Why is abortion allowed when it's literally murdering a baby?

why is abortion allowed when it's literally murdering a baby?

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They argue it isn't a baby or a life worth saving.

Because our government is founded on Atheism and godless Jews run it.

because as a society we don't have the balls to simply sterilize blacks or send them back to africa
both are more acceptable morally but because we are so weak and dishonest we allow abortion

>it isn't a baby
Science says differently
>It isn't a life worth saving
Then why is murder of anykind illegal?

because it kills about 800 thousand niggers a day

It's not a baby if it's not self aware.

fuck year*

unwanted kids are like illegal immigrants
>someone else foots the bill

So when you're asleep and not selfaware - i can murder you?
It kills many white babies a day also, your point? I understand you are assigning value to races because you are inherently a monster and a soulless human being - but surely you see the folly in your logic?

It's not a conscious being so, which is what I think most people try to argue. There's no visible emotional, visible distress from the fetus you are killing

citation needed

it's a baby and it's murder

Pure fucking degeneracy.
Inb4 nigger stats.

Pro Tip: human life isnt precious.

>It's not a conscious being
So when you go to sleep you can be murdered legally? Can those in a coma be murdered? Physically knocked unconscious?
>There's no visible emotional, visible distress from the fetus you are killing
So if I drug you and you show no signs of visible emotional distress - it's ok to murder you?

put every nigger in a gas chamber and ill hold the doors closed from in the side

when it's in the womb, its a fetus not a baby.

how many will you adopt?

The state does not have the authority to tell a person to use their body to incubate a fetus if they decide that they don't want to.

No person has the right to live inside the body of another human being. If that makes you feel sad, then go pay people to not have abortions or something.

>human life isnt precious
There's the central atheist point that we all know the pro-abortion crowd hold fundamental. Quick somebody murder this sad excuse for a human being.

We're fully developed, if you were to drug someone and watch them die you could clearly see what is happening, with a fetus there is none of that trauma.

Because moloch demands sacrifices user. Has been for thousands of years. Wake up please. The moloch worshippers primarily infest the liberal idol-ology.

If abortion is wrong because it results in the death of a baby, maybe we should disband the military too, since it could lead to the deaths of American citizens. I mean, it's kind of a shitty analogy I'm making, but do you see my point? Why do we give a shit babies die? Anyone willing to abort clearly shouldn't have been a parent in the first place.

put every nigger in a gas chamber and ill hold the doors closed from in the inside

Depends how far a long it is and that's really subjective for each person deciding and baby being born really.

Everyone knows abortion clinics are Temples to moloch.

murder is a legal term. a homicide is only murder if it was a crime. Murder in US law, at least, id defined necessarily as the unlawful killing of another human being.

not illegal? not murder.


hopefully to eliminate the inbreds like you

it absolutely does not your kidding yourself if you the amount of whites getting abortions is even close to just chicaco and detroit blacks not to mention the rest of them
ive seen the sources you can google just as well as i can

Because then these unwanted babies grow up in broken homes, foster care where they're fucking raped, adopted by homosexuals who may rape them, all while living a depressed fucking life.


additionally, foetal matter is not granted rghts. to think it should be is a silly conclusion. There's nothing wrong with abortion.

of course. Fuck you leaf. cant wait until mohammad takes over your pussy country full of cucks.

lets take some time to enjoy some mummys and the thought of dead black babies

They just make up a different word for the baby so you don't have to feel bad about it. Liberals do this with everything. You aren't murdering a baby, you're "just destroying a fetus". See? You just have to dehumanize yourself and get rid of emotion and just think in amoral terms.
The left always manipulates language to do what they want, ie. undocumented immigrants instead of illegal aliens, etc.
Sensitive rapists
Compassionate murderers
Preemptive defensive assault

Because of liberal compassion.

pret mummy

Everybody seems to forget that SOMEBODY ELSE pays for this kid.

But yet if I kill someones baby while in the womb it is illegal.

silly mumy u not dolphin

This is true because anyone who considers an abortion should never be allowed to have children in the first place.

I have no doubt that you are suicidal and homicidal - that doesn't make your position logically defensible though.
Why does somebody outraged by murder have to take on the societal burden to stop it?
>their body
You're right, so the body of the unique human being murdered should be protected.
>No person has the right to live inside the body of another human being
They have many options prior to conception - the act of murder is not a proper solution though.
wait, so because you can't see it with your naked eye means it's not murder? so if i drug you and place a blanket over you before killing you it's no longer murder? nice logic there schlomo.
Defending law order and justice does not equate to infanticide. You're sick - not only that you are illogical.
>Why do we give a shit babies die?
People have the right to form governments around their common morality and make and enforce laws upon that common morality.

>he thinks it's only black babies that gets aborted

Fetuses are a fungible commodity. One is much like another and there is no sunk cost.

Why are human lives worth saving?

Because people in charge realize it's more complicated than just a Christian's view of it.

There is great utility in allowing abortions to occur.
Abortion is the single greatest factor on the lowering crime rate in the 90s. These 'murders' prevented foster systems from being overloaded etc.


This isn't even getting over the quagmire that is the culpability of women if abortion is indeed murder. At best, the woman is committing man slaughter, but that raises the issue of the woman having (or not having) clarity of mind when making these decisions.

TLDR: Abortion should be argued for based on utility to the woman and society at large. Abortion is the termination of a bundle of cells that will inevitably become a human, and it should never be thought of as simply removing any other bodily growth.

niggers should have been either genociding and their land taken al la manifest destiny or left as a nature preserve, because of our half measures in the past we are left with only one option

If you attack someone that doesnt value life, dont be surprised when they strike to kill first.

yup. sure is.

>why is abortion allowed when it's literally murdering a baby?

Because people will always naturally go for things that gives them more power and freedom with less consequences and risk. Abortion is allowed because it CONVENIENTLY provides a last ditch attempt to avoid years of serious responsibility and commitment. It doesn't make sense morally and legally speaking either with current law.

When we kill the baby via the medical procedure known as abortion, it's just a bunch of cells. However, if a pregnant woman accidentally gets killed or intentionally murdered, then it's a double manslaughter or murder? In one situation its not human, but in a different situation it is?


Fucking bullshit is what it is.

>nice logic there

I'm saying it's more humane to kill something that doesn't have a visible reaction to being killed which is most likely the reason people aren't as uppity about abortion as they are about "real" murder for lack of a better word

its overwhelmingly so, do the research i aint your secretary

join our mummy group if you are interested

>It kills many white babies a day also
babies with white trash, lefties and other scum as mothers.

People do form laws on common morality. If everyone's opinion is that abortion is a-ok, then the law will reflect that. Shit nigga, why you care so much? Do you have any idea of terrible life is for unwanted kids and kids in adoption centers?

>I (or the state) get to decide at a random time of my fetus's development that it's a human being and is given rights and it becomes illegal to abort. everyone else is a monster
see how wrong this argument is? There is no way to come to a conclusion of when a fetus becomes a human being except for birth. Deal with it, quit being illogical. Also I'm fully for abortion because blacks and mexicans get them done at a substantially higher rate than whites, which in the end puts less stress on our society and means a potential rapist was removed from OUR streets. I hardly care about the 'womens' choice argument, fuck.

Because the remains of an unborn baby are the very best for rejuvanitive 'medicines' and all the shit you think is modern discovery about such things has been known about since the Stone Age, and to some - never forgotten.
Watching celebs getting blood facials today, Elizabeth Bathory got bricked up for doing the same thing in the past. Do you imagine the NAZIs (for example) with their human experiments didn't know the rejuvanating properties of a transfusion? No doctors ever noticed?
Even the Bible states clearly... the life is in the blood

ahhh the ole classic kill babys to save money argument. Why start with babies if are willing to kill for money? Why not prisoners, old people, cripples, retards, insane people, people with jobs, so on and so on. it would be more cost efficient. they already had their turn.

Is this what you are arguing for cause if not then shut up.

mmm seems fair.

"Sexual libertardianism" means that Daddy can't say No to his daughter sleeping around without being called a Very Bad Man!

There are people in this thread arguing that murdering babies is okay.
This, the power of MSM. (The meme).

lol this thread is lefty pol city trying to use abortion as a wedge to divide pol


Murder is a legal term - yes, and not every country agrees - hence crimes against humanity and justice in other countries. You're not understanding that just because you live in a morally bankrupt country like america - that it is still objectively murder according to the majority of the world population.
Murder is murder - and the fact that you condone and promote murder makes any opinion you have worthless. Should i go into death row and ask peoples opinions on murder too?
Orphanages are absolutely worth the expense - are you that sick of a person?
These people will out themselves sooner or later and be in a steel cage where they belong.
>no visible reaction to being killed
Ok, so if I chemically sedate you prior to murdering you it's ok? This is literally the worst argument for your pro-murder stance.
Innocent children are innocent - only a subhuman and soulless commie would say the things you do.
>If everyone's opinion is that abortion is a-ok
That doesn't mean it's not murder though. 40% of america think it's murder and it's even higher - having a legistlature say it is or isn't murder doesn't mean it's not objectively a crime against humanity, thus international courts outside the jurisdictions of failed countries that promote mass murder.

>Why is a 14 year old girl considered an adult if she wants to get an abortion?
>Why can a person be charged with a murder if they cause a woman to miscarry?
>Why ask why?

then why are you charged with double murder if you kill a pregnant woman?

why is busting a nut inside a bitch worth killing a unborn child for ?

Once the foetus is capable of surviving and continuing development outside of the womb, it is a living human being and should have all of the rights afforded to underdeveloped human being offspring.

Before that point, when the foetus can't yet survive on it's own, it is a parasite, absorbing nutrients from the mother and providing no benefit to her.

>Literally murdering a baby

Is it? Using your physiological expertise, at what point do cells become a 'baby'?

Meaningless, we can create any of the levels of stem cells now. We don't need to use aborted fetuses as a source; also there are plenty of other sources, like in the amniotic fluid and in your very own organs (like in your skin).



>Wants to protect all babies
>Ignores the fact that most abortions are undertaken by blacks and hispanics
>Ignores the fact that most of these kids will be fucked up either through a shitty family situation or through the foster system
>Ignores the rapes, murders, and drug dealing that will inevitably occur from these malcontents
>Will take the time to cry about nigger crimes in another thread 5 minutes later

Choke on a fucking fried haddock retard.

take your faggot cartoons back to r/ the doland

>babies with white trash, lefties and other scum as mothers.

yes in addition to culling nonwhites it's reducing the poor, the godless, and the progressive
in the US white people are becoming more Republican, and political shifts play a role in this but the simple fact is that white Republicans are well over the replacement rate while white Democrats are barely having one child per woman

That's some harsh truth.

Because it's not literally a baby?

>There is no way to come to a conclusion of when a fetus becomes a human being except for birth
Science is clear here - you become a uniquely identifiable human being the moment of conception with 23 pairs of chromosomes. What you are confusing here is "personhood" and when that starts - the current liberal left is now aruging that post-birth abortions should be legal because you aren't a person until 4 years old.

less nigs and retards
less spending on welfare

white babies die


>i swear it's not a baby, now murder it

because the fetus was probably past the point of being able to get legal ly aborted, to help the family feel better, and to fuck the criminal in the ass with more justice

But it gets a free trip to salvation

ive dumped like half my rare mummies ass

>Trying to slippery slope people with Eugenics on Sup Forums
Are you in the fight place?


Do you think it'd be murder to scoop out a zygote from the womb?



its part of reddits raid lol they pathetically easy to spot

>Why not prisoners, old people, cripples, retards, insane people, people with jobs, so on and so on.
yeah why not?

>why is abortion allowed

Do you want to have more nig nogs running around leaching your money? No? Then suck it up with the dead babies shit.

>no benefit
The child passes on the parent's genes, which is the very purpose of a creature according to evolution.


When the people complaining start adopting these kids, I'll stop.

im just here to dump mummies now

Embryonic stem cells are the best
(and they use unused embryos from IVF pregnancies to get those)

When the fuck did I ever say I was pro-abortion or not? All I said was that it's a more humane of disposing a human.

>Once the foetus is capable of surviving and continuing development outside of the womb
That's pretty random - the hearts beating and it feels pain and emotions. Why isn't that murder? Oh yeah, you want to set any arbitrary metric you can to defend your disgusting murderous blood lust.
science says pretty clearly at conception you are fully human.

lol yeah probably like 600 commons

If you're such a supporter of abortion how come you weren't aborted?
People generally don't think it would be good if they'd been aborted. Just other babies.