Double standards

So I am just fed up with this bullshit....and I don't mean the women.

Every time one of these stories are posted online, guys are the ones who claim its hot, then proceed to say highschool girls don't want sex, so if its a male teacher its different.

I am here to tell you that is a damn lie. When I was 17, there were a group of us all sitting and talking. One of the girls spoke up and said if she could she would have sex every damn night.

At least 3 other girls in my class slept around with as manybguys as they could. This was fucking 20 years ago. Don't fucking tell me its different for girls.

These fucking white knight SIMPs are prolonging this bullshit lie.

Other urls found in this thread:


Need a body pick. She looks like the QT Ukrainian immigrant bartender have a crush on who is racist as fuck.

Stop with the jungle fever.

>These fucking white knight SIMPs are prolonging this bullshit lie.
definitely a male in-house issue. i dont know how the hell to fix this fragile princess syndrome that comes from it either.

adults defiling children is disgusting
children defiling adults is hot


I'm a Finn. Everything is race-mixing for me unless I fuck a cousin. Tis a shame I need to breed with inferior W*ites and taint my glorious Finnic superior genes with lowly w*ites.

Truth right here

>so if its a male teacher its different.
it /is/ different
its not a double standard if its the same standard applied to very different types of people

More importantly, we need to know the race of the students. If these were dindus or some lighter shade of shitskin, then this won't matter.

>inb4 black lives matter

No, not at all, really.

>parent exposed her

sounds pretty hot desu

>They say x but i personally have witnessed a -x so I'm going to heave the mean this way because I am a narcisitic asshole

And here it is. The bullshit that prolonged this stupidity.

So you even notice how teens act today? Just go on YouTube. They are just as horny and bad as any male teen.

Those are called Sluts OP. They have always existed and will.

Just because it's wrong doesn't mean it's not hot.

The notion that girls aren't as lustful as boys, whether true or false, isn't the reason people see male-teacher-female-student as worse than the opposite. It's that it's more damaging for a girl than it is for a boy (talking post-pubescent teens here). A girl's virginity is far more valuable than a boy's. A boy who has sex with an older woman will feel like an absolute stud, and go on to other women without any trouble. A girl who has sex with an older man is likely to feel completely dominated by him, turning her into an alpha widow who may never be able to feel the same way about another man.

Men and women are different, whether young or old, and this just isn't the same thing for both. That's why "nice" isn't hypocritical or dismissive; it's just realistic.

that doesnt matter, one of them gets pregnant[or could] can you guess which one?
or do you believe things like slogan related?

>justifying pedo behavior

>A girl's virginity is far more valuable than a boy's.

Only in that its far less common

You can't rape the willing. She did nothing wrong.

I guess Sup Forums has been completely taken over by white knights.

I guess I could get away from Fagbook, but it just infest everything.

Good job SIMPs, keep acting as tho females can do no wrong. Poor little princess girls don't t even know what sex is til their wedding night I guess.


So 14-18 year old teen girls that are willing to fuck a hot male teacher, means he did nothing wrong right?

Spotted the mgtow autist that can't spot memeing from a mile away.



Fuck you. Not a MGTOW. I love women.

Tired if white knight yards pretending women are delicate flowers that must be protected.

Shotas belong to older women.

To be honest, in Japan, there are more male teachers than female teachers (about 70%+ are male). And the "hot teacher fetish" is reversed, with the female student+male teacher combo being more common. It always seemed more natural that way.


In order to prevent inbreeding and reduce the sea of retarded filth that is infesting humanity lineages must be traceable.

If you want to have sex every night do it with your husband.

I'm sure the white knights are preparing a full scale attack on Japan teachers after hearing this news.

There's nothing wrong with fucking your female teacher.
Just don't be a cuck by keeping the old hag after you reached adulthood.


That pic
>no, they don't
>get over it

They're pushing for legalization of pedophilia very hard. Obviously, if that was a male teacher and a schoolgirl ther would be a massive chimpout. So they came up with women fucking boys, because nobody cares so much, or thinks "wow lucky boys". These stories don't even have to be real, they're just published so people get used to it, and treat it like something normal.

Remember when Gay people where shunned?

Even here on Sup Forums the "age of consent" threads are being shilled, and people fall for it.

Normalization of:
Gay > Trans > Pedophiles
in this order.
That's where we're heading

Check these out

Top shelf science, lab partner

CTRL + F "Nice"

In western society this is normal now some people I ask opinions on this just out of curiosity just say what again who cares, it's now accepted as normal for teachers to fuck their students if it's a female but when it comes to a male he could face a life sentence and he'd be a registered sex offender you see how fucked our system is now.

So how many do you think are fucking after school hours?

Lol no not from this.
Hot female teacher has always been a male fantasy. What was the first big music video? "Hot for teacher"-van halen.
They are pushing pedo shit but this is not it.