If Muslims are so "intolerant, violent, and go against western values," then why do over 75% of Muslims vote Democrat...

If Muslims are so "intolerant, violent, and go against western values," then why do over 75% of Muslims vote Democrat, and are registered Democrat? If you ask them their political positions, they are also basically just regular democrats like you and me. Even the chairman of the Democratic party is a Muslim.
So, Sup Forums what is it? Are you going to deny reality, and pretend muslims all live in caves, stoning each other while raping and murdering 6 year old girls, or are you going to join me in reality, and look at the facts and data?

And yes, we still wear hijab, just like jews wear the kippah, or atheists the fedora. Get used to it.


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Lazy, low IQ nonwhites vote for gibs above all else. Leftists know this and its why they are trying to turn the west brown

So you're telling me that Muslims are cool with abortions, atheism, banning religion from school, feminism, gay marriage and transgenders?

Because democrat politicians are the ones lobbying to invite them over in droves? Are you retarded? This is the dumbest question I've ever heard. Do you honestly think that if you went to Afghanistan their society would vaguely resemble anything like western society? Because it doesn't

uhh yeah. basically only white christians are against taht stuff

For the free shit...


Of course they are Democrats and democrats. Both the party and the system are opposed to western society and slowly destroy it.

>If Muslims are so "intolerant, violent, and go against western values," then why do over 75% of Muslims vote Democrat, and are registered Democrat?

you answered your question

hi, agnostic here. everything that guy just mentioned sucks major ass


In muslim countries no, but in western countries they try to do as much damage as they can

Because they don't want to get deported.

Democrats and the leftists who lead them are intolerant of people who disagree with them, violent towards people who disagree with them, and have rejected Western values since the Soviet Union. So it makes perfect sense that Muslims vote Democrat in this proportion. In fact, the only surprise is that it's not 100%.

It's almost like the Democrats are the anti-American party or something.

>If Muslims are so "intolerant, violent, and go against western values," then why do over 75% of Muslims vote Democrat,

You DAMN yourself with your own proof.
Democrats ARE against western Values.
t is the Republicans who support traditional western values.

Handouts. Democrats wish to flood our countries with immigrants. They vote to support this agenda and take over white countries in global Jihad.
When they get into the double digits of a population all of that will change. Not like you'll even be able to get a BLT at Subway at that point. They'll let transgenders stay because they're all closet faggot anyways and like boys.

democrats allow for further placement and power of muslims in american politics, why would you not want that if you were a muslim

they're not going to vote for the people who want them gone faggot
they dont give a shit about democrat views they just want the opportunity to overpower us

Because Democrats ensure they eventually have Sharia laws all over the country.

Look at Sweden, they literally can't act against the mudslimes there or they'll be labelled as racists pigs. This is exactly what the Democrats ensure, and this is why they take joy in voting the left.

Lazy low IQ whites also happen to subscribe to abrahamic faith almost across the board. What a coincidence

That is one nice tummy.


fucking this

Democratic polices advocate and help minorities.
Muslims are a minority in the west.
Hurr durr why are Muslims Democrat??
Wow OP what a profound discovery.

Because they understand that voting left means allowing more Muslims into the country and neither sides laws are ok with them, therefore the only option is to vote in a manner that can increase their presence and allow for eventual takeover.
How fucking stupid do you have to assume they are not to notice such an obvious route to their goal?

Sauce: Alexa Pearl from Ganja Girls


Are you implying that democrats are tolerant?


That is a perfect tummy...just enough soft to cover up the muscle. yummy

Is this a serious question? Because Democrats are dumbasses who are easily manipulated and taken advantage of. Democrats allow Muslims to bring in more Muslims into America which is essentially the goal of every Meslim community.

>Because Democrats are dumbasses who are easily manipulated and taken advantage of

Feminist support the Muslim immigration to "Oppose the White Christian CIS-Male Patriarchy"

I think most muslims in America are rather liberal, while the average muslim in the world is less intelligent and more religious. Only the smarter ones get into America.

In europe not so much. We have a lot of gay hating, islam spreading, women opressing, violent and intolerant muslims here.

In the Middle east it's probably far worse as they don't have to hide their true opinions.

Says a lot about Democrat values.

in america maybe, ask about those points in muslim countries.

Free gibs, less immigration restrictions. Overall, the dems make it much easier for mudslimes to invade the west than repubs ever would.

>If Muslims are so "intolerant, violent, and go against western values," then why do over 75% of Muslims vote Democrat, and are registered Democrat?
Is this a serious question? Democrats are also intolerant, violent, and seek to destroy the west. Name one thing they support that acts in service of continuing the western tradition. Just one.

I hope this is a joke

Stopped reading a sentence in. Get the fuck off our board you fucking moron.

Because the democrats are the ones importing them and making excuses for them. Why would they side with the right wing when the right wing does nothing to kiss their ass?

Muslims will create their own party and wreck the democrats if they get the population power to. I live around muslims, none of them are actual progressives, they are just playing the game. Personally, I would side with Muslims if they weren't so adamant about making their religion law. I admire that they are traditional.

Sadly it is no joke... it is the insanity of today's American Liberal Progressive Feminists.


Legitimately great post.

Muslims in the US are richer than white Americans on average.

> intolerant, violent, and opposed to Western values

Bruh, that is the modern Democratic Party.

Reagan made a similar mistake in 1986, thinking amnesty of illegal Hispanic immigrants, which let them vote (legally), would mean more Republicans, as their culture was perceived as conservative, Christian, and family-oriented. That backfired, because economics - gibs - came first. The same in true of blacks, who vote overwhelmingly for free shit stolen from others despite having strong opposition to things like LGBT and other "progressive" causes not specifically related to their own race, like lesser sentences for when they don't get enough stolen shit from the government and decide to get gibs on their own.

That Muslim cultures are considered "conservative" means little more than that they are highly religious. That has nothing to do with the in-group preferences and evolutionary strategies that have led them to be ill-suited for free-market competition, non-aggression, and secular pluralism. This is why retards like Ben Shapiro are wrong in arguing that changes in a nation's racial composition are fine IF the values remain the same. They cannot, and in no instance in history have they, so remained. Putting a gerbil in an aquarium doesn't make him a fish, and bringing a kebab to the West doesn't make him compatible with a society founded and developed almost exclusively on values diametrically opposed to his own culture's.

It has nothing to do with smarts, we just assimilate our Muslims better because we don't go out of our way to change our nation so they can feel more enabled. Muslims aren't a big enough group here to get near the special treatments they get in Europe so our Muslims are much better. America niggers on the other hand are probably a lot like your Muslims because they aren't independent at all and are coddled by the government more than anyone else so they have an entitlement and attitude that everyone owes them something.

and a doff of the fedora to you too, good sirrah

Because democrats support the immigration of subhuman in exchange for votes.

You are asking a group (white males) that commits the highest number of domestic violence against women, thier opinion on Muslims?

>If Muslims are so "intolerant, violent, and go against western values," then why do over 75% of Muslims vote Democrat, and are registered Democrat?
Because Democrats are intolerant, violent, and go against western values.

>voting left supports western values

They could not give less of a shit if westerners do it: they plan on the death and slavery of them all anyway. In fact them doing evil makes muslims feel even more righteous. What voting democrat does for them is reward them with totally open borders, vast islamic immigration, laws that make them a protected class and most importantly of all = free money.

They can accept a few years of evil in exchange for a global caliphate.

>You are asking a group (white males) that commits the highest number of domestic violence against women

I think you mean the group that prosecutes domestic violence against women at higher rates than shitskin nations. In the muslim world beating your wife is completely legal, look at ME.

I love your dishonest arguments, they probably work on retarded people

>You are asking a group (white males) that commits the highest number of domestic violence against women
gave up on the virgin in mom's basement eh

Taqiyya in order to get more of their brotherhood over here.

I just googled alexa pearl's instagram - looks like she is pregnant. Anyone know who the baby daddy is?

>if muslims are so intolerant, violent, and go against western values, why do over 75% of muslims vote for the party that's intolerant, violent, and against western values?