So this.... is the power.... of communism..... woah

So this.... is the power.... of communism..... woah

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sex workers get one free kill

Hookers are judge, jury, and executioners

You were okay with throwing the cops into prison?
And nazis being killed? Remember they are using their definition of nazi.

>No Cops
>Dead in 1 generation
>No economy
>Guns to the mentally ill
>Murder is legal if you're a whore

>everyone is gay

So their America lasts one generation...

>become manslut, banging old women for cash
>murder hillary or bernie
>thanks new government

No I just didn't understand why sex workers get to kill

This is what the right genuinely believes everyone else believes...

This is the power of communism

>Nazis are dead
WW2 was over 70 years ago.
>Capitalism is canceled
>Healthcare is free
Doctors are slaves?
>only the cops are in prison
Criminals are free to rape and pillage?
>Sex workers get one free kill
Why only one? No cops to stop them.
>We fling bad men into the sun
How do you subdue them without police?
>Trans women are armed
Oh, your police force has a 47% kill rate?

Judge dread parody?

This image was made unironically by leftists kiddo

You're thinking too hard finntist.

It's going to be something like "the patriarchy" or "institutionalized misogyny".

This future would actually be fucking hilarious to watch.

where did this come from..I want to make fun of them
>plz no twatter..I am not a pleb

I visited R/FULLCOMMUNISM for the first time to get a glimpse into the rat nest, it was posted a couple times

In case their client disrespects women and treats them like a sex object.

>Everyone is gay
>capitalism is cancelled
(I really need that transparent memeball template, if anyone has it)

No. These degenerates are antisocial criminals or suffering from bourgeois false consciousness. They would be removed from communist society.