Angela Merkel's Sacrifice - Video showing the destruction of Europe by Leftists

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Well done!


creepy tbqh

Very fitting for Merkel if you ask me.


nice work

more of these need to be made, 10/10

Well Done, love it.
Has a !BRUTE! aesthetic to it.


We need to spread this shit, someone alert the Russians

Since when is Angela Merkel a leftist? Last time i checked she was a neoliberal lunatic that let millions of strongly religious racists, sexists and conservatives in our country. Thats a pretty "right" thing to do.

The left/right dualism doesn't work to well in modern politics.

>According to The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics, in liberal democracies the political right opposes socialism and social democracy.

Whatever, it's a hollow term not woth of discussion.

Frankly, I appreciate the video and I'm going to watch it, but all you have to do is say "This woman is in charge of Germany" and post this.

Semantics, is a totalitarian socialist left or right? Also bump.

Don't forget "fiki, fiki" means run!

Fucking brilliant, I wish every European could see it.


> The Virgin Crowned by the 12 Stars and the Dragon about to devour her baby whole..

> The prophecy continues, it says in revelation 12:6 that 1,260 days after this event Satan will be cast down, And The Beast out of the Sea, will come the starting date is September 23, 2017 so that means that 1260 days later would be March 6, 2021.

> 42 months later the Beast out of the earth (The Antichrist) will come forth.

> Then there will be the Harvest. The Rapture

> Merkel gets elected on September 24th

> Merkel (the virgin) is the leader of the EU, the 12 EU Stars are her crown (representing the 12 tribes of Israel)

Merkels election is the beginning of the end, comrades

She's neither. She's a pawn for her NWO overlords.

Bumped, spread the link in other comment sections, if you have a YT video open, post this link:

Since she was literally marching in uniform with the fucking East German Red Commie faggots, faggot.

Oh, and here's the fun bonus round for a bump

dope video

Just FYI I posted the thread but I didn't make the video. A good friend of mine did.

Thank you user. I hope it gets a lot of exposure

i'm both sad and angry now,more than i was before.

I'm gonna be honest here. The video is shit regardless of the message.

We need to put the link in comment sections of trending videos on YT.


>nazis are far-right
>the nationalist socialist worker's party strongly opposed socialism and social democracy
had a good laugh at this desu

The video is fine but is missing the most influential component - where are the Jews?

Also good

reminds me of cyriak