab SJW or liberal, it was more fatigue of bush/blair era and the Iraq invasion which was complete bullshit politically.

Over the 8 years obama was in office with everything that has been happening on both sides of the pond seeing a major deterioration in everything I valued as a white male I have no doubt about by place on the political spectrum.

I have only 2 regrets at the moment.... that Nigel Farage isn't prime minister and that I wan't able to personally vote for Trump.

They don't have arguments. SJW implies feels over reals. Feelings over facts. It isn't memeing, it's harsh reality. Something is offensive? Ann it.
Sad result of racial science censorship in an effort to avoid Nazi rise.

I honestly urge you to take yourselves more intellectually seriously. I don't doubt that much of what you may classify as 'SJW' beliefs are main stream thought among social scientists and philosophers many times more intelligent than anyone you know who've dedicated their lives to their narrow areas of study. To any reasonable person the argument 'its because I'm a being of pure logic and these ridiculously high IQ academics who've spent decades researching and writing on this field are driven purely by their emotion' simply doesn't hold up.

What is more rational, to be able to study in your field at a sacrifice of some of your integrity or lose it all but stay honest?

It's hard to become one if you grew up in the countryside as a non-Muslim around Muslims. They're so lazy and entitled, they force you to give up your cows every now and again or else. They'd strut around the place thinking Allah(piss be upon him) made them lords of the Earth. No qualms about wreaking havoc as the please.

One of the most effective red pills for me though.

also, SJW is shutting down free speech, letting only one line of thought exist. It's not being leftist, it's being anti-everything to the right of you

I was racist since ever but had my leftard phase when i was like 16-18, then i grew up and got redpilled

Was always a conservative, but I was an extremely "good goy" unfortunately. I grew up in a evangelical family and church which literally believes the jews are still the chosen people and must be protected, helped, and fawned over. Eventually I realized it was all propaganda, and that modern "jews" had no real connection to historical jews at best, or where the "synagogue of satan" at worst.

>sweating with dried edges
Jesus, how long has that cheese been out.

Maybe I’m just socially retarded, but I’ve never understood what was so bad about terms like “Social Justice Warrior”, “White Knight”, being “Sensitive”, etc. Beats being a dick ::shrug:: And, as a survivor of a narcissistic abuse family, I wish I’d been more “overprotected” as a kid like Millennials allegedly are. Then maybe I wouldn’t be such a messed up “grown-up”.

People are different, with their own personalities, we’re all shaped by the experiences we’ve been through, both good and bad, we're all wired differently, nature vs nurture, and we all deal with stuff in different ways. Some are more hardassed, some more sensitive, some have developmental disorders and can't be "normal", etc. Who cares? We’re all just flawed people doing our best to make sense of and survive this messed up world. If you don't believe me take a Human Psychology class (or just study up on the net).

The ones to watch out for are the ones who go out of their way to say how “normal” or sane they are IMO. Creepy. Makes me wonder what they’re hiding and why. And anyone who says stuff like “man up”, “grow a pair”, etc needs to be punched in the face for being an insensitive prick. Its not that easy for all of us. Makes me want to strangle them until they learn some empathy.

>“Social Justice Warrior
It's bad because SJWs do bad things for bad reasons.

>“White Knight”
White knights are bad because they are both stupid (because their methods don't work) and dishonest (because they won't admit to what they're doing).

>I wish I’d been more “overprotected” as a kid like Millennials allegedly are
Being overprotected makes you a socially awkward coward. Go to if you think that isn't a problem.

That Pic needs to add: Antifa Black Block, Based Stick Man, Clean Cut White Power Chad, Riot Cop, Dreadlocked Black Rioter.

Secret Character: Scheming Jew who's special attack (which lasts 5 seconds) makes the opponent hit itself when attacking; opponent can still move normally.

No but I had to go to school with niggers and beaners so I learned pretty quickly how they are subhuman.

Anybody else take the usual path??
>pic related

when can i fuck your wife?


>The Huntsman is a blend of Double Gloucester and Blue Stilton

Goddamn, son. I'll bring the Ritz crackers.

>Were you ever an SJW?

Nope, when I was younger I was actually on the other extreme. ex: I thought people who smoked weed should be rounded up and executed.

Yes, absolutely
I used to recoil at the thought of violence being a solution and how the world could live in unity
Then I got redpilled

i was a centrist libertarian now i'm a natsoc

I have been a nationalist since freshman year of high school in 1998. You fags are ruining it with your gay memes.

no chance i could have been. my brain developed from an abusive environment and became anti snowflake. my shit is very complicated but SJW? nah

I was a bit more liberal than I am now but never an SJW.

Sup Forums didn't really effect me. my only and core political beliefs are the people should be armed and communism is an evil to be destroyed every generation. Now I just also know why I hate islam.

I was reading National Review in 6th grade though so I was way ahead of the curve

>exactly this

Story of my life. I am to "offensive" for most of them.
So I said fuck them and mostly give not a shit about politics now. I only come here to laugh.
I am more of an conservative and organised workers union guy. The SJW shit will ruin that for me too eventually...

yea i was hired and then discovered the truth behind it all and after that i decided to focus on my own agenda...

Never, i was a self-aware fascist even when i was a kid. And my family members are normies and moderates as fuck.


I got stuck at center-lib for awhile, the leftism was really just a phase due to my crowd of friends in early college.

Sup Forums "corrected" me more than anything, I started off center-blue square thanks to Dad's redpills, but college blue-pilled me hard at the beginning


Yes, but after 6 hrs. or so, the LSD wore off and I regained my sensibilities.