Who here /communist-capitalist/?

who here /communist-capitalist/?

comcap is the true redpill

LTV is the real theory of value. Adam Smith was correct, but incomplete. Marx brought Smith's work to the logical conclusions and is 10000% correct in his material anaylsis. Communism is almost certainly inevitable, and goes hand in hand with anarchism. The anarchists and real (read: left) libertarians are correct in that dismantling the state, or moving towards dismantling the state/incrementalling dismantling the state etc will accelerate our progress towards full communism. Right "libertarians" and "anarcho" capitalists are ignorant of what makes capitalism capitalism, and frequently conflate markets with capitalism.

As a member of the human race, and when fully analysing an individual's part in society in the long(ish) term, I am a anarchist, and necessarily some kind of socialist or communist, but as an individual, and analyzing my present and personal material situation, I am a capitalist. I possess the skills and resources to extract value from others, and want to keep doing so as long as I can.

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so a socialist

Sounds like Objectivism.

if you're implying that socialism is a "healthy mix" of communism and capitalism, you should probably go read a book, or at least the first paragraph of a few wiki articles

socialists seek to abolish private ownership of the means of productions in favor of common ownership of the means of production

i agree with them in the sense that this is inevitable (this is what marx argues), but i want to prevent this from happening for as long as possible.

it's a bit similar, I suppose, in that I subscribe to the concept of material dialects as a source of truth rather than a single human's subjective experience, but I have no feelings on using those analyses to form moral or ethical positions, just material positions

i've heard the term "neo-marxian" tossed around and I think it generally fits with my thinking

>LTV is the real theory of value
Elaborate. How will you determine the value of everything when value is subjective?

Value is not subjective. Market prices are set by the cost of production.

I suggest you to read Wage Labor and Capital

>Value is not subjective. Market prices are set by the cost of production.
Market prices are set by what people are willing to pay. If the people aren't willing to pay for the current market price, then it will lower until they are.

This guy is just dropping buzzwords left and right, you shouldnt expect much. he doesnt even know the difference between communism and socialism.

What's worth more in the middle of a city, a meticulously crafted guitar or a gallon of water? Does the same hold true in a desert?

if you really care you should read digamo.free.fr/keen2011.pdf

The LTV is a piece of shit. Marx was wrong about most things (constant and falling rates of profit, subsistence wages, class intransigence, etc etc etc).

That being said most traditional economic theory is seriously flawed as well.

And if the price falls, no one will sell it until the cost of production falls as well.

Strawmanning me, Zzz
Communism and socialism are different. All communists practice socialism though, since communism can't be achieved with our current material status.

The cost to transport something to a marketplace is part of the cost of production.

Next please

Btw Mr 'anarcho' capitalist, how do you enforce private absentee ownership without the state?

I'm a globalist-nationalist myself.

>And if the price falls, no one will sell it until the cost of production falls as well.
Exactly. If it was already produced and they overestimated the price people are willing to pay, then they will have to sell at a loss or wait until the supply lowers so they can sell at a higher price, but if the expected price is lower than the production cost, it simply will not be made.

With guns.

The price and cost of production have a cyclical relationship that causes them both to fall. You should read Wage Labor and Capital. It doesn't try to 'convert' you to communism, it just explains the relationship between capital, labor, price, and cost. It's purely an analytical piece.

So when the workers in a factory or tenants in an apartment use their guns to say they own it, rather than some absentee owner they've likely never met, what happen?


>The price and cost of production have a cyclical relationship that causes them both to fall.
No, not really. Unless the object itself plays a part in its own production, like a factory that makes factory parts, then the cost of production has no bearing on the price.

>So when the workers in a factory or tenants in an apartment use their guns to say they own it, rather than some absentee owner they've likely never met, what happen?
I gather up some friends, we hire some PMC's, and we ask them to leave. If they don't, we kill them.

tell that to jay-z

Black labor built Norway?
The more you know!

You're just flat out wrong on the first point
>We kill them
You sound awfully confident there

>You're just flat out wrong on the first point
I'm not but okay.

>You sound awfully confident there
No reason not to be.