Lets assume the Holocaust really didn't happen...

Lets assume the Holocaust really didn't happen. Lets just assume all the millions of european Jews just turned into air and lets ignore all the evidence, like the testimonies of Ausschwitz survivors and SS generals, or all the footages and videos and letters of approval with Hitlers signature for ordering the extermination of jewish people as final solution for the jewish qeustion.

Lets assume its all fake.

You still can't deny that :

>Jewish families and other minorities, women, children and elderly people got expelled from their houses and put into concentration camps
>Got horribly discriminated
>Got all their rights and goods taken away

How the fuck does this make the whole situation better?
How does that make the Nazis look better?

I bet you motherfuckers complain about muslims for being violent but yet you almost support the same ideology,
Seriously, go fuck yourselves you hypocritical assholes.

Other urls found in this thread:


>How the fuck does this make the whole situation better?
Well there's a huge distinction between murdering people and inconveniencing them.

50 million people were killed to establish AmeriJewish hegemony over the entire world
and you want us to weep over a few Jews that their fellow Chosen Ones pushed under the bus.

>let's assume the holocaust didnt happen


The US put Japanese, Germans and Italians into concentration camps, also discriminated, also took their property.

The difference was that:
The US had lots of food, the Germans were under a British food Embargo (illegal)

The Japanese culture includes hot baths and cleanliness. The East European Jews had a culture that included body lice. (Typhus)

Thats what they get for destabilizing the world.

The Jews were the equivalent of the aristocracy who were syphoning the lifeblood of the German people while not caring about them.

Are you going to blame the French for beheading Marie Antoinette next?

>let them eat cake indeed.

Jews care nothing for other people except to promote Jewish interests this has been proven time and time again.

It is the state of affairs in our own country now where the Jewish media and academy are brainwashing and dispossessing the native sons.

Jews are a plague.

This goes far beyond the Holocaust. It's about why exactly have the Jews always been persecuted? What makes people hate them so much over the course of thousands of years, why did they head communism and what made them supporters of it, et cetera.
Then you can look at the Holocaust and it's discussion after you have found out why the Germans did what they did to the Jews, and nearly all people's that have came in contact with them in history.

tfw flag

>Jewish families and other minorities, women, children and elderly people got expelled from their houses and put into concentration camps
>Got horribly discriminated
>Got all their rights and goods taken away
sounds a lot like what we did to the Japenese

Martin Schultz is that you?

Jews are a special protected class and nothing about the 40 million they killed in Russia, the Armenian genocide or the hundreds of millions they killed stoking and funding both sides of wars since the 1600s matters.
Jew victims are much more important that Goy victims. Got it.

It is the year 5778 goy!


Thank you for your ongoing support of the World Jewish Congress and its critical work on behalf of our global Jewish communities.

We need your help! As we enter a New Year, we know there will be new challenges to face.

Please make a tax-deductible contribution today to the World Jewish Congress, American Section, to support the vital work of the World Jewish Congress. Your gift will be matched — dollar for dollar — up to $250,000. and will help WJC protect and defend Jews worldwide from the alarming rise of anti-Semitism.

Please match my tax-deductible gift — dollar for dollar — in the amount of:


6,000,000.00 Hollywood level

>the Germans were under a British food Embargo (illegal)
Citation needed. Also, it's pretty curious how starvation affected people in the camps disproportionately. And how there was starvation in the Warsaw Ghetto. And how German soldiers could be transported. And how food reached certain people, did the supply lines restore themselves to allow a certain amount of food to get to a camp and then went back to a damaged situation?

If you believe the Holocaust didn't happen but believe 40 million people were killed in Russia, you literally have double standards for evidence.

Even though the Holocaust never happened, I can't wait for the next one.

t. pol

Americans did the same thing to japanese if were assuming the holocaust didnt happen

Only differencr is we won the war so were the good guys as far as history is concerned

A lot of those things you don't have to assume
>Testimonies from Auschwitz SS
We already know Hoess (Longest serving commandant of Auschwitz) lied about the death toll at Auschwitz. He confessed to killing 2.5 million Jews via gassing and another million via other means which we know is false. The numbers were revised from 4 million to 1.1 million after the fall of the USSR. He also confessed to the existence of a camp that didn't even exist. We know he was tortured. He wrote in his private memoirs that he signed whatever documents they gave him without knowing what they said.
>Letters of approval with Hitler's signature
To this day there exists no physical evidence of a Hitler order. You can say Hitler gave a verbal order to avoid incrimination but he didn't have a problem putting his signature on the T-4 Euthanasia Program. You could also say the document was destroyed. But until it is found it remains uncertain.


Imagine how true the U.S.S.R. Jew genocide of Goyim must be in order for it to be established FACT even in a Jew controlled world.

Nobody that spent any time looking for proof of a Nazi Jew genocide believes is happened.


Jews on the other hand have holy books stating Goy are cattle to be killed.
Jews openly talk about killing the Goyim when they get the chance.
and Jews literally kill Goyim by the millions when they get the chance.

Sounds kinda like what we did to the Japs

Lets assume the Holocaust really did happen. Lets just assume all the millions of European Jews just turned into ash and lets ignore the lack of evidence, like the ridiculous testimonies of Auschwitz survivors claiming Jewish blood is flammable, and boys were masturbated to death. Or all the footages and videos of lampshades made of skin and shrunken heads, and no approval with Hitlers signature for ordering the extermination of jewish people as final solution for the jewish question was ever found.

Lets assume its all real.

>All those documents, pictures, testimonies, confessions, censuses and forensic studies aren't reliable evidence. Where is the real physical evidence?
>Btw, Soviets killed 40 million people, nvm that there isn't some form of superior evidence for this as opposed to the Holocaust.
Really makes me think.

jews declared war on germans, not the other way around

Wouldn't it make sense to prioritize your citizens and soldiers before your political enemies?

It's not like the interred Nips gained weight during their stay.

Lol, you people are so ignorant of what you criticize, please go to academia and say that.
The official narrative isn't that all of them were gassed.

zero of them were gassed

Your fake "evidence" is all destroyed in the video.
and your forensic evidence doesn't exist.
On the contrary forensics prove their was no gassing in those pathetic excuses for 'gas chambers' on the walls.

Also, the Holohoax and the myth of genocide were all cooked up by international banking Zionists. The head Jews are culling your dispicable race into a desert country because even they know how disgusting and backwards you are.

I know. Some were electrocuted, which according to Nuremberg testimony immediately turned the victims to ash. Some were put into a cage and forced to fight a bear and an eagle. Some were chopped up into pieces and stuffed into soccer balls. Some were ground up into sausage. The holocaust was was so horrific it's almost unbelievable.

Lot of Jew shills out today.
>Some were electricuted
All false. Including the soap and lampshade myths.
Long pattern of getting busted lying about the Holohoax. Including the number of work camps that were said to have those fake gas chambers. Every year it's proved to be less and less. Now they are claimed to all have been in Poland.
Also the 3 million deaths at Auschwitz was changed to 1 million in the 90s but somehow the 6 million bullshit number persists.


>I bet you motherfuckers complain about muslims for being violent but yet you almost support the same ideology,

Brotip: only about 25% of Sup Forums are nazis, 10% of which are shills and globalist plants.

Real Sup Forumsack gentleman don't hate people of other races, but think cultures should remain mostly separate so that their history and unique identity can be preserved.


>U r a joo!!!
Lol, nice one, stick to your denier memes.

Ah, yes, warmongering Judea, right?

>Some cherrypicked claims of an event involving millions of people prove it didn't happen
When there was a claim of a dragon being in a battle in a war, was the battle not real?

The 6 million estimate isn't based on the Soviet claim of 4 million, retard. A claim which by the way isn't specifically about jews. Such plaque was changed by the authorities after the communist government collapsed. Lol, you believe stuff already debunked.

le 14/87.5

I never called you a jew, I'm just saying that I can understand why enemies of the state are last in line on the priority list for sustenance. We did the same thing to the Japs, but we didn't have to worry about collapsing infrastructure due to bombing campaigns

seriously, go look up if interred japs gained or lost weight during their stay.

How many murdered in Russia? There's plenty of evidence against the jewish holocaust, but if you haven't noticed NO ONE is allowed to talk about it! Why?

It isn't just the Jews. Nobility, Catholics, Slavs, intellectuals, and a bunch of others were all put into camps, deported, or killed via the Night of Long Knives or for dissent. While not having a genocide campaign does make the Nazis look better it only lowers them to the level of the Soviets who did the same and executed intellectuals and military leaders of their own allies.

It also doesn't dismiss the destruction of Warsaw, unrestricted submarine warfare, killings of villagers and slavs, mistreatment of POWs, and a variety of other warcrimes. Sure, there will be reparations, the war will turn out the same, and people will be hung. Nuremberg was a sham to justify appeasement in the future and ensure there will never be a great war again. People were hung because Hitler was dead. The violation of these crimes was enough for most sentences to be passed since the Soviet still hated the Germans for killing their troops without trial and treating their POWs like shit.

Holocaust was just the icing on the cake to hang all these people without any complaints. They were dead men to begin with.

I addressed the wrong post, anyway what's your point? Btw, the reply I gave you was for

>Ah, yes, warmongering Judea, right?
it's a historical fact schlomo


If you think the holocaust happened you are a moron

end of story, nothing else needs to be said

>Some cherrypicked claims of an event involving millions of people prove it didn't happen
When skeptics do it, it's cherry picking. When Steven Spielberg does it, it's fact.

also dd the same to german pow except on purpose

Auschitz number revised down by 3 or 2 million after you idiots counted and pumped it in your 6 million number.
>'Muh 6 million,
>I mean, muh 3 million,
>I mean, muh 6 million'

I see why you inbred liars make discussing this illegal.
Don't you have any Jew mind tricks for this fuck up?


not really trying to make a point, just responding to your post about how it was "curious" that interred prisoners were disproportionately affected by malnutrition.

my thesis, as it were, is that enemies of the state in an internment camp tend to suffer before the citizens or soldiers of the host nation. it's par for the course given the context of the time

>thinking we unironicaly deny the Holocaust here
Top kek. How new are you?
Holocaust Denial is just a meme here, we're only "denying" it for shitposting purposes - for satire, to scare of and shock normies and newfags such as yourself. We know it happened (gas chambers, crematoriums, 6 million etc.).
You do realize that there isn't one (1) Holocaust denier standing today that hasn't already been BTFO - whether they were caught lying or completely misrepresenting their sources. From Irving, to Cole, to Rudolf, to Mattogno, to Faurrison, to Zundel, to Weber.
Even Eric Hunt has retracted most of his claims.
Irving doesn't even deny gassings anymore - have a look at what he say about Operation Reinhard.
Please lurk more before taking obvious bait in future.

nice pasta star nigger

das it mane

Those mean jews (not even all jews, just the vague concept of 'Judea') boycotted a state that openly discriminated them? Such war-mongering kikes!

You're rather dense, I'll explain it again. The six million death toll didn't include an estimate of four million at Auschwitz, that's a separate Soviet estimate which isn't even about jews specifically. If you believe otherwise, please show me an historian who has made the claim of 6 million, with four million of those jews dying at Auschwitz.

I was Born in 1990, you fucking idiot.
LITERALY EVERYTHING could have been wrong and falsified and i wouldnt know it

Hi german bro,

wew who would have thought that you use that image.
Let me tell you something about it:
1. executing hostages for partisan attacks is perfectly legal under international law.
2. executing partisans is perfectly legal under international law

NOW to the picture:
Its highly likely that it is a fake picture. There are 3 different caption dates on wikipedia if you research that picture.
The heads of the soldiers in the background are blurred. Google it many photographic experts say that something is wrong with the picture.


You really think Zionists would do that? Fake pictures of the holocaust and present them as true?

you're trying to convince a population of shit posters who see daily evidence that disproves the holohoax on a daily basis that nazi's had nothing better to do with their resources and time than try to gas 6 million lizard people. Good luck

>or all the footages and videos and letters of approval with Hitlers signature for ordering the extermination of jewish people as final solution for the jewish qeustion.
That's complete bullshit


>let's assume all the millions of European Jews just turned into air and let's ignore all the evidence

There is no evidence, and they fled to Israel. The testimonials were beaten out of a group of people with no state to protect them, and there isn't one signed document from Hitler that mentions killing Jews, not one.

Yes they were discriminated against, because of how they behave.

Muslims might find themselves in a similar situation in that not too far flung future and it will be entirely of their own making. Inevitably some retard like you will claim that the Muslims are the victims even though it will be a response to their evil ways. Also it's not the same ideology in any way shape or form and many people here don't believe it.

The holocaust is another example of taking a true event and exaggerating it. The Germans (and much of Europe) hated the Jews. Many were more than happy for them to go away.
The fact that large numbers were killed both intentionally and by choosing to feed other people is not indispute. But the 6 million number is too high. That's not even including the 5 million nonjews.

But why the high number? A few reasons.
1. The allies killed a lost of people just going to work.
2. The soviets killed even more.
3. The Zionists saw a way to get a bullet proof victim card.
4. Something in the Talmud about 6 million needing to die or something.

1 and 2 were needed because no body had clean hands at the end of this war.
3 is a case of the Jews/Zionist taking advantage of the situation. It would not take much to make the camps look worse. Especially when the Russians were all to happy to make the Germans look worse than them.

The one piece of evidence that always bothered me was the gas chamber buildings. They were so poorly designed. Walking the people in the gas chamber while passing the crematorium? Wouldn't people panic? A people known for efficiency makes such a shitty building to kill people?

Jap shots fired

I see what you're saying but I meant that for example British POWs had a disproportionate death rate in comparison to jews.

I'm not a Holocaust denier, dude.


>letters of approval with Hitlers signature for ordering the extermination of jewish people
Those are exactly what I am looking for. Source please

>I'm not a Holocaust denier, dude.
yes..that's your problem right there

What did Hitler mean by this?youtube.com/watch?v=QWx7nq_lnQM

Jews and others were told to gtfo because they were not German by law. They refused to leave so they were put in camps to be deported. When the war started they were used as labor and this is something they did legally under international law.

what did they mean by this

Do we have anybody from the weaponized autism division that can review this?

What did they mean by this?holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.com.ar/2017/05/rebutting-twitter-denial-most-popular.html

>Ancap comes in
>talks about signed letters for the extermination of Jews
>doesn't post them


because they dont exist along with his proofs...
what he has is confessions of tortured and or blackmailed prisoners and hearsay...he is stupid to understand that some jews died of natural causes during the war,some died because of the war and some simply resettled somewhere else.
again...no footages
no videos

testimonies of Auschwitz survivors like corpses burn by themselves or eating in the gaschamber ?

Le Jewish World Almanac point is addressed here

>The East European Jews had a culture that included body lice.
Interesting how the """"""typhus epidemic"""""" mysteriously ballooned to unprecedented proportions during those few years.

>muh 40 million
If you're referring to the Great Purge (done by both Slavs, Caucasians, and Jews), the death toll was 600,000-2,000,000. Most Jews had nothing to do with it.

>Jews on the other hand have holy books stating Goy are cattle to be killed.
>Jews openly talk about killing the Goyim when they get the chance.
>and Jews literally kill Goyim by the millions when they get the chance.
nice meme

When has this happened exactly?

Yeah, every confession was gotten by torture, only testimonies to be taken into account are the same cherrypicked testimonies like the Holocauster (xD). Oh, and those gas chamber studies don't count. And neither do the documents. Neither do the demographic studies. And those Holocaust pictures? Lol, not reliable.
Nvm that with this logic, pretty much most of history could be dismissed as real, this only applies to Holocaust because uh jews.

>letters of approval with Hitlers signature for ordering the extermination of jewish people
Gonna need a source for this one, kraut.

There's some very obvious fake evidence. That doesn't invalidate everything else.

Ignore this Jewish lie thread.
BLACK WOMYN were the real victims

>Let's assume the holocaust didn't happen
I'm there