When CIA Mkultraed french town

The 1951 Pont-Saint-Esprit mass poisoning, also known as Le Pain Maudit, occurred on 15 August 1951, in the small town of Pont-Saint-Esprit in southern France.
More than 250 people were involved, including 50 persons interned in asylums and resulted in 7 deaths.

the Special Operations Division of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) tested the use of LSD on the population of Pont-Saint-Esprit as part of its MKNAOMI chemical behavior program in a field test dubbed Project SPAN.

A U.S. journalist, who was investigating the Cold War mind-control experiments conducted by the CIA, came across some documents relating to an obscure episode in France that was never elucidated. He alleges that in 1951 the CIA was testing for a secret weapon: the aerosol spraying of LSD. The experiment was reportedly carried out in a French village, whose inhabitants and authorities were kept completely in the dark. But it went wrong and caused the death of 7 people.

A French newspaper at the time of the bizarre incident wrote, “It is neither Shakespeare nor Edgar [Allen] Poe. It is, alas, the sad reality all around Pont-St.-Esprit and its environs, where terrifying scenes of hallucinations are taking place. They are scenes straight out of the Middle Ages, scenes of horror and pathos, full of sinister shadows.” A brief article in TIME magazine, then a major U.S. news journal, with extremely close ties to the CIA, stated, “Among the stricken, delirium rose: patients thrashed wildly on their beds, screaming that red flowers were blossoming from their bodies.” Other newspapers that converged on the scene described people throwing themselves from rooftops, women and men throwing their cloths off and running the streets naked, and children complaining that their stomachs were infested with coils of snakes.

Shortly after the incident, in September 1951, scientists writing in the highly respected British Medical Journal declared that “the outbreak of poisoning” was produced by ergot mold. This explanation, however, was based almost solely upon the findings of biochemists dispatched to the scene from the nearby Sandoz Chemical Company in Basle, Switzerland. Included in the contingent from Sandoz was Dr. Albert Hofmann, the man who had first synthesized LSD on November 16, 1938. At the time of the Sandoz group’s visit to Pont St. Esprit only a handful of scientists worldwide, estimated to be no more than eight-to-ten, knew of the existence of the man-made drug LSD. Of perhaps equal, if not greater, importance was that virtually nobody in France in 1951, apart from a select few officials at Sandoz Chemical, was aware that the company was secretly working closely with the CIA.

They still do this all the time. The only difference is that they now use private, blacklisted(not listed) companies to carry out the experiments.

Large cities are treated like giant laboratories. We have entered the golden age of human experimentation, and we didn't even know it.

You notice how every major city around the globe, in every country?

They all look the same, sell the same things, culture seems to be the same for the most part, and no cultural identifying marks seem to be present unless it's in a 'historical' context. As in "hey look at what we USED to be like"

They are iliminating culture and different ways of life in high population areas to homoginize humanity on a global scale. France looks and feels just like LA now and LA is just another New York, and New York is the spitting image of London.....

For sure

Have you ever been in Paris you stupid faggot?


dafuq man

I have been to both.

Both were covered in trash, tons of street people, un-unique giant sky scrapers, and angry people who were shoving people out of the way to ride a shitty metro to their shitty jobs.

I spent half a year in Paris, it's just like every other city in the US. The only culteral differences were to tourist atractions. Countries are getting turned into amusements parks where their history is both erased and used to sell stupid tourists tickets to go and see how your country used to be.

In terms of history and architecture you're right.

but he is right, every big city look the same, same shops starbuck, Subway, H&M, etc.. same youth, who act the same, listen to same things, think the same way, etc

Don't get so butthurt your country is shit frog. I enjoyed eastern Europe more than I enjoyed france


Rise up France, take back your herritage.

Stop buying American products, stop listening to our shitty rap/pop music.

Consume your own literature and programming. Take your country back! France is for the French

Nah man, paris and really big touristic attractions are shit. But 90% of the country is still unreal and magnificient to see and enjoyable both historically and naturally. Hasn't changed from the good old days.
Will be different in 50 years tho if the Madness continue

It will continue, unfortunately. The idea is going to be to make all of the farm land in one area and get rid of food production on a country to country basis. Watch out for areas that we call "urban sprawl". Its basically large areas of land paved over with cement and chain stores that cover miles and miles. Over here they take up what USED to be farm land.

Mark my words, they are going to pave over your beautiful farm lands and woods in the name of 'economic growth' It's coming man.

But it's kinda too late,snif, globalism is too powerful and commies have infiltrated schools long time ago, the youth is lost, drugged to social media, shitty music, hardcore sex and drugs.

What do you expect from CIA niggers?
I've think I encountered three of them (2M, 1F) in a bar in Virginia before. Khakis and a pompous attitude (and they were obviously carrying). Out of self defense, I talk English in a Norwegian accent (my heritage) to avoid a conversation and mentioned I'm just trying to look at the game.
Fucking creepy spooks. They could've just done some simple field op or trafficking some I do not want to know about.
>above the law

Yeah I imagine
Some of them surely are in some sort of Mkultra 2.0 progamming aswell, thinking they are doing God's work

The damaged CIA did to the world is sickening.

CIA didn't have that kind of program in the 50's
All shits started at the beginning of the 60's
300 hundred ppl got sick
30 were sent to mental institutions
5 died

Somebody posted a declassified document with the fbi talking about being scared of clones a few months ago. Does anybody have it? I can't fucking find it for shit


>they are going to pave over your beautiful farm lands and woods in the name of 'economic growth' It's coming man.

I agree with most of what you are saying but instead of sprawl, I feel that the rural areas of the world are going to be bought up by governments and corporations and private ownership is going to cease. Individual farm ownership will end and one family managing thousands of acres of land for a corporation will be the norm.


The architecture is our old culture.
Compare that with the shops and the surrounding ghettos.
Both cities are also full of niggers


there are islamic enclave even in the middle of the nièvre.

Those fucking CIA niggers

>un-unique giant sky scrapers
You've never been to Paris you dumb Amerilard

>defending paris

The delusion of some people

So how many people died? Too lazy to jewgle it.

Like bringing in Nazi fucks to the US to work on developing nuclear bombs?

I know the truth hurts Pierre, but fear not the spirit of the french people lives on in quebec and while the loss of french mainland is regrettable it can be taken back in the reconquista. Vive la republique!

American education

I bet the frenchies got a hell of a trip there with all that LSD

5 died and 2 related suicide
30-50 to be put in asylum

hell yeah

Were they commies?

>He alleges
prove it

Oh hell yeah they did fucking french fry niggers

they probably dropped a gay bomb too but that unfortunately may have spread nationwide.