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I for one welcome our new jewish overlords.


It's a new set of masks, new enough for me!

The independece of catalonia its ruled by the jews.

Catalonia, the commiefornia of Spain.

De pinga. Buena suerte con su separatistas y hola desde Miami. Lol. Primero los negros and now separatists

Not everything is about the jews but they seem to love Spain very much, and their minions too.
>The EU is against the referendum
>Merkel is against the independence of Catalonia
>Even Obama supported an "strong and unified Spain"

It's nice how the local abbots and monasteries are siding with the people, guess they aren't too afraid of evil commies anymore.

They are playing in both sides.

Soros was backing the Marxis pro-independence marchers. Take your guess...

I personally have no issue with Catalonian independence as long as it is done through the proper channels and it is not pushed and run by filthy fucking Communists.

the jews are against it. the jews are aligned with castille. it is time to finally eliminate the eternal castilian.

uhm i'll get back to you on that

Oh look it's the butthurt Catalan who hides his Spanish flag behind 'le ironic nazi' flag. Your faggot representative gives lip service to the kikes too.

I'm Jewish

I really don't care and couldn't find it on a map

If there is anything the Jews hate is a united Roman Catholic Spain. They have pushed anti-Spanish propaganda for centuries. Don't kid yourselves. They would like nothing more than an independent Catalonia.

That said, I think Catalans should go that way if they choose willingly. I just think they shouldn't do it with the people they have in power now. They are all leftist commies and will turn the area into another Sweden.

>one party with 10 seats is the entire movement

CUP are useful idiots

I hope I could strangle that whore

the jews are on both sides of every issue

its what makes them jews

more pics like that pls

Wtf, I love independence now.

George Soros is helping the seperatist

Bitch do your research, the closest Catalonia it's been to independence ever was when the county of Barcelona was independent after the Hispanic March collapsed with the frank empire.

The kingdom in that map is the Kingdom of Aragon, which nowadays is part of the Crown of Spain after Fernando married Isabel, way back in the 1400s.

Correction that map is shit and doesn't actually include Aragon in Aragon.

What is shown in that map never happened.


right wing bag squads when?!

Reminder that one of the 4 catalonian provinces already has more of 10% of muslim population

Let's let them secede and build a wall around them

>Hard to tell

The red pill is knowing Catalans ARE Jews.

this, they have been since ancient times. You will always benefit from war


>Franco abolishes the Alhambra Decree which banned jews and muslims from Spain.
>Aznar starts a mass migration program letting millions of south americans into the country.
>Rajoy gives nationality to the jews expulsed in the middle ages.
Are right wing spaniards controlled by (((them)))?

The jews get a boner evertytime they suceed dividing some people

those are not right wings tho

That's shit. The War of Succession was won by the French for starters.

That's also the war that began this whole mess, as Catalonia, that sided with the Hasburg pretender, lost it's fiscal privileges after it.

It's awfully convenient that independence is only a concern when the government refuses to renegotiate Catalonia's fiscal situation. Every time.

Bullshit from the beginning, as expected from a divide and conquer Portucuck.

The county of Barcelona united with other catalan counties to form the Principality of Catalonia, which at the same time united with the Kingdom of Aragón to create the Regno, Dominio et Corona Aragonum et Catalonie (shortened to just Crown of Aragon). The kings of the Crown were catalans and the Kingdom of Aragón became a territory of Catalonia hence why the capital was Barcelona.

Catalonia and the catalan people have existed for centuries before the meme country of Spain was created and even before anything castilian existed.

Spain has always been catholic, that's why the jews want to destroy it, and they have the support of our cuck king and our cuck government.

Which one?

>Spain has always been catholic, that's why the jews want to destroy it,

Fucking this, I don't know why people on both sides of this issue refuse to understand this simple thing. The (((protestants))) and kikes united during the height of the Spanish golden age and with the invention of the printing press created mass anti-spanish propaganda that the rest of Europe ate up. It's why the Spanish Inquisition was seen as this horrific thing. When in reality Spaniards killed less than 5k people in the entire 350 years of the inquisition. While in England you could be executed for tearing out a bush or in France were women were burned at the stake after being called witches without any evidence of a crime.

If you haven't already watched this before I highly recommend it. Truth about the Inquisition by freaking BBC of all things one of the most anti Catholic networks.

I hate the Spanish so go Catalonia. I'll rejoice when all the spanicucks are crying in despair and broke

Also: Spanish ex colonies are the worse

Forgot the link

ur are not guai


Catalan gov says some country has 200.000 millions for loans to an independent catalonia. I guess (((who))) is behind it.
We have seen Israel calling all his people to Israel, in France and UK with muslim attacks. They want to see the fall of Europe, dividing us.

source? I don't think INE cares about religion data

For ofc. They never forgot Torquemada.

In other words, the spanish goverment sucks at controlling immigration. We really need to get out as soon as possible.

This entire fucking Catalan independence movement is just LARPing on a sub-national scale. Catalonia was fully integrated into Aragon and subsequently Spain almost 700 years ago, and it's not like they're some poor, oppressed downtrodden people, it's the richest fucking province in the country. Is their even a distinct Catalan culture, or a Catalan language that's spoken by anyone other than literary intellectuals?

Inependentism has been crafter controlled and fueled by crypto-jew Masons since the beginning

This is all you need to know about recent developments in cucktalonia

>700 years ago
You can go deeper.
Contrary to leftcuck propaganda, the Reconquista literally was a re-conquering of Hispania. Not just Kingdoms vs Kingdoms, not just Christians vs Muslims. They knew what they were doing [see: Ravennatis Anonymi Cosmographia, VII century).

This is a leftie shit, if you support it you better support Antifa and Communism too you fucking idiots.

How can Podemos Catalonia coordinate with the national HQ of Podemos? Are they the same?


This article is a bit hyperbolic. Really, shite by el pais.

Like, your little sister coming "no, he'''ssssss lying".

Didn't know such a big newspaper would fall victim to "Spanish honour".

If there's a region of Spain that should be independent is Canary Islands. Seriously it's not even in the same fucking continent, and their dialect is closer to Latin America than peninsular Spain.

>Unironically supporting historical communists

If they had guns they wouldn't be at their government mercy :^) their tune will change quick when spain decides to bring out the lead

They are a madhouse

I don't normally shill about books outside of /lit/ but I highly recommend pic related. It's a well researched historical deconstruction of years of anti-spanish pro-muslim propaganda.

Basically, Visigoths were not retarded corrupt barbarians all fighting each other. They had built upon what the Romans left and expanded on it. The reason they were easily conquered was due to political instability. Not because they were culturally and technologically inferior (the author uses the example of the Horseshoe Arc which was actually Visigoth in origin). Most of the so called "Muslim golden age" of Cordoba was actually achievements made by native Iberians who had converted out of necessity to escape the jizya tax. The majority of the Muslim conquerors that came to Iberia were illiterate and brutal. The non-muslims living under Sharia Law basically slaves. The Reconquista began in earnest when Pelagius founded the kingdom of Asturias in 718. They didn't stop fighting for nearly 800 years.

Bullshit, I've been there many times. They have far more in common with 'Peninsulares' than they do with Caribbean niggers.

You probably talked to some Dominican or Cuban immigrant.

Maybe they can ask their muslim friends to lend them some guns of those they have stashed away ;^)

I see some KANGZ in there.

The idea that Muslim Spain was some kind of multicultural paradise (along with the idea of muslims as a force of cultural preservatio) is largely a fantasy of 20th century academics. Islamic 'high culture' is the result of the preservation of Persian and Classical culture and its expansion by converts.

The degree of cultural continuity between late roman and visigothic Spain is extremely high, probably the highest of any of the sub-roman states in Europe. The roman model of administration continued almost uninterrupted there right up until the Umayyads invaded, and was more or less co opted unchanged by the local Muslim governors because it worked so well. They were perfectly happy to let the system remain running as long as it delivered taxes and a steady stream of blonde sex slaves back to the Caliph.


Ironically most of the niggers brought to Spain weren't actually Moors. They were from West Africa. Usually freed slaves.

Also, kind of a side note but the book recounts the fate of the Muslim leaders who lead the successful invasion of Iberia. They were recalled to Damascus because apparently they were too successful and their master was not pleased. Instead of rewarding his best men. He had one of them, who as a freed slave, sent back into slavery. The other had all his wealth, lands, titles taken from him and he was banished.

Els Manolos se'n duen la Catalina i ella no plora? És perquè és Manola

I found one of the best ways to know you are dealing with a kike/brain washed liberal. Is ask them about their thoughts on Al-Andalus.


Divisiveness is always a kike tactic.

This, Brit knows his stuff. Another interesting bit of history is this myth about the abundance of Muslim influence on Iberian culture and language. In truth, when it comes to the languages the Arabic influence is only about 6% of the words. In contrast the English language is about 30% French. In terms of culturally. This is another lie. The Muslim law forbids any kind of art/music. Iberian under Muslim law were not allowed to practice the arts. Same with the cuisine. Outside of sharing spices. The Iberina cuisine stayed relatively the same. This is because of Iberian love for pork which for the Muslims is Haram. Hell, Muslims had to wash their hands if they touched a Christian. Lastly, marriage. A Muslim man could marry a Christian woman, their children had to be raised Muslim. A Christian man was forbidden from marrying a Muslim woman. The DNA most Iberians carry from North Africa is actually not due to the invasion of the Umyadd. It is far older, dating to pre-Roman times. When Iberia was under Carthaginian/Phonetician rule. Most of the Muslim that governed Iberia weren't from North Africa but Syria.

Kek I said this A good thing to note is the kikes sold out the visigoths. The visigoths were on and off treating the jews decently. The jews decided they'd fare better under muslim rule.

The moors that came were mountain berbers who were primarily white, sub saharan africans was very rare.

I remember when el pais tried to seems slightly independent I could see this on la razon

>Instead of rewarding his best men. He had one of them, who as a freed slave, sent back into slavery. The other had all his wealth, lands, titles taken from him and he was banished.
Reminder to never relax when dealing with semites. In this regard castilians learned a lot from them.

Of course, the Eternal kike is a 'citizen of the world.' It's no surprise the biggest propagandist against Catholic Spain were (((Dutch))) merchants.

If you know Spanish check this out. By the same sperg who made pic related.


Funny thing, in Spain, Jewish jokes are known as "chistes de Catalanes"

Ah, yeah I had read about this before. The Vandals settlers in North Africa. It isn't something that well known since nowadays we teach an over simplified version of history. I mean a lot of people don't even know that the old name for the French, Normans, was given to them because of the North Men that had invaded and settled in France. Or how a lot of 'atheist' believe that the church was inherently anti-science. When in reality the foremost scientist until the 1800s were all priests, but I digress.

I only learned about a lot of this because I took a minor in Mediterranean History. It is kind of fascinating to see how prior to the Arab slave trade. Sub-Saharan Africa had little exposure to the North. It wasn't unheard of to see a black African in North African but it wasn't very common either. However, it was extremely rare in Europe. If they were ever seen it was with some kind of dignitary or as a slave.


who is commie? Catalonia right?
that's all that matters


Voted PSC once.
Never again.

>I'm Jewish
>couldn't find it on a map
I'm afraid to say, my kike, that you're more an american than a jew

Israel is aiding the separatist movement in Catalonia. Spain has always very tribalistic and no matter our differences we've always fought the invaders away.

There was also a bolshevik infiltration in the ETA organization since it started as an anti-austherity anti-Franco organization that was kept alive to then act as radical terrorist for independence.

All other, more pacific, pro-independence movements advocate for a new structure for the country (or more fair autonomy since the one granted by the constitution is outdated and unfair) rather than just dropping out.

you need another nuke

>Watching the Catalonia shitshow as a Galician.
Our time will come lads, our time will come.

The Catholic church has been heavily infiltrated by Jews for years. Who do you think the current pope is?

Meow meow

Catalans dominate the jews


Bitch, stop swallowing propaganda or you will be full when it comes time to swallow your sugar daddy's load.

This. Same for Indyref.

Some globalists want a weakened UK, some have more investment in its strength.

This. The Visigothic Kingdom was destroyed when it was going through a civil war. Plus, the Visigoths treated the jews like they should have, like subhumans, which in turn, caused the jewish support of the muslim conquest. I'm kinda curious how a Europe without the Visigoths falling would've looked like. Charlemagne would have never came into power, thus the >Holy >Roman >Empire doesn't exist and all the modern cultures found in Iberia wouldn't exist.

Maybe you need to learn a bit of history to stop being so ignorant.


Why are you guys the best spaniards?

But they're portuguese

They don't give a flying fuck about anything actually, they do what they want and live good which is why you don't see them whining for a referendum like the Basques (who Aznar BTFO'D) and Catacucks did

Says a lot about the rest of spain doesn't it

daily macaco

Why do you think catalans/basques are trying to gtfo?

Basque independence when