Not Rommel :/

Not Rommel :/

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Fucking animals. That's weird font for a memorial, mind.

Normal in Germany



General Rommel deserves so much better...


Wait... But leftists told me we should take down memorials of Lee because Germany doesn't have memorials to Rommel.

Absolutely disgusting.

we don't speak krautistani, hat does it say? Scheisze is shit, right?

I hate vandalism

Those untermenschen should be caught and put into labour camps for 2 years and cleaning the cities

"No monuments for nazi generals"
"away with the brown shit"
something like that. brown as in brownshirts, i guess.

to think my grandfather fought against the afrika korps. He always said that they were the bravest men he'd ever seen.

Even Rommel...? They're going too far :(

RIP based Wüstenfuchs


Still tender to this day, truly proven through reverse, posthumously, psychology.

Fucking based!

Why has no one smashed Marx's grave? Desecrating a grave is pretty low but I'd have thought some drunken chav would have done it by now.

Like any of that makes a difference to these fuckers

the people that did that need to be executed in public

>memorial to Rommel

Lasst unseren Rommel in Frieden

Fucking things going to fall to bits soon anyway

>No memorial for a nazi general.
Okay, tell me how you feel.
>Away with the brown shits.
Are we talking about brownshirts or refugees?

>out with the brown shit

Those fucking bastards messed with Rommel, ERWIN FUCKING ROMMEL THE DESERT FOX. The man my great grandfather respected when fighting his forces as a British colonel. This is why I hate fucking reds.

WW4 will solve this, WE GET ANOTHER CHANCE!

Lets go with their plan, Final Solution and extinction of the Juden.

They defaced the statue of Jon Sobieski III in Vienna (commemorates the battle of Vienna)


fuck rommel, he was a traitor to the third reich

the antifashistas are right to fuck up this piece of shits grave

How was he a nazi general if he wasnt even part of the party and at the same time also openly apolitical?

Being brown in Germany means being a nazi.

The real questions is this: will they clean it off, or just destroy the monument?

Germany will be majority Braunen Scheisze in one generation

Wait, what? How? This is a man I have great respect for. Did they really did it? It was 12th a week ago, is it when they did it?

top tier war music

The war was lost already anyway, if the assaination succeded maybe the russians wouldn't have raped thousands of germans.

fun fact: they use to write "Scheisse" as "Scheisze" because of the double-s, which would turn into SS = Schutzstaffel. just to give you a taste of their mental illness.

hey rabbi whatcha doin

You have to pay money? I remember just climbing the fence over the park behind the cemetery.
Pissed on Marx's grave when drunk. Sorry Karl.

Dying with honor means YOU KEEP THE FUCKING HONOR.

Youre not even a warrior, are you?

>Mfw I realize everyone respects him for plotting against Hitler

Good lad. It did get vandalised a while back (anti semitic slogans, kek). Also apparently some nutjob planned to blow it up in the 70s

Nice bong you degenerate


....astounding..... we need to sterilize these people ASAP

That plot isnt even confirmed, its all speculation that he knew about it and joined in. He knew one of the members, but the man was extremely charismatic. Even Ernst Junger got brought up if he was a culprit in that plot so take it with a grain of salt.

Don't these clowns know red paint hurts people's feelings? They should use purple instead.

It's all funny until its your statues and soldier memorials.

Serve your nation honorably in two world wars, even giving support to the July 20th plot to kill Hitler after it became clear the absolute mad man was going to destroy Germany. Commits suicide so his family could keep his pension and his staff would not be implicated.

70 years later a bunch of nu male faggots desecrate your grave. Such is the life and death of the German soldier.


I don't think he was actually involved in the plot. I think he was just implicated in some slight way but didn't actually do any planning with the actual traitors or collaborate with them

Because they think he's a Nazi

By their logic, their grandparents were also Nazi's. They are tainted by blood. Literally Nazis who did this.

thats great, now where are my fucking reparations

True, but he also took the cyanide pill as it would spare the officers under him being given over to the Gestapo. Rommel was an old school soldier to the end.

In my chink asshole.

Hahaha fuck Rommel, the traitor.

He should have fought to the bitter end like his countrymen. If he had captured Suez, the war would have been won. His failure cost the world dearly, then he had the gall to backstab his own country.

Youre a bitch is what you are....every fucking time!

>A man who literally sacrificed his own life for the plot to kill Hitler and end the war faster
>Boooo he de ebil natseee xddd, letz kill his stone xdddd
If Antifa were a nation, even the fucking Zimbabwe would outmatch it in IQ results

Details are not important. Facts are not important. Funny feelings in your tum-tum that make you uncontrollably angry and also sexually frustrated are important.

>nazis whining about antinazi's grave desecration by uninformed antinazis
what a time to be alive

Wasn't Rommel part of the plot to assassinate Hitler

nice bong man, respect

>Away with the brown shit

Sounds raciss

it gets complicated sometimes

i thought it was now beomcing more generally accepted that the german ARMY was doing its job and the more in the know upper top SS people are the ones that the masses should hate the "true" nazi's ?

why are they vandalising a i imagine much respected military commander even i he was an enemy of the allies

Generally take wikipedia with lots of tequila. I remember reading the sources of an article once, random books from random fanatics written in Iraq or some shit.

But hey ''read a book'' right?

>Oy vey, grandvater! You served in WW2, right? How many juden did you kill, you racist piece of scheisse!

If I ever become wealthy I am going to pretend to be a hardcore marxist and buy it, and then redo the "memorial" and have a list of all the deaths under socialism posted underneath, and charge 3.50 to see it. Then I'll have a statue made of a bolshevik figure stealing a loaf of bread from a child, with the caption underneath being "The radical idea of sharing what is yours to me"