Ex-Aussie Prime Minister Can't Handle the Bants

top kek!

>deliberate violent attack by a degenerate

You might not know what a bant is.

its what slammed into his face!

And so the redpill process begins.

You're retarded. Its a tard thing to headbutt someone.

ah i see you cant handle the bants either. or the bantz


>remember it's about love goy

>try to deny the right of thousands of people in love to obtain the same benefits and status heterosexuals are

>denied because they were born gay

>expect not to get hit

Talk shit, get hit. He's lucky it wasn't worse.

>The political left

It wasn't hard to convince my extended family to vote no with how you lot are acting.

he got banted so hard that it cause him internal and external bleeding

>Literally condoning and encouraging violence against someone who has done absolutely nothing illegal, solely for being a political dissident
The eternal state of the left

But gay people can get married, just not to other gay people


The tolerant left strikes again!

you fags talk nothing but shit about gay people day in day out, how they should all be killed etc. but the moment you face any backlash you start bawling your eyes out like you didnt deserve it, like you weren't calling for violence against gay people in the first place. Go fuck yourselves you delicate teenie boppers and dont let the door hit you on the way out

wtf I love pooftas now!


So peaceful. So tolerant.

i think you misspelled keys.

Don't do it, straya.

The slippery slope is real. Keep your country pure.

Calling for violence =/= doing violence

It appears neither can you

>insult my way of life and deny "blah blah blah blah" feels
>cry when i murder a thousand buttfucking faggots

Talk shit get hit homo

This has made me genuinely upset. FUCK ALL POO-PUSHER TERRORISTS!!!!! VOTE NO!!!!!


>normal marriage produces children
>gay marriage produces AIDS

There's a reason we don't need it.

I'm afraid there's no getting off the faggot train now. Do us a favour and nuke us, please.

pity he didn't have an onion with him so he could unleash his super powers like popeye

I'm Australian and they want to teach in schools that you can choose your own gender and that its a social construct and that there are over 50 genders there already doing it in one state if gay marriage gets legallised we will see more of this

my kid came home from school the other day and asked me if I wanted to here a joke. This was the joke
>Ching Chong China, had a good vagina 24/7
trying not to laugh was really fucking hard


>Post condoning violence and attacks for dissenting views
It's boggling that I'm not surprised. Are you sure you're not the insensitive ones?

So when do we get the results of the vote? I don't know much about this whole thing. Maybe we still have time to tip this thing in our favour. If the faggots win this one, their cause will be energised like never before.

I wonder if Tony Abbott ever condoned the use of violence because he's the victim in this circumstance. I wouldn't care if a retard from Sup Forums got hit because they're provocative for the sake of it

I really can't bring myself to give a fuck about this issue, but why can't gays just campaign to make civil unions legally equal to marriage and sidestep the whole argument? Seems like they just want to spite religious conservatives.

November 15th, forget when the cut off for getting your postal vote back is though

Are you being dense on purpose? Gay people face violence every day because of retards spewing their anti-gay rhetoric

> you fags talk nothing but shit about gay people day in day out, how they should all be killed etc. but the moment you face any backlash you start bawling your eyes out like you didn't deserve it, like you weren't calling for violence against gay people in the first place.
> using "you" against Sup Forums (or maybe whatever you receive as "right wing"?) as if speaking to a single entity
The level of projection is real. Let's see:
> you fags talk nothing but shit about gay people day in day out, how they should all be killed etc.
The topic is gay marriage, not gay persecution, you moron. There is a plethora of reasons as to why an individual would vote for- or against gay marriage. And no, you don't need to want gays dead just because you vote not - unless you want to tell me that you can prove that every human being voting no wants to persecute gays?

> but the moment you face any backlash you start bawling your eyes out like you didnt deserve it, like you weren't calling for violence against gay people in the first place.
> EMPHASIS: like you weren't calling for violence against gay people in the first place.
That's where you're falling into typical leftwing behavior - namely projecting your own barbarian stance onto non-leftist (centrists and right wing) individuals. You follow the same strategy: demonize your ideological/social enemy by claiming that he want's to slay you (no proof needed, just your emotion and lack of analytical thinking prowess are enough), which then justifies your own thoughts of harming them AND your acts of violence against that enemy. You wonder why they are "bawling their eyes" out (great exaggeration, by the way), "like they weren't calling for violence against gay people in the first place"? Well, it's because the ones that do are a TINY minority amongst non voters. All you're doing is to show everyone how violent and savage the LGBT movement is.

if they really gave a shit they would be trying to get a law passed that lets all de facto couples be able to see their partner in hospital. This is pretty much the only thing they don't already have, maybe something to do with people with no will. If they were trying to get that changed then maybe I would be okay with letting them also get married. They could just make up their own word for it and leave the people alone. They are just useful idiots though letting jews destroy the family unit even more

I used to be pro-gay marriage, because I just didn't give a fuck. Who cares? Let them marry. Doesn't hurt me. But, it's never fucking enough. After they can get married, suddenly the activists go after trans rights and want to let little kids take hormones and chop their dicks off.

These are the prohibitionists of our times. The do gooder busybody moralizing assholes who would have gone into bars with axes to break open casks and bottles because they're on the right side of history.

It's not even the fags, dykes trannies and other freaks. It's the activsts who have to politicize every single little fucking thing.

Homosexuals are violent. This isn't new information.

and here's my supermarket of citations

I completely agree with you. I don't give a fuck if faggots get into civil unions, but they just want fag marriage to trigger the right.

>November 15th

I didn't expect that much time. I think we can win.

Are you being factually incorrect on purpose? The number of politically and/or ideologically motivated crimes carried out be non-leftwing individuals is laughably low. And that's just an overarching classification - the individuals of those groups who actually target gays make an even smaller number. You want to see who assaults gays here in Europe? Look no futher than Achmed and Mehmed - those guys religiously HATE you with a burning passion of a thousand Qurans. Also Acts of Leftwing-Violence against ideological enemies (this includes violent behavior by militant LGBTer) have been much larger than that for the last few decades. Right wing violence was literally a Joke, a bogeyman used by social justice activists to justify their behavior. Well, you might create a self fulfilling prophecy, though: When people start to notice how you keep calling for deaths/attacks of other people that you 'claim' want to harm you without even being able to prove so, and how YOU are the ones turning up in huge numbers on streets to assault people and damage private property of those completely unrelated to the cause, then you will see a huge influx of people into the right wing.

Listen, i don't care if you scream "death to all whites", "death to all white cis men" or "death to the infidels" - you are free to do so (although that doesn't mean i have to like it). But stop the dumb projection and hypocrisy already.

lmfao ace bants, there's an australian flag under this meme one, fuckin seeek kunt

That sexy broad that works down the hall is denying me the right to marry her and pump her up with a kid because she won't go out with me.

I think most people who will vote will send their forms in pretty much the day after they get them. I sent mine back the next day on my lunch break. Both housemates shredded them because they don't care. One however requested a new form after that nanny got fired

head bantz those kunts cobba

Giving fags the right to marry here in the US was a huge mistake.

Now these fucking faggots actually think they are people and should be positions of power and influence.

yeah you guys got fucked over by the legal system, you didn't even get a choice. I see it as USA's version of the gun grab here

This. The fact that they're such insufferable cunts is why I changed from supporting fag marriage for the sake of freedom to turning against it. If you give those faggots an inch, they'll take a fucking mile. Enough is enough. Militant leftists need to learn their place.

GayJew, you are a convicted pedophile, fuck off.

I'm pro gay rights, but these people take it way too fucking far. If you sexually identify as a fucking tourbus, fine by me, but don't force your ideas down my fucking throat. If I claim that biologically speaking there are only two genders, let me have a fucking opinion.

you bigot like a rainbow which is refracted light there are infinite genders just like there are infinite colours. Some we can't even see