Why the Trans Narrative?

First, the (((satanists))) want to disempower men and empower women, this destabilizes society because as most of you know, civilization was built on masculine left brain logic. The less men are allowed to do and the more women are allowed to do the weaker our social fabric becomes, thus the easier it is to control.

Second layer. This encourages weak men to avoid being men and instead pretend to be women. It is a classic child like response to being on the (((losing))) team, you switch sides to the (((winning))) team. The propaganda at play here is that it is possible for a normal man to actually become a women, which it is not. No tranny is really on "team woman", they simply become fans of the team and emulate the behavior expected of that fan base.

Third, this propaganda infuses young men with the subconscious belief that to be effeminate and desired by men is the ultimate social status, creating an entire generation of girly fuck boys ready for ritual abuse. This is a side goal for (((satanists))). A huge majority of male occultists are gay pedophiles who hate women and view them as inferior. Read about Crowley and all the filth following his golden dawn writings. They are obsessed with the male anus and castration, to the point they actually believe these rituals give them magic powers over demonic energy.

The end goal here is to replace intelligent masculine warrior society with femanine slave society for all, while simultaneously replacing the natural standard of beauty with the (((satanic))) demiurge, a castrated male/female abomination.

It's not just a trend, it's part of the deeper spiritual warfare going on upon all levels around us. Stay strong brothers, stay masculine, live honorably, you're doing God's work.

Other urls found in this thread:







Black "men"

Black ""men""

>white man



Kys faggot

Black "men"



I'm not sure if this is going to get buried by slide, but writing it out is cathartic for me.

What's really being attacked here is not just masculinity, but also true femininity. Think about it.

If all it takes to be a (((woman))) is breasts, lipstick, and whorishness, the true power of women is destroyed. Women, (real women, not perpetually adolescent sluts with a princess complex), but real women who value family and spirituality, they are naturally empathic and great at organization and multi tasking. They are perfect dualistic counterparts to the masculine logic warrior mindset.

By destroying what it means to be a good woman, they are in turn destroying the counterpart to male civilizations success. Without good women, there are no good family units, thus no good chosen, thus there is no future for free society.

I wonder how he got so famous

During Obama's second term it was like someone flipped a switch that put the left into full "KILL WHITEY" mode. The vitriol, shaming, lying, and deconstructing was something I'd never seen before. It really felt like people were doing everything they could to destroy this country.


On the right track.

I noticed that too. Why?

That's a great economic breakdown. Both the spiritual and the physical are being manipulated.

Completely false considering traps value these things more than actual western women.
Its pottery because they cant bear children, yet would be better candidates to raise them.

He continues the conversation to those who replied to him. It get's more interesting:


betabois should become girls :3

>trannys espousing the feminine connection to the divine
Nice blue pill

For a while, it seemed like (((they))) were trying to make polyamory a thing. I saw a few celeb gossip things promoting it. I figured they decided against supporting open relationships because it would help Mormons and Muslims out, while tranny-Ism helps neither.

They come from occult incest families mostly, like the homosexuals. These creepy families are in all social classes, and religions. Masons and Jews appear to be the ones most into this kind of thing. Hollywood, politics, and pro sport is full of them. Many shocking examples.

This is what you get for listening to goats!

And that's the lie. Beta boys should become alpha men, not (((alpha girls))), there's no need for adult girls in society, we need real women.




Who are the people in this image?


Men with honor, standing together, white men.

Do not post images you do not begin to understand.

The symbolism of the Baphomet is more complex than any dolled whores or trannys


>men with honor
>hiding from the public in secret meetings
>seeking to replace moral traditions with satanism
>men with honor
I've read Crowley, I've met freemasons, these people are pedophile scum. The Baphomet is a hodgepodge of hermetic occultistism glorifying homosexuality. The truth will always come to light.



What trump just did is going to piss off A LOT of liberals and they will, in great numbers, try to fight this particular battle.

The trans issue is one of the WORST debate terrains imaginable for the enemy. This could possibly be the straw that breaks the camel's back, so to speak. The worst hill to die on.
The enemy will advance with HIGH and DETERMINED morale but will be armed with the weakest arguments and the weakest defences, making a VAST NUMBER of liberal celebrities and liberals in general vulnerable to DEVASTATING defeats in debate that will CONCLUSIVELY EXPOSE THEM for being ignorant and insane to even normies and casual liberals!

Imagine a vast stone age army of retards charging a well equipped and well located machine gun bunker surrounded by a vast minefield and supported by artillery...
Too weak to take the bunker, too stupid to adapt, too retarded to retreat.

>Key weaknesses:

>Rejecting biological essentialism is a rejection of science which casts doubt on their level of education and the validity of their "post structuralist" arguments.

>Gender implies a belief in sexual stereotypes (lego for boys, dresses for girls etc).

>Gender stereotypes are literally defined by the behavioural trends of biologically defined sexes, thus they secretly believe in bio-essentialism.

>"Transitioning" implies a belief in bio-essentialism too! (if you are already a girl, then why do you need your penis cut off?).

>"born in the wrong body" = implies bio-essentailism and male/female mental inequality.

>The rejection of biological essentialism = women don't exist and thus feminist theory is COMPLETELY invalid.
>There is no "pay gap" because men/women cannot be defined!

>"their brains are different!" = brain differences = different behaviour = human inequality!

>"born that way!" = implies a belief in nature over nurture.


Exploiting these contradictions = THE COMPLETE IDEOLOGICAL DEATH OF THE LEFT!!!

Consider this post carefully guys.

It's time to the nukes fly.

That's the tip of the ice Berg m8. The trans narrative is to push for a dissolving of our identities so we will accept transhumanism and merge with machines. This is one of the main goals of technocracy.

Yes, females tend to be easily manageable in a sociopolitical sense, it's in their nature to conform and adopt mainstream culture without much reluctance. Men, on the other hand, serve as a sort of extended immune system, it's our job to weed out the subversive/degenerate elements and keep our societies healthy, functional. Once masculinity is weakened, eradicated, the wicked, the sick, the perverted takes control and wrecks everything shortly thereafter.

This is a great post.

trans chatroom

Baphomet is a goat headed trap.

>Why the Trans Narrative?

because jews and commies/marxists (aka honorary jews) wanna subvert and destroy the foundations of the western family, culture, and society.

Thank you. I write this having much experience debating the enemy. They were much more difficult in the past, they masked their insanity better and would hide their agendas behind individualism and post-modern scepticism of everything remotely scientific, which is frustrating, to say the least.
Now they wave their contradictions in your face and openly support identity politics (which validates our cause). Their enthusiastic support of this trans cause means that they are doubling down on a battle that they will ultimately lose unless we COMPLETELY fuck up.

Pic related.