Ancap is unironically the dumbest shit I've ever heard

Ancap is unironically the dumbest shit I've ever heard

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hi shareblue!

We need more socialistic aspects to our society

Most double digit iq individuals feel that way

>I'm stupid for wanting the poor to have access to good healthcare

>Ancap is unironically the dumbest shit I've ever heard
You got that one right.

you are stupid for not knowing how to give it to them
(hint: not for free, nothing good is free)

Tell me something I don't already know.


>Ancap is unironically the dumbest shit I've ever heard
you never heard of communism?

>nothing good is free
Except for the Fire Department, the Police, Disaster Relief Services, NASA, the Miliitary, etc.

Government isn't inherently evil. We need more government resources given to protect the environment urgently

So I'm an idiot for believing that helping others and kindness is an essential aspect of our lives?
As a Christian, I find socialism to be far more in line with my religion than Capitalism is, yet so many Christians are Republicans, for some reason.

Dude go get a job, you are an embarrassment to humanity

I think Socialism and Capitalism are both bad systems, but I think Capitalism is even worse. Yeah, the USSR sucked, but then again, so did Tsarist Russia.

But I would rather live in a society with beneficial apects of both systems

All of those things could be done more efficiently with private alternatives.

The environment can be protected in ancapistan with lawsuits, social exclusion and other means

Yes. Go be a poor nigger somewhere else.

>I'm currently studying for an Enviromental Science degree and am working at my local Jewel.
I will contribute more to this world than you ever will with your nihilistic outlooks

So something that inherently requires a government?

I'm actually of Swedish, German, and Irish descent but alright I guess.

If you think THAT'S dumb, try looking up "ancom" once!

I just graduated with a similar degree in the UK, and unfortunately you are the smug, pretentious asshole in this case.

You are just repeating the same, old, tired argument that removing government services must mean no services should exist.

Do you seriously think people here are literally advocating the destruction of natural landscapes, the pollution of water, and the rape of our lands? These people are goddamn nationalists, and they love their lands so much they could kiss them.

The government is the worst polluter that has ever existed, through fiat currency, state protectionism, migration and inefficient services it has raped our lands

Shut up and lurk more idiot

No, it seems that you do not understand the concept of private law and how it would work (or what Anarcho-Capitalism is for that matter)


So Jesus advocated put a gun to someone's head and taking their income?

Wouldn't Jesus advocate charities, and not income tax through state violence?

>The government is the worst polluter that has ever existed, through fiat currency, state protectionism, migration and inefficient services it has raped our lands
It's not like the Clean Air Act happened or anything...

>Threatening to send them to Hell apparently isn't holding a gun to their head

And no am not shareblue or any of that crap.
Ancap is a shitty meme and nothing more

>ancap is the dumbest shit I've ever seen
Have you not seen ancom?

>It's not like the Clean Air Act happened or anything...

No this is a fucking MYTH. Air pollution was already falling before these acts were put into place.

>No sources cited

At least ancom worked for a three year period

Please elaborate

>God sends rich people to Hell meme

>Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.

>Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

>When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”

>Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Moral of the story? Rich people, just like everyone else are incapable of saving themselves, but God is able to provide salvation.

TLDR version: There's nothing wrong with being rich.

> Tsarist Russia was capitalist
lmao what?

Ukraine before the Soviet Union fucked things up

It wasn't free market capitalism like we know it today, but Capitalists worked side by side with the monarchy

I would be greatly enthused to read your definition of capitalism. Please enlighten me.

>free market capitalism

We don't have have capitalism in the west

My biggest issue with Ancap is that its proponents never outline any sort of plan or method to achieve their utopian society.


found the problem

Also faggot, try and enlighten me as how to fanfuckingtastic governments are at their jobs in protecting the environments.

Here are some fun facts I have picked up from how the British government has WRECKED our environment:

1. Banned shooting deer as pests decades ago, causing massive amounts of overgrazing and deforestation

2. Massive amounts of government subsidies

3. Destroyed huge areas of woodland in the 1940s then replanted it with exotic timber

4. Forced EU regulations which tied the hands of conservation work, e.g. reintroducing the beaver means 10+ years of paperwork

5. Need a license just to even cut trees and plant (no joke), so you can't even maintain a wetland without paying someone to cut trees

6. Government and private organizations can't even make money from their work in the environment, there is too much paper work just to sell charcoal from coppicing


It is the most fun though.

Massive amounts of government subsidies in agriculture*
text version in description

Wait until you hear about communism.

Eat shit commie

Ancap literally has no flaws.

My biggest problem is how they stop either a powerful company from establihsing itself as a state, or how they stop a foreign country from conquering the ancap country. They simply don't.

Reminder that ancaps aren't retarded because they're capitalists, they're retarded because they're anarchists.

Hi, keep it up! You are doing well with spreading socialism and hopefully all countries will have socialism, cheers!

>they're retarded because they're anarchists.
Their idea is more along the lines that capitalism would create the perfectly structured society if it were given completely free reign, i.e., anarchy. At least that's the way I understand it. Nice idea, but ultimately naïve and infeasible.


>that capitalism would create the perfectly structured society

According to Molyneux it's got more to do with raising children correctly

It's a generational cultural change

Sup Forums works therefore ancap would work.

Sup Forums might not be a very accurate comparison to an anarchist society.

Can someone explain to me how if we switch to an AnCap form of government the Rothschilds don't just own the entire country outright instead of from the shadows?

That may be the prominent ancaps like Rothbard and Molymeme, but the vast majority are petulant children whose only concern is being able to do whatever they want.

Pic related, OP is an ancap arguing people should be allowed to buy dogs just to kill them gruesomely.

Watch this vid too it really lays into anclaps

AnCaps and Libertarians are stupid newfags, news at 11:00.
They're useful idiots for the rest of us.
It's not like they could resist NatSocs or Fascists taking over their shitty individualist society.
Group > Individual
every single time.

There it is.
Federal government is shit at running anything local. It should be handled by states.
Missing the point and no, those are not free. Taxes are not free.
No, just naive to think everyone deserves it.
Capitalism drives innovation. Technologically and socially, we would not be where we are if it weren't for market drive. Socialism is barely more than passive, by itself, leads to stagnation and inflation. Capitalism jogs, socialism walks.
You're missing the point, again. Being in school is nothing like the real world. Your perspective will change. Hopefully you drop the self-righteous bullshit.
Most often local government. Not everything has to be centralized. You really ought to understand the nuances of your arguments if you hope to make a valid point.
Most government environmental provisions are low-key and rather ineffective in practice.

do you or have you ever owned a trenchcoat

I think the idea of Anarcho-Capitalism is useful as a thought experiment, but in practice it wouldn't work. The idea only has a chance of survival in a closed system.

The issue of national security is something that wouldn't work as a result. Let's assume that all security, including the military, is privatized. Communities in the center of the country would have no reason to fund border security since their neighbors are their fellow countrymen thus not really posing a threat, but what about those living near the border of Mexico for example? Those communities wouldn't have enough resources to fund an adequate security force to prevent an invasion or criminals from crossing the border.

This is one of the main reasons why it can only survive in a closed system (imagine that the entire world was the United States and that's it, no external threats). However it is useful as a thought experiment in terms of economics and how society organizes itself to some degree. When you apply its principles to a more reasonable system you'll get something that has little regulations, but still regulates in terms of the environment, minimum taxation to fund a military, legal system, police force, etc. and you'll also allow communities to self-segregate or come together as they please.

I think the main problem with people who support Anarcho-Capitalism is that they ignore the idea that their country is surrounded by other countries that aren't going to change with them.

Thanks. I'll check it out.
I'm not so much interested in how such a society would work once in place. I am more interested in the initial implementation of such a system. That is, how we get there from where we are now.

If government isn't inherently evil why does it steal from its population and threaten to imprison them if they don't pay up. Sounds like a mafia to me and sure sounds evil as well.

People who insult Ancap, on Sup Forums, at least, don't understand it.

>Being against AnCap means you're Shareblue

Good thing you can't actually sage with images.

lmfao, double digit IQ confirmed

it's not quite as stupid as communism but it's close

Well it won't work in a society where the base IQ is any less than 120, so no country on earth could do it without some artificially sped up Darwinism.

You're mentally retarded. Take your double digit IQ to plebbit

>Ancap the dumbest shit
>not communism
Return to Metafilter, shariablue.

Ancap strikes me as the extreme opposite of communism and equally as dysfunctional.

How does private law not require a government?

No ancap has claimed to be pursuing utopia faggot. That's a commie ideal.

nobody genuinely believes in AnCap, stop it

Fuck off, reddit, with your false flag bullshit.

Seriously... It would take days before these security companies would create states and scrap with each other for territory and population.

I'm sorry that you don't know the definition of the word. You might want to look it up.
I forgive you for the name calling.

None of the things you listed are free. Lmao

Ancap is for pudgy weeaboos who try hard to pass as trailer trash, but really just live with their parents and are fat as fuck.

Its just a phase