The story of Jesus as recorded in the gospels is about what happens when the Spirit of God appears on Earth...

The story of Jesus as recorded in the gospels is about what happens when the Spirit of God appears on Earth, and is resisted by the worldly powers of organized religion and the state. Anytime the message of Christ becomes co-opted by religious doctrine or state power, it has already abandoned its roots, since at its core the Jesus story is about how those very powers will stop at nothing to subvert and destroy the Christ. Though of course they can never succeed - to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the King remains enthroned.

Christ shows us that self-giving sacrificial love is the true power in the universe, not the top-down tyrannical brute strength of Caesar. Christ's earliest followers proclaimed "Jesus is Lord!", rather than "Caesar is Lord!" which regions conquered by the empire were required to say. The implied subversive question - who is making a better Kingdom? Caesar who puts people on crosses, or Christ who bears the cross in love for all? Caesar who dominates and kills all who oppose with brute strength, or God who raised Christ from the dead?

Why is self-giving sacrifice the ultimate power? Picture water. In some senses, the most submissive substance imaginable. It will flow through your fingers, fit any container you put it in. Yet nothing can compete with it for domination of the planet - it covers 70% of Earth's surface. It uses its power not to dominate like a tyrant, but to quietly nourish each and every thing that lives. This is built into Creation as a prefiguration of Christ. The blood of Christ is spiritual water, and those who drink of it will never thirst again.

bump for spreading the gospel

which chapter does all the juicy endtimes stuff start in the bible again?

At least jeshua looks realistic in your image: like a kike.

It's mixed in everywhere. But Revelations is a good place to start my dude

This is heresy. God in the Old Testament established a state power through sheer top-down brute strength, as well as a priesthood through the same method.

In the New Testament He also establishes a religious organization. Unconditional selflessness isn't even the Christ's ethos, reciprocity is. The Golden Rule isn't "Be a bitch" its "Do as you would be done by".

Revelation... the last book. It's the only book about the end times.

I should clarify that it's the only book exclusively focused on end-time events. Other books do make parallel references. Even in the Old Testament.

It's scattered throughout the entire bible. Examples in Isaiah, Matthew, and Luke. I'm sure there are many others that I'm missing

The book of Daniel also has a lot of information in it.

Honestly this is so true, I find it comically retarded just how ironic so many Christians are with their accusations of heresy and submission towards pharisitical and statist tyranny. If Christ came back today, the religious and status quo would crucify him all over again

Jesus never establishes a religious organization. He has a loose band of disciples, and mentions His church only as "those who do the will of my Father in heaven".

The old covenant was insufficient. I would have to get into Kabbalah and esoteric interpretation of the Tanakh to explain all of the details... Basically, Christians believe that God is both perfectly just and perfectly merciful. On the Tree of Life, this is expressed by the Pillar of Severity on the left, and the Pillar of Mercy on the right. The old covenant (meaning the Law of Moses, not the entire Tanakh because the Hebrew Scriptures as a whole also testify to the Christ) was only oriented towards the left pillar, and thus was spiritually imbalanced and needed the corrective of the right pillar to balance it.

So Judaism corresponds with worship of Binah, the third emanation from God at the top of the left pillar (each circle represents an "angel" or an aspect of God emanating from the Father), while worship of the Christ corresponds with the first two emanations - Keter above both pillars, and Chokmah at the top of the right pillar.

The veil was torn not because the spirit of God had to be "let out" of the holy of holies, but only to reveal it was an empty room the whole time.

Sorcerous ahistorical nonsense. Kabbalah wasn't even invented until the middle ages.

Sorcery is the use of spiritual and mystical wisdom and practices for selfish gain. The self-emptying path of Christ is the opposite of sorcery.

> Kabbalah wasn't even invented until the middle ages.
True but the truths of Kabalah point to a reality beyond time and therefore history is irrelevant. That's like arguing there couldn't have been a big bang at the beginning of time because no one thought of it until the 1800's.

The truths of the Kabbalah were inferred from the Tanakh itself, the Hebrew scriptures which Jesus says testify to Him.

John 5:39
You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about Me.

The crucifixion is about Jesus's transition to a woman. Trannies see it as death of the old self and resurrection when they chop their balls off. The cross is a symbol of male and female together, like the Star of David. Christians and Jews are in a tranny cult.


I am very strongly against people who try and turn Christianity into a kind of New Age mysticism, or a kind of Hermetic, Platonist, or Gnostic doctrine.

Christianity has nothing to do with self-emptying or otherworldiness. Its God created the physical world, incarnated into a physical body, created physical men and promised them a material resurrection in an eventual earthly and material kingdom. He never teaches "selflessness" as a virtue unto itself, only as an occasional means, and as noted by Lewis above are generally accompanied with unblushing promises of pleasures for their fulfillment.

Someone could be an egoist hedonist, approach the Christian doctrine, and find it mostly agreeable to himself if the Scriptures promises were taken as true. All attempts to view Christianity as an esoteric or initiate religion are false.

Is the Kabbalah evil mysticism or what? It's got something to do with that saturn cube reversed/dulaity/blah blah blah

But is it evil and why did the Jews make a 9/11 memorial a Kabbalah ritual? To me the right and left sides represent the hegelian dialectic (Thesis/antithesis= the middle being the synthesis)

Redpill me on the kabbalah

Its Jewish mysticism based on the idea of gradual ascent to God through esoteric doctrine. Its not "evil" as far as I know, only superstitious.

Every single religion in the world has both exoteric and esoteric interpretations. If you cannot see the inherent resonances between Greco-Roman mystery religions and Christianity, then I'm not sure what else I can say because to me they are self-evident. God bless, user.

The Mysteries have literally nothing to do with Christianity. Mithraism, the Eleusinian Mysteries, the Cults of Isis and other such things are in no way related to the Christian religion.

Mystics such as yourself are a dime a dozen, and as a rule I put no stock in such men.

well it must be working because the head of the pentagon was a fucking rabbi and now the 9/11 memorial is a literal kabbalah ritual so .. yea it's real m8.

My knowledge on the matter is superficial but Madonna and Ariana Grande and a bunch of others are kabbalists and they're the ones with music videos drenched in occult symbolism so I just wanna know what the jews meant by this

Kabbalah is not evil at all, it is a map of the angelic resonances which have created our current dimension (which is Malchut at the bottom of the Tree). People invoke these angelic powers by certain meditations on the different "Sephirot" within the tree, which includes both the circles and all of the paths between them as well.

Now, do you see Da'at, second from the top in the middle? This Sephirot corresponds with the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the story of the Garden of Eden. Many maps of the Tree will even exclude this Sephirot, because invoking of those energies is very unwise and not recommended, and could even be viewed as "Satanic" in a certain sense.

Hope that helped a little user. God bless and praise Christ!

Christianity is basically a beautiful blend of the Hebrew prophetic tradition and the Greek & Roman mystery religions.

Like Dionysus, Christ is a deity born of a mortal, associated with wine, who is devoured (eucharist, Crucifixion) and rises from the dead. Like Persephone (and many similar myths) he descends to the underworld and then returns to Earth. Some speculate the usage of entheogens as sacraments was a part of early Christianity just as it was in the mystery religions.

The connections to the Hebrew prophetic tradition are themes of humility, subversion and reversal of power, liberation from worldly slavery, a focus on social justice and compassion. With some added flavor of some deep-level boundary-dissolution symbols which cut right through the tribalistic core of the second temple Judaism of that time.

I don't need you to put any stock in me, though, user. I know that I am ignorant and I am only communicating my own very limited understanding. Again, God bless.