Mining Cultural Marxist quotes

I'm trying to collect all the best Cultural Marxism quotes to make propaganda. Leftypol claims that the Frankfurt School was harmless, and everything Sup Forums thinks about them is just schizo "conspiracy theory". Let's prove them wrong: look through these works of Frankfurt School thinkers, and post the best (or worst) quotes you can find:

The best/worst sounding ones will be made into propaganda for you to annoy leftypol illiterates with.

Other urls found in this thread:

All men ... are NOT created equal! Some are born swifter afoot, some with greater beauty, some are born into poverty and others born sick and feeble. Both in birth and upbringing, in sheer scope of ability every human is inherently different; Yes that is why people discriminate against one another, which is why there is struggle, competition and the unfaltering march of progress. Inequality is not wrong, equality is. What of the E.U. which made equality a right? Rabble politics by a popularity contest. The Chinese Federation with its equal distribution of wealth? A nation of lazy dullards. But not our beloved Britannia, we fight, we compete, evolution is continuous. Britannia alone moves forward, advancing steadily into the future. Even the death of my son, Clovis, demonstrates Britannia's unswerving commitment to progress. We will fight on, we shall struggle, compete, plunder and dominate, and in the end, the future shall be ours.

Nice one! I advice Marcuse and Fromm. They are great authors, that predicted many ills of capitalism that we see today.
Start with this one:

Forgot Walter Benjamin:

bumping for interest, will do some reading

The Herbert Marcuse link doesn't include his essay "Repressive Tolerance", that I remember reading about in a National Review. Marcuse argued that:
>...the fact that society is so radically unequal means that we should be intolerant and repressive in the name of tolerance and liberty. He rejected what he termed “indiscriminate tolerance” — a tolerance that accepts all viewpoints — in favor of “liberating tolerance” or “discriminating tolerance.”

>“Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left.”

>When many in the media junked the Bush-era refrain, “Dissent is patriotic,” and began to suggest that dissent during the Obama administration was a product of some unhealthy motivation (especially racism), they were putting into practice Marcuse’s theory of “discriminating tolerance.” Elsewhere in “Repressive Tolerance,” Marcuse outlined some of the other “apparently undemocratic” tactics that partisans of a true democracy should use.

Some passages from Marcuse's essay:
>They would include the withdrawal of toleration of speech and assembly from groups and movements which promote aggressive policies, armament, chauvinism, discrimination on the grounds of race and religion, or which oppose the extension of public services, social security, medical care, etc. Moreover, the restoration of freedom of thought may necessitate new and rigid restrictions on teachings and practices in the educational institutions which, by their very methods and concepts, serve to enclose the mind within the established universe of discourse and behavior — thereby precluding a priori a rational evaluation of the alternatives. And to the degree to which freedom of thought involves the struggle against inhumanity, restoration of such freedom would also imply intolerance toward scientific research in the interest of deadly “deterrents,” of abnormal human endurance under inhuman conditions, etc.


Here's a Marcuse quote, I think it's from the same essay

Germany is not dead. Germans are one of the most resilient peoples on this planet. The fact that this Jew is even comparing them to the Semitic Carthaginians shows his ignorance. I always hear about how all the real Germans died during the war and that Germany now is nothing but the mongrelized bastards of invaders. That is not fucking true and only NSDAP haters perpetuate this myth. The volk still support Hitler. The Jews never succeeded in removing what they refer to as nazism from the German people. It would be like trying to convince Christians that Jesus was a false prophet. Look at all the sales of Mein Kampf once the book was made legal in Germany once more. If the laws regarding National Socialism were removed from German society and the government was no longer able to enforce such measures, you would find wide support for the party. Many people, especially in Munich, still support National Socialism and refer to Hitler as the savior of the German people. Germans have been conquered many times and have always gotten revenge.


Question: is cultural marxism just the original Frankfurt School, or is it critical theory in general?




fresh OC


Take note that the non-white German population increases 2-5% every 10 years

it's sad threads like these are ignored while bbc & trap troll threads gets top place

They'll catch on after a while, once people see that they're a creative outlet for autism.


>lol you silly goyim, you can't have freedom of speech and thought, because otherwise we'd have to use education to brainwash you to the point where thought we don't like becomes impossible to articulate
>also, you're not allowed to do science we don't like
The thing is, they sold this as critique, when in fact it plainly reads as if, and we now know it is, what they were planning to do. 5th post. Already thinking Hitler did nothing wrong.

>5th post. Already thinking Hitler did nothing wrong.
Making good time then.

Any critical theory with marxist influence. For example, (((Derrida))) (deconstruction, etc) who became really famous around Paris 68 would be in. But (((Harold Bloom))) - a based jew in terms of criticism who fought against even the principles of postmodernism his whole life and promoted high Western culture, especially Shakespeare, virtually alone too among jews at least - would not. He referred to postmodernism as the school of resentment. Bloom expressed his kikery by attacking Jesus on atheist and Nietzschean principles. Ok, but he also pointed out that The Jews and Talmud are a more recent phenomenon even than Christianity. He really was quite based.

>Harold Bloom
any good books to start with?

The Anxiety of Influence (about why both originality and literary history are important) and The Western Canon (his main attack against postmodernism on principle) are his two most famous books.

I think The Western Canon is one of the main reasons why postmodernism is now viewed as a historical movement undergoing its death throes in SJWism, rather than something that is actually relevant.

It's just the destruction of the west. Stop caring so fucking much. Buddh said attachment is suffering


read culture of critique

stop caring so much?? our race is being destroyed our children will be slaves and our people are all ready being bombed and raped by immigrants, if the west falls then it will be the end of any sort of untyrannical moral world

>just let it happen fellow white people

>fellow white people
the memes are real

>Bloom expressed his kikery by attacking Jesus on atheist and Nietzschean principles
Actually, I don't know much about Bloom's religious views. Apparently he identified as a jewish gnostic christian, so it's not exactly fair to say he was atheist or attacked Jesus, except the non-gnostic version of Jesus. Regardless, Bloom was objectively based and proto-"""""alt right""""".

How did they perpetuate this.

I went to liberal top tier colleges, I was never taught cultural Marxism. These quotes were never discussed and yet.

They were and are unquestionably practiced on an industrial scale.

I spent 10 years reconstructing what cultural Marxism is when it could have taken a few hours with the correct book.

>so how can they teach this on a massive scale, and have it universally implemented with no one on the right ever knowing about it except for fucking autists?

>How did they perpetuate this.
Ethnic racketeering. Jews have evolved to behave like a natural mafia over thousands of years.

I had a similar experience. I thought of myself as a marxist all through university, but believed it was all about the working class and anti-globalisation and nice intelligent people doing nice intellectual things. Something started feeling wrong early on though, especially because I converted to Christianity in first year, so had an outsider's perspective on political ideologies and activity on campus. Guys like the Frankfurt School and post-structuralists are sold as Continental intellectuals fighting for equality and justice, rather than anti-white jews who hate and want to destroy Western civilisation, which is what they actually are, whether consciously or subconsciously.

I just don't think most people are intelligent enough to realise they are dupes until they are so far in, they can't see the wood for the trees. Academics circlejerk and namedrop without ever evaluating what the names actually said, just taking it for granted that their theories have somehow been proved because the extent of namedropping has conferred some mystical authority on them. Students are spat out of the brainwashing factories without ever realising what happened to them and with no objective way to analyse it, despite having been supplied with the critical methods to do so. They believe because they were taught these critical methods that they are immune to ideological subversion, when in fact that very mindset is just another form of ideological subversion.

And of course, academia in the US is totally dominated by jews, so what motive would they have to critically evaluate themselves and what they're doing? Not a nationalist or religious motive anyway.

Thanks, I knew that. They erased our history but not their own I always say.

It just bealeagers belief that they have such perfect ideological filtration, and racial nepotism to literally sideline the whole political philosophy of the actual government we currently live in and practice.

I think it's because they are spread with Memes,

Yeah that's right. It's memetic. They use propaganda to instill the desired value and only a small number of ultra loyalists need to know to spread the infectious ideology.

They renamed these motifs and then created catchphrases to cover their origins. (Punch a nazi, PC, solidarity (rules for thee and not for me), tolerance paradox, ideological filtration.

By renaming the ideas they can keep them secret and untouched while still prophesying them.


Thanks for the meme user.

Jewish incentives and interests are the opposite of the nation and race they reside within. Parasite is not hyperbole.

>Students are spat out of the brainwashing factories without ever realising what happened to them and with no objective way to analyse it, despite having been supplied with the critical methods to do so.

Retrogressive cult deprogramming.

The real issue is not the recognition, but the values dissonance and morality gap.

Even knowing they were manipulated by cultural Marxist they would still say,

>yeah but I agree with them.

And that is the vast gulf that is not easily breached. Priming their value system to accept the new ideology.

They don't need new ideology. They just need reason and logic. Ideology is not built by reasons and logic, but it can be destroyed by it. What is not built by reason and logic, does not even require reason and logic to destroy. People can also be agitated against or shamed into dropping self-harming ideology (by showing them anti-white racism, calling them cucks or suchlike), have their ideologies undermined by contradictory redpill facts, or vaccinated against ideological aids with Christianity or whatever.




Here's a good one op.not a quote but a synopsis:

In One-Dimensional Man and in Eros and Civilization Herbert Marcuse

>One-Dimensional Man is a further analysis of the worry at the center of Reason and Revolution, the whittling down of critical or negative thinking. As we saw earlier, negative thinking is two-dimensional as it sees the contradictions by which society is constituted and it is aware of forces of domination. The person who thinks critically demands social change. One-dimensional thinking does not demand change nor does it recognize the degree to which the individual is a victim of forces of domination in society.

>The idea of a democratic unfreedom refers to the free acceptance of oppression and surplus repression.

>Marcuse's point is that domination no longer requires force or the presence of an authority figure. The function of one-dimensional thinking is to produce a one-dimensional society by whittling down critical, two-dimensional consciousness. This is accomplished in several ways which will simply be listed here.

>1.The system must make the citizens think that they are freer than they really are.
>2.The system must provide the citizens with enough goods to keep them pacified.
>3.The citizens must identify with their oppressors.
>4.Political discourse must be put under erasure.

This thread is terrifying.

shills can choke on my everhard dick

>surplus repression
lol he unironically said that

Hail Britannia!

bump again

He's saying he knows his (((kind))) will lose.
They've always known that, deep down.
That there is no victory for the Jew.

>He's saying he knows his (((kind))) will lose.
>what Hitler did means "the cat's out of the bag"
So he's saying "the goyim know"?

>To take an (unfortunately fantastic) example: the mere absence of all advertising and of all indoctrinating media of information and entertainment would plunge the individual into a traumatic void where he would have the chance to wonder and to think, to know himself (or rather the negative of himself) and his society. Deprived ofhis false fathers, leaders, friends, and representatives, he would have to learn his ABC's again. But the words and sentences which he would form might come out very differently, and so might his aspirations and fears.

Marcuse one dimensional man pg 250.

Kek we are cultural Marxist user.

Cultural marxism in action cancerously attacking things we like. The reason many of us are here.


Have a bump

This ones even better: from what I can tell he calls us mutilated and that if we ever were freed we would unleash a titanic horror upon the earth.

>Imagination has not remained immune to the process of reifi- cation. We are possessed by our images, suffer our own images. Psychoanalysis knew it well, and knew the consequences. How- ever, "to give to the imagination all the means of expression" would be regression. The mutilated individuals (mutilated also in their faculty ofimagination) would organize and destroy even more than they are now permitted to do. Such release would be the unmitigated horror--not the catastrophe of culture, but the free sweep of its most repressive tendencies. Rational is the imagination which can become the apriori ofthe reconstruction and redirection of the productive apparatus toward a pacified existence, a life without fear. And this can never be the imagi- nation of those who are possessed by the images of domination and death.

But he is at a loss on how to accomplish it.

>In any case, the combination of centralized authority and direct democracy is subject to infinite variations, according to the degree of development. Self-determination will be real to the extent to which the masses have been dissolved into individuals liberated from all propaganda, indoctrination, and manipula- tion, capable of knowing and comprehending the facts and of evaluating the alternatives. In other words, society would be rational and free to the extent to which it is organized, sustained, and reproduced by an essentially new historical Subject.

Should have known we are cultural marxists.

>the mutilated individuals
Who exactly are these people supposed to be?

Correction: those who lust for power would overrun a free society. Their mutilation causes them to have insanity.

His example is killing millions in war and allowing millions to die, then moralizing abortion and family planning. Because the state must maintain consumers.

In moder valence I guess we utilize abortion, but import Mexican slaves.

We are willing even to destroy our own identity for the sake of consumerism.

It is insanity.

We are cultural marxists.

>A new standard of living, adapted to the pacification of exist- ence, also presupposes reduction in the future population. It is understandable, even reasonable, that industrial civilization con- siders legitimate the slaughter of millions of people in war, and the daily sacrifices of all those who have no adequate care and protection, but discovers its moral and religious scruples if it is the question of avoiding the production of more life in a society which is still geared to the planned annihilation of life in the National Interest, and to the unplanned deprivation of life on behalf of private interests. These moral scruples are understand- able and reasonable because such a society needs an ever- increasing number of customers and supporters; the constantly regenerated excess capacity must be managed.

Fucking kek

so who exactly are the mutilated ones, the consumerists?

The propagandized and brainwashed masses.

The explanation is in French so my translation may not be precise, but basically the masses become impregnated with ideas and these ideas become their identity. (Mutilated)

Because the ideas are propaganda to perpetuate the consumerist state they are largely comprised of two things.

1.Entertainment and
2.necessary violence and culling. (Often this is irrational)

And these people seek these memes of self indulgence and power.
see here

Thus culminating in their freedom from oppression leading to a second holicaust. Our industrial society and all its splendor is covered by the 'shadow of aushwitz'

"Auschwitz continues to haunt, not the memory, but the accomplishments of man--" pg 252 the one dimensional man.

>What he is saying user. Is that in our society if you are freed from the propaganda, you will become a Nazi.

Fucking kek

weeeeeeew every time. Every time I read Jewish authors its this same shit, like staring into the abyss. Maurice Samuels and Yuri Slezkine felt the same way reading their shit. They're all fully aware of how fucked they are, and they're perfectly fine with it. Its just mosquitoes discussing how the horses taste.

>left picture: nobody is smiling,everybody is sad looking

>right picture: everybody is happy and chill

No user.

He's saying that the propaganda is byproduct of industrialization (think Ted Kazinsky)

And that if removed we would become violently insane. he calls it the 'shadow of aushwitz'

Ted Kazinsky argued to destroy the propaganda we needed de-industrialization.

Marcuse says that we need to figure out a way to get out of the propaganda without having the mutilated individuals turn into Nazis and go on genocidal rampage.

>he's not building it, he's trying to deconstruct it, but warns that deconstruction might recreate a violent reactionary movement like the nazis.

And that's the joke user. We here at poll are deconstructing the program and reverting to a violent reactionary ideology because, in this context, cannot understand the origins are systemic (industrialization) and instead blame it on the mouthpiece of the machine (((Jews))).

>Or in layman terms, kill the Jews and the machine will find a new mouthpiece.

These are problems with the 'one-dimensional man', potential disasters if the structures that create him immediately vanished.
You people need to learn basic reading comprehension. You all too often confuse what they are critiquing with what they advocate. (Although I suppose some of you do this purposely, so you are engaging the very meme you pretend to oppose.)

Please readWe are the one dimensional men, we are cultural marxists trying to deconstruct the programming of industrialization.

>of expression presupposes the repression of much that is now free and that perpetuates a repressive society. And such reversal is not a matter of psychology or ethics but of politics, in the sense in which this term has here been used throughout: the practice in which the basic societal institutions are developed, defined, sustained, and changed. It is the practice of individuals, no matter how organized they may be. Thus the question once again must be faced: how can the administered individuals- who have made their mutilation into their own liberties and satisfactions, and thus reproduce it on an enlarged scale-- liberate themselves from themselves as well as from their masters? How is it even thinkable that the vicious circle be broken?

Please be patient this is the first time I have worked with this material or any of its terminology.

You're literally retarded and have the reading comprehension of a 10-year-old.

glasses or blind

fascism is fun innit

One of us does.

Confronting your own innate bias is hard. Your brain subconscious filters reality to protect your ego.

That's okay. Deprogramming is a process the ideas will lodge until processed.

Then when the time is right, you will agree with what I have told you, and not only that

>but you will think it was your own original idea.



some constructive criticism: OP image needs improvement (if it's your handiwork).
>The image is good,
>the color scheme of image and text is good,
>the arrangement of the text looks pleasing to the eye graphically
BUT the fonts, and possibly the color, arrangement and length of text makes reading it difficult. The message (propaganda) is lost on the reader.

Do you get it?

Hitler's Solution to industrialization was authoritarian control of media and the genocide of Jews.

He surmised that if you could kill those without judeo Christian ethics, and then control what people could consume,

You could then create a society where the averistical prurient nature of man could be suppressed even within an industrialized society.

Of course he was wrong his own base nature tricked him (his subconscious) overruled reason and made him go on a maniacal war.

Marcuse says the solution is to individualize people and deconstruct power, and free people from the tyranny of their mutilated imaginations. But as far as I can tell he offers no way to do this.

>We are cultural marxists.
It's like I was saying before. Critical theory and propaganda methods can be used against lefitsm. The people who invented it explicitly stated the target was every aspect of Western civilisation, gender and ethnicity, traditions and institutions, ideology and culture, etc. A lot of what the alt right is is just people who resent being brainwashed turning the tools of brainwashing against the brainwashers.

The left became the hegemony and started consciously and explicitly being everything they accused Western civilisation of implicitly being. And educated their own enemy that will bring them down. It's not the first time jews have projected and attributed their own malign intent and crimes to their host, see soviet communism.

>tyrannical, totalitarian official state ideology of violent world domination
>killed millions of people for their faith in camps
>mass producing offensive arms and mobilising millions of troops
>waging offensive wars of conquest against independent neighbouring countries
>invaded and occupied half of Poland in September 1939
>murdered tens of thousands of the Polish elite
>genocided entire ethnic populations from parts of Europe
>occupied half of Europe by 1945

This is what most people would recognise as a description of nazi Germany. But it's not. It's the USSR.

Marxists cannot institute their delusions without being totalitarian and oppressive. They know totalitarianism and oppression is wrong somehow, so they tell themselves that they're really the ones who are fighting totalitarianism and oppression, when in reality it's liberal democracy, or at least something less totalitarian and oppressive than leftism. The bolsheviks didn't revolt against feudalism. That had already happened in February 1918. It was a liberal democratic republic that the bolsheviks overthrew in October.

The word "safe space" comes from a frankfurt jew psychologist. It was originally used to allow people to air their prejudice safely in work environments, before being adopted by feminists in the 70s.

I'm sure he must have said interesting things

he's not wrong tho:
gets in the way of it's message. They should've used different images to convey their message more effectively.

One side has Germans on it, one side has non-Germans masquerading as Germans on it. That is the message.

>Marcuse says the solution is to individualize people and deconstruct power, and free people from the tyranny of their mutilated imaginations. But as far as I can tell he offers no way to do this.
Wouldn't his/their path to individualization and deconstruction of power be exactly what the post-modernists / cultural Marxists did?

Individualize: kill the church, kill the family, kill nationalism, kill race. You are no longer a member of a church, you are no longer a son or daughter; you are just an individual. An individual with absolute freedom no longer "suffering" the tyranny of group expectation, your imagination can run wild and un-mutilated.
This will also deconstruct the "oppressive" powers of patriarchy, Christianity, white supremacy, etc.

Marxism is full of hypocrisy and double think, ie valuing "individuality" while also valuing collective group identity above all (race, gender, etc.). This is justified as necessary for deconstruction of power; so its fine to embrace collectivism over individualism as long as you aren't part of "the problem", as long as you are not white, or christian, or straight, or male.

Their ideology is just as reactionary as Nazi ideology just in the other direction, it is genuinely Jewish anti-white propaganda masked as liberty.

Also, it didn't even work. They put there plan to action and it didn't even work. People are much more individualist now then they ever were before, and we are still greedy and selfish and lusty; possibly more now than ever before. And on top of that we have an epidemic of (mostly young men) who lack identity and purpose in life and ready to turn to violence either to themselves or others.

look at the emotional state of the people in those images. Effective propaganda works on an emotional, reptilian response level. The pic is sending a mixed message and creates it's own "noise" when it has stern looking whites verses happy non-whites.


Not only that. They have the right structure of family and connections to get there as well.

And just think about what the holocaust does psychologically to a jewish kid. These people you live with? They'd happily sell you out. Put you in an oven.

They put guards around their schools so from young age kids obsess over their own security.

Of course this is a very effective method of social control.

When I was teaching for a few weeks at a jewish school I couldn't believe my eyes. Top notch equipment. When the kids lied to me, I couldn't spot it like I normally could: I could only deduce it if I had enough information. And after school always had some kind of thing to go to, bar mitzvahs, krav maga.

They're good at hiding their power level essentially.

Without a flag you can often spot a swede, german, leaf... even by the way people express their political ideas you can trace them somewhat. It's like there is a regional accent. But also you can spot in who's supposed favor an idea is.

This social control, perceiving non-jews as a deaththreat and power level hiding, means they're poised to subvert by the moment they're adults, before they even considered if they should or shouldn't.

(((Judeo christian ethics)))



That's because there are only two ways to maintain the systemic flaws of industrialization

>The idea of a democratic unfreedom refers to the free acceptance of oppression and surplus repression. (fascism and the shadows of aushwitz)


> Cultural Marxism. Marcuse says the solution is to individualize people and deconstruct power, and free people from the tyranny of their mutilated imaginations. But as far as I can tell he offers no way to do this. Although after your thoughts I guess it is via deconstruction of westernism and whiteness.

In either case the systemic flaw of industrialization and consumerism still exists. In practice the two ideologies end up looking almost identical.

You still need oppression,
you still need propaganda,
You still need indoctrination
you still need a eugenics and culling program etc.

It's human nature that is the flaw. A true heir of hitler would strike at the system of the flaw. It's recognition and reconstruction. And it needs to be done very quickly.

That's his circular logic. That's the joke.

He starts by saying

>> we live in an industrialized consumerist society which causes mutilation. So we are collectively insane murdering people in war and forbidding abortion. (Or today killing babies and importing Mexican slaves) and that these images of power and violence must be repressed.

This Is the current government. Which leads to

>The idea of a democratic unfreedom refers to the free acceptance of oppression and surplus repression. (fascism and the shadows of aushwitz) (killing consumerism etc.) to maintain order.

He wants to deconstruct this by

> Cultural Marxism. Marcuse says the solution is to individualize people and deconstruct power, and free people from the tyranny of their mutilated imaginations. But as far as I can tell he offers no way to do this. Although after your thoughts I guess it is via deconstruction of westernism and whiteness.

But says it will

>to give to the imagination all the means of expression" would be regression. The mutilated individuals (mutilated also in their faculty ofimagination) would organize and destroy even more than they are now permitted to do. Such release would be the unmitigated horror

Recreating Nazis under the shadows of aushwitz.

Therefore you need

>The idea of a democratic unfreedom refers to the free acceptance of oppression and surplus repression

Of anyone who does not dissacotiote willingly from the ideas of power.

Ergo they are the same ideologies inverted. Cultural Marxism Is Naziism.
